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Delegation Visit of Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Hong Kong to PolyU



Mrs Stefanie SEEDIG, Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Hong Kong (2nd from left), Ms. Iris CHENG, Press and Cultural Section at the Consulate (1st from left), Prof. TENG Jin-guang, President (center), Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) (3rd from right), Prof. Geoffrey SHEN, Associate Vice President (Global Partnerships) (2nd from left), Prof. Christina WONG, Director of Research and Innovation (2nd from right) and Mr. Victor ZHAO, Assistant Director of Research and Innovation Office (1st from right).

Souvenirs exchange between Prof. TENG Jin-guang and Consul General Mrs Stefanie SEEDIG

Guided tour for the Consul General to the Pao Yue-kong Library

On 9 December 2022, the German Consulate General Hong Kong Mrs Stefanie SEEDIG visited PolyU in the exploration of future collaborations opportunities. Warmly welcomed by Prof. TENG Jin-guang, President, Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation), Prof. Geoffrey SHEN, Associate Vice President (Global Partnerships), Prof. Christina WONG, Director of Research and Innovation and Mr. Victor ZHAO, Assistant Director of Research and Innovation Office, a fruitful discussion was conducted at the council chamber.

Prof. Geoffrey Shen, presented an overlook of the PolyU vision, strategic goals and dedications on researches that address societal challenges, followed by an in-depth exploration amongst senior management and the Consul General Mrs. Seedig on academic and industrial collaboration opportunities between Hong Kong and Germany.

The Consul General was then invited to a guided tour in the Pao Yue-kong Library to experience the academic atmosphere and to visit various facilities inside the library.

