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Recap PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series 220422

PAIR Hosts Its First Distinguished Lecture by Professor Catherine P. Koshland of UC Berkely a Big Success

The PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series was successfully held on 22 April 2022. We are honoured to have renowned scholar Prof. Catherine P. Koshland, Interim Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost at University of California, Berkeley, USA, as the invited speaker.  The webinar attracted over 350 participants from over 10 countries and regions. Honourable participants include: (In alphabetical order) Prof. Chetwyn Chan, Vice President (Research and Development) of The Education University of Hong Kong Prof. Leonard Kwok-hon Cheng, President of Lingnan University Mr Richard Leung, Council Member of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Prof. Paul Poon, Vice Chancellor of CLP Power Academy Prof. James Tang, Secretary-General of University Grants Committee Secretariat Prof. Christian Wagner, Provost of City University of Hong Kong Prof. Wang Wei, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (China) of Edith Cowan University; and Prof. Kwan-Leung Wong, Associate Academic Vice President (Teaching & Learning Development) of Hong Kong Shue Yan University. The webinar was hosted by Professor Qingyan Chen, Director of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR), Chair Professor of Building Thermal Science of Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering at PolyU. He briefed the audience about the establishment of PAIR with the aim to address societal challenges as outlined in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations General Assembly, Agenda 2030. “Universities have traditionally been places where scholars and students delve into individual research topics. Their research has been conducted along disciplinary lines in various faculties and departments, with the aim of expanding knowledge within disciplines. However, this approach cannot meet the needs of today. Thus, PolyU established ten Research Institutes (RIs) and five Research Centres (RCs) under PAIR that aim to generate unique knowledge, develop joint innovative projects, and achieve the SDGs” he explained. Prof. Koshland was then introduced by Professor Jin-Guang Teng, President of PolyU. “I remember that in 2009, when I was the Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Land Use (now, it has been renamed as Faculty of Construction and Environment, FCE), we had invited Prof. Koshland to be the guest of honour in the PolyU 15th Congregation Ceremony. I am very pleased to meet her again today and would like to thank for her great support to PAIR.”   Using UC Berkeley as an exemplar, Prof. Koshland gave us a distinguished lecture on ‘Lighting the Way with Interdisciplinary Research since 1868’.  One of the hallmarks of UC Berkeley has always been engagement of its faculty and students in research and education that expand in cross disciplines, joining on multiple approaches to address major challenges facing the world today, which is also what we are seeking to do at PAIR of PolyU. Moreover, Prof. Koshland shared with us the ways in which individuals and institutions can engage in interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and education and how they can be creatively intertwined.  At the beginning of the webinar, Professor Koshland briefly presented the collaboration of co-authored and published of over 45,000 papers in peer reviewed journals with colleagues at over 6,000 universities and research institutions in the world including PolyU. She then explained why, when and how to establish interdisciplinary academic structures and research collaborations in UC Berkeley. “Obviously, to address a problem, you can’t solve without a diverse team, and no single individual can do that, and again, those efforts require collaborative efforts,” she claimed. She further explained that such interdisciplinary team can develop a powerful tool or method that can address many questions across many disciplines. After that, Prof. Koshland talked about the importance of establishing Organised Research Units, connecting with other world leaders via transformational partnerships and transforming the professoriate to recruit the best minds to define new fields of collaborative research.  UC Berkeley faculty can engage in collaborative, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research through its 50 multidisciplinary institutes and centers, 41 UC Natural Reserve sites, and 7 Research Museums. The University also engages a lot with national laboratories, UC San Francisco and even National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Such transformational partnership with NASA not only enables collaborative research in aeroscience, astrobiology, space and earth sciences, AI for flight systems, etc., but also helps attract new faculty and student talent to the University.  To conclude the lecture, Prof. Koshland gave advice on opening competitions between faculty members which can help identify the best ideas, and top management should lead with faculty ideas and strengths.  It is also important to invest in a sizable and manageable set of initiatives strategically.  A panel discussion session was followed.  The session was moderated by Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Chair Professor of Thermal and Environmental Engineering at PolyU, and joined by two panellists, Prof. Xiang-dong Li, Dean of Faculty of Construction and Environment and Chair Professor of Environmental Science and Technology at PolyU as well as Prof. Yuguo Li, Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty of Engineering and Chair Professor of Building Environment at The University of Hong Kong.  The audience was impressed and inspired by Prof. Koshland and had a fruitful discussion with her in the areas of teaching capacity and compensation of faculty members, key factors of success in interdisciplinary research and education, how can faculty and students overcome the barrier of communication. Please click here for online Review. 


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RCSV-SO 傑出學人講座 「How the Baby Learns to See: Critical Periods Re-visited」圓滿結束


Geneva Expo (1)


未來食品研究院核心成員常金輝博士剛於日內瓦「國際發明展」榮獲銀獎,獲獎項目為 “AkkMore™:以真菌及植物為基礎的抗肥胖或糖尿病前期營養補充劑”。AkkMore™是一種營養補充沖劑,能透過建立健康的腸道菌群來改善飲用者的身體狀況。這種沖劑可以促進人體腸道中的阿卡曼氏菌 (𝘈𝘬𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘢 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘢) 生長,有助減輕代謝失調及降低體重。 請按以下連結觀看項目簡介: (只有英文版本)


Geneva Expo (4)

智能可穿戴系統研究院成員獲獎研究項目:Omni-Cool-Dry™ 靈活調節熱量及濕度的仿皮膚物料

智能可穿戴系統研究院成員壽大華博士開發了一種以沙漠甲蟲皮膚為靈感的布料,能夠做到在動態溫熱情況下全日保持涼爽、乾燥、透氣和舒適。這種獨特的布料能令過多的汗水以水滴形式迅速排走,避免潮濕和飽和的感覺。它還反射太陽輻射,將身體熱能散發到寒冷的宇宙中進行冷卻。與傳統布料相比,𝘖𝘮𝘯𝘪-𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘭-𝘋𝘳𝘺™ 的重量減輕了百分之75,排汗速度提高了 3 倍,並且在大量出汗時減少了 百分之50的黏貼感覺。與商用棉織物相比,人體皮膚的溫度可降低攝氏 5度。這種布料將幫助戶外運動愛好者和運動員發揮最佳表現。醫務人員、建築工人和消防員等專業人士相信也能同樣得到受惠。 請按以下連結觀看項目簡介: (只有英文版本)


NEWS  2000 x 1050 px  1


在人工智能物聯網研究院長曹建農教授和認知計算實驗室主任劉艷博士的指導下,理大電子計算學系博士畢業生陳功博士,開發了為非專業人士而設的結合音樂藝術與人工智能科學課程軟件。用家可以透過人工智能作曲 的體驗式學習,理解人工智能算法。它可以讓人們知道人工智能不僅是一門尖端的技術學科,而是一個有趣而美麗的學科。該軟件剛於日內瓦「國際發明展」榮獲銅獎。 短片:


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深空探測研究中心主任容啟亮教授帶領的精密機器人研究團隊於2022年日內瓦國際發明展上,憑「中國探月工程任務中嫦娥三號及四號著陸器上的相機指向機構系統」項目,榮獲評審團嘉許金獎。理大是香港唯一一所有幸參與國家航天計劃的院校,為國家航天科技積極貢獻。 獲獎項目名為「中國探月任務(嫦娥三號及四號)專用相機指向系統」。該系統安裝於月球著陸器頂端,有助在月球上拍攝全景圖像,及觀察探測器移動,協助為安全移動建立月球地型的精確 3D 模型。該系統設計複雜,僅重 2.8 公斤,但十分堅固,足夠保護鏡頭不受衝擊及震動影響,確保其可以在極端的月球環境下正常運作。 這項發明已完成開發,在中國探月計劃的「嫦娥三號」及「嫦娥四號」任務中,分別成功佈置於月球正面及背面。 請按以下連結觀看項目簡介: (只有英文版本)


Geneva Expo (2)


土地及空間研究院管理委員會成員及理大學者領導初創—恒建創新科技研發有限公司創辦人戴建國教授,及他的研究團隊,研發了一種環保、耐久、自清潔、低成本的聚合物輻射冷卻塗層,在日間 太陽直射的情況下,可將建築物/基礎設施的室內溫度冷卻到比環境溫度低 6°C, 而不消耗任何電力。UmiCool 可以散射太陽光,將吸收的紫外線轉化為熒光發射,並通過紅外輻射 的方式將物體表面的熱釋放到寒冷太空。此項目剛於日內瓦「國際發明展」榮獲金獎。  請按以下連結觀看項目簡介: (只有英文版本)


website  Important Progress in Efficient and Scalable MoistureElectric Generators made from Ionic Hy


在全球資源短缺和碳中和的高度需求下,尋找簡單高效的綠色能源轉換技術,實現能源和社會的可持續發展具有重大意義。濕氣發電機利用大氣環境濕氣中的能量直接產生電能,沒有污染物的產生和有害氣體的排放,是能源領域的一個新興的研究熱點。然而目前大多數的濕氣發電機輸出間歇性的電信號和低電流阻礙了實際應用。另外,實現大規模集成和應用依舊是目前研究的瓶頸。 為了解決這些問題,智能可穿戴系統研究院院長陶肖明教授研究團隊開發了一種凝膠型的濕氣發電機 (ionic hydrogel moisture-electric generator, IHMEG),能夠高效收集空氣中的水汽直接轉換成電能,實現了高效的電流密度和能量產出。這種新型的離子凝膠濕氣發電機不僅可以穩定輸出直流電壓0.8 V超過1000小時,還能產出高電流密度(0.24 mA·cm-2) 和突出的輸出功率密度(W·cm-2)。更重要的是該IHMEG設備能大規模的集成獲得210V的電能輸出,並成功的為許多微電子設備供電,包括電子墨水屏,金屬電沉積裝置,甚至發光二極體陣列。這種凝膠型的濕氣發電機製備工藝簡單,價格便宜,可實現柔性集成,在物聯網(Internet of things, IoT)和自供電的可穿戴電子系統等領域具有巨大的應用前景。相關工作以“Ionic Hydrogel for Efficient and Scalable Moisture-Electric Generation”為題發表在最新一期的《Advanced Materials》(。文章第一作者是博士畢業生楊素。


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RiFood's study reveals Bifidobacteria almost non-existent in cesarean-born Chinese babies

A research by Dr Jiachi CHIOU, Associate Director of RiFood has revealed that Bifidobacteria, a probiotic, was nearly non-existent in the gut of babies born by cesarean section (C-section). Bifidobacteria is viewed as an essential probiotic for proper immune development and good gut health among infants which protects the neonates from various intestinal and immunity disorders. Dr Chiou and her research team examined 70 fecal samples of newborn babies after their first 2 weeks of life for the study. They found that the Bifidobacterium species almost did not exist in samples from C-section babies. In comparison, 37 fecal samples from vaginally birthed, breastfed babies had the necessary probiotic levels. While previous study suggested that Bifidobacteria could be detected from the breastmilk, and hence breastfeeding may help to supplement the beneficial bacteria in the baby’s gut microbiota. Dr. Chiou also said 38% of births in Hong Kong are C-section deliveries, so it is crucial to understand the special nutrition needs of C-section babies. (Oriental Daily News A11, am730 A06, Sky Post P14, Wen Wei Po A10) * This newborn babies study was commissioned by Danone Nutricia. Online coverage : i-Cable - Oriental Daily News- Sing Tao Daily - am730 - Headline Daily - Wen Wei Po - HK01 - Bastille Post -


website - 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (1)


香港理工大學(理大)在本年瑞士日內瓦「國際發明展」網上特別版 “Special Edition 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days – Virtual Event”(發明展)再創斐然佳績,共摘下 1 個評審團嘉許金獎、1 個金獎、3 個銀獎及 1 個銅獎。這6項科研項目均與PAIR轄下的研究院及研究中心有關,實在可喜可賀!日內瓦國際發明展是世界上同類活動當中最重要的項目之一。 本年參與發明展的六個項目中,四個項目的研發成果已由理大的初創公司商品化。理大亦致力為國家發展貢獻科研力量,作為香港唯一一個參與中國航天計劃的院校,由深空探測研究中心主任容啟亮教授帶領的團隊,積極發揮精密工程的專長,為國家航天任務研製相關儀器。此外,理大亦以科研改善人類生活質素,是次參展的致冷塗料、環保建材、智慧布料、營養補充劑及音樂教育平台項目,正是當中代表。 理大本年獲獎的 6 項科研項目如下。有關各項目詳情,請瀏覧理大知識轉移及創業處網頁 ): 項目 得獎者 獎項 研究院/研究中心 中國探月任務(嫦娥三號及四號)專用相機指向系統 容啟亮教授 理大鍾士元爵士精密工程教授、深空探測研究中心主任、 精密工程講座教授及工業及系統工程學系副系主任 評審團嘉許金獎 深空探測研究中心   UmiCool環保智能亞環境幅射致冷(SSRC)塗料 戴建國教授 理大土木及環境工程學系教授及副系主任、理大學者領導初創—恒建創新科技研發有限公司創辦人 金獎 土地及空間研究院 負碳氣候智能生物炭隔牆磚 曾超華教授 理大土木及環境工程學系教授、理大學者領導初創—NeutralCrete Limited創辦人 銀獎 土地及空間研究院及碳中和資源工程研究中心 Omni-Cool-Dry™ 靈活調節熱量及濕度的仿皮膚物料 壽大華博士 理大紡織及服裝學系助理教授 銀獎 智能可穿戴系統研究院 AkkMore™:以真菌及植物為基礎的抗肥胖或糖尿病前期營養補充劑 常金輝博士 理大應用生物及化學科技學系助理教授(研究)、理大大灣區博士後初創及理大學者領導初創—寶力安生物科技有限公司聯合創辦人 銀獎 未來食品研究院 普及人工智能教育的算法作曲軟件 陳功博士 理大大灣區博士後初創—智子人工智能教育(深圳)有限公司創辦人、理大電子計算學系博士畢業生 銅獎 人工智能物聯網研究院


