The challenges facing universities are well-known, and finding new and innovative ways of teaching and learning has become vital. In an interview with the Hong Kong China News Agency, Professor Jin-Guang Teng, President, emphasised the importance of cultivating future-ready graduates. He stated that the University is committed to equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge, including digital literacy, needed to meet the Nation's demands and societal challenges.


He highlighted the University's excellence in engineering and technology, as well as its leadership in various niche disciplines. He also expressed aspirations for digital transformation in business, the social sciences and the humanities, to cater to the demands of the Artificial Intelligence era.


The President expressed confidence in Hong Kong's strengths and in its unique role in bridging the Mainland and the world. He believes that as long as we fully utilise the advantages conferred by the 'one country, two systems' principle and maximise the benefits of global convergence, Hong Kong undoubtedly has a promising future. PolyU is committed to conducting purpose-driven research that yields tangible benefits for Hong Kong, the Nation and the world.


Full Interview (Chinese only);;