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PolyU Students Won the Champion and Bronze Medal Prizes in Huawei ICT Competition 2023-2024

PolyU student teams achieved outstanding results in Huawei ICT Competition 2023-2024. The PolyU’s PCG team is the Champion in Cloud Track Competition for their exceptional multidisciplinary knowledge, outstanding performance, and strong teamwork. The PolyU’s Zzz team and PolyEngineer team are also awarded Bronze Medal Prize in Cloud Track Competition and Computing Track Competition respectively. The competition aims to promote the healthy development of the ICT talent ecosystem and support the integration of industry and education. This year, the content of the competition includes cloud track and IT technologies such as big data, storage and AI, thus to enhance students' ICT knowledge and practical skills, and leverage new technologies as well as platforms effectively and foster their ability to innovate. The Competition is supported by 11 tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, with nearly 900 students participating. The Award Ceremony of Huawei ICT Competition 2023-2024 was held on 2 Dec 2023 at the AwDerard Ceremony. Local winning teams will be recommended to join the APAC regional competition. Congratulations to our students’ excellent performance. Cloud Track Competition Champion team: PCG Team members: Fang Jifei, Xiang Muze, Nurdaulet Nazarbay (Students from Department of Geomatics, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Physics with Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics) Instructor: Dr Cao Mingpei , Department of Computing Bronze Medal Prize team: Zzz Team members: Chow Chun Wang, Zheng Zi Jiang, and Zhou Zi Jie (Students from Department of Data Science and Analytics, and Department of Electronic and Information Engineering) Instructor: Dr Lawrence Chi-Chung CHEUNG , Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering Computing Track Competition Bronze Medal Prize team: PolyEngineer Team members: Zhe XIAO, XU ZHUONING, and YU Jiale (Students from Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, and Department of Mechanical Engineering) Instructor: Dr Lawrence Chi-Chung CHEUNG, Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering

4 Dec, 2023

Awards and Achievements

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PolyU young scholar receives SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award

Young scholars at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) continue to shine in international awards for research excellence. Dr Pai ZHENG, Wong Tit Shing Young Scholar in Smart Robotics, Assistant Professor of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at PolyU, has been honoured with the prestigious SME (the Society of Manufacturing Engineers) Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award in the class of 2024.  SME was founded in 1932 as a nonprofit organisation dedicated to the advancement of manufacturing. Since 1980, the SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award has recognised manufacturing engineers, age 35 or younger, who have made exceptional contributions and accomplishments in the manufacturing industry. Dr ZHENG expressed his profound honour to be the fourth Chinese scholar working outside North America to receive this prestigious award and said, "I will continue to dedicate myself to the research and development of intelligent human-machine collaborative manufacturing systems, providing innovative and practical solutions for the ever-changing needs of the manufacturing industry." Dr ZHENG’s research is in the frontier of robotics in smart manufacturing and robotics systems field, including human-robot collaboration, smart product-service systems, and engineering design informatics. The advanced research results he developed have been patented as inventions, and the associated software has been licensed for successful translation into practical applications. Mutual-cognitive human-robot collaboration (HRC) system One of Dr ZHENG’s core technical achievements is a mutual-cognitive human-robot collaboration (HRC) system, including multimodal holistic scene perception, visual-language model-based cognition, and self-learning control strategies. This invention has won seven international/domestic innovation and entrepreneurship competition awards. The efficacy of the prototype system was evaluated in the lab environment and EVB disassembly process by the industrial partner in Changsha, China. Cognitive predictive maintenance solutions for industrial complex equipment By leveraging the cutting-edge industrial internet-of-things (IoT) architecture and information communication technology, Dr ZHENG has developed a set of graph-based smart maintenance methodologies for complex equipment based on industrial big data, overcoming the bottlenecks of the high maintenance cost, long cycle time, and dependence on human expertise for complex equipment maintenance. The efficacy of the developed AI solution has been partially demonstrated in an oil drilling platform in Chengdu, China, together with the industrial partner, Beijing Aerospace Data Stock Company. In addition to his significant contribution to the industry, he is committed to nurturing the next generation of talent. He has led his student teams to excel in many major competitions, including the winner of the 21st Asia-Pacific Information and Communications Technology Alliance (Student-Tertiary Technology), Gold Award of the 8th China International College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and Grand Award of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022 – Student Innovation Award. Dr ZHENG is also the winner of the PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award (YIRA) 2023.   

1 Dec, 2023

Awards and Achievements


Three PolyU projects receive top NSFC/RGC Collaborative Research Scheme funding and four projects supported by Joint Research Scheme

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has secured funding support for three projects under the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Research Grants Council (NSFC/RGC)’s Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS) 2023/24 Exercise. This accomplishment demonstrates the University’s research excellence in larger-scale scientific and technological projects. The three CRS projects received total funding of HK$10.5 million, leading the way among local education institutions in terms of the number of funded projects and the amount of funding granted. The research projects, all with a duration of four years, aim to promote interdisciplinary collaboration between universities in Mainland China and Hong Kong. They propose ground-breaking solutions for advancing information technology, management and environmental science. Led by Prof. Jiannong CAO, Dean of the Graduate School, Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Professor in Data Science, and Chair Professor of Distributed and Mobile Computing, the project “Efficient Scheduling of Integrated Cloud-Edge-End Computing Power for AI-enabled Applications” has received funding of HK$3.6 million. It proposes a systematic framework for the management and scheduling of integrated-cloud-edge-end computing power to support resource-hungry and latency-sensitive AI-empowered applications, contributing to the construction of the national computer power network. Prof. Geoffrey Q.P. SHEN, Associate Vice President (Global Partnerships), Director of Global Engagement and Chair Professor of Construction Management, leads the project “The Mechanism and Policy Optimisation of Multi-stakeholder Cross-regional Collaboration in the Construction Industry of the GBA”, also with a grant of HK$3.6 million. It aims to investigate mechanisms of cross-regional collaboration among stakeholders under ‘One Country, Two Systems’ and the influence mechanisms of collaboration behaviour on the performance of collaboration in the construction industry of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) so as to simulate and provide proposals for facilitating the development of relevant cooperation policies. Led by Prof. Songye ZHU, Associate Head and Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the project “Develop Next-generation Typhoon-resistant Deep-sea Offshore Floating Hybrid Wind-wave Energy Converters: From Coupling Load Mechanism to Vibration Migration Technology” has been granted HK$3.3 million. It proposes systematic investigations to advance the development of typhoon-resistant floating hybrid offshore wind-wave energy converters, which hold great promise as a renewable energy source. Professor Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation), said, “We are delighted and proud to have secured funding support from NSFC and RGC for promoting multidisciplinary collaborations with universities in Mainland China and Hong Kong. PolyU has received the largest number of approved projects and the highest level of funding among institutions in Hong Kong. This significant achievement reflects our research excellence in the fields of information technology, management and environmental science. It also reaffirms our position as a research powerhouse and a leading institution dedicated to driving scientific and technological advancements. PolyU will continue to champion innovation, collaboration and excellence in research, aiming to make a signature impact on the global stage.” Under the Joint Research Scheme (JRS) of the NSFC/RGC, four PolyU projects have received total funding support of HK$4.8 million for a duration of four years. The projects cover topics in life science, new materials science and sustainable city development. The four funded projects are “Novel SNARE Complexes of Autophagosome-lysosome Fusion: Mechanistic Study and Strategy for Modulation” led Prof. Yanxiang ZHAO, Associate Head and Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology; “A New Paradigm for Designing and Manufacturing of 4D Printed Reconfigurable Lattice Structures for Tunable Broadband Vibration Suppression” led by Prof. Li CHENG, Associate Dean of Research (ENG) and Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering; “Mastering the Synergy Between High-voltage Cathode and Electrolyte to Build Robust Interfaces for Advanced Potassium-ion Battery” led by Dr Biao ZHANG, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Physics; and “Recycling Construction Waste in Highway Embankments towards Sustainable Development of City Clusters: Geotechnical Assessment Considering Multi-physics Coupling Effects” led by Dr Chao ZHOU, Tsui Tack Kong Young Scholar in Civil Engineering and Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The NSFC/RGC supports research projects jointly proposed by Mainland China and Hong Kong researchers on the basis of their scientific merit. The CRS, which was newly introduced in 2022/23, aims to support larger-scale collaborative research across disciplines and/or across universities in the Mainland and Hong Kong with a view to enhancing research output and impact. The grant for each Hong Kong applicant is limited to HK$3.6 million. The JRS promotes collaboration between researchers in the Mainland and Hong Kong for their complementary strengths. The amount of funding for Hong Kong applicants is limited to HK$1.25 million. For further information of these PolyU funded projects, please refer to the appendix.

30 Nov, 2023

Awards and Achievements


PolyU and HKSI establish joint research centre for advancing sports and technology development

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the establishment of the “PolyU–HKSI Research Centre” (the Centre) to drive research in the field of elite sports, promote the development of sports science and technology, and help Hong Kong athletes reach their full potential and achieve greater success. This strategic partnership will foster a closer collaboration between the PolyU and HKSI. Together, the two institutions will share resources and advance research in sports science and technology development. The Centre will connect PolyU researchers with sports organisations to form an expert team comprising academics, technologists, sports professionals and technical analysts. This team will conduct cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and develop joint proposals for large-scale projects. Witnessed by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President as well as HKSI representatives including Mr Tony CHOI, Chief Executive Designate and Dr Raymond SO, Director of Elite Training Science & Technology, Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Dr Trisha LEAHY, Chief Executive of HKSI, signed the MoU to officially establish the “PolyU–HKSI Research Centre” Prof. Jin Guang Teng said, “PolyU has been a strong supporter of sports development. We launched the ‘Outstanding Sportsmen Recommendation Scheme’ in 1998, and have partnered with the Hong Kong Sports Institute on the ‘Elite Athletes Study Programme’ since 2017 to encourage elite athletes to study undergraduate programmes at PolyU. The establishment of the Research Centre signifies the commitment of both parties to making greater contributions to promoting the development of sports.” Dr Trisha Leahy said, “The HKSI is committed to supporting athletes’ performance through the development and utilisation of novel sports technologies. We look forward to working closely with PolyU and seeing Hong Kong athletes scale new heights.” The Centre will be jointly operated by RISports and the HKSI under the leadership of the inaugural Centre Coordinators, Prof. Zhang Ming from PolyU and Dr Raymond So from the HKSI. It will serve as a platform for research innovation, knowledge exchange and technology transfer in the realm of elite sports. RISports was established in June 2022 to address emerging societal needs in sports research and technology. It brings together multi-disciplinary experts from the PolyU and around the world to deliver advanced scientific solutions for the field of sports.  

28 Nov, 2023



Inauguration of the PolyU Research Centre for Assistive Technology to foster research collaboration with local and international partners

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has inaugurated the Research Centre for Assistive Technology (RCATech) to support people with disabilities and the elderly in the field of assistive devices design and technology, as well as rehabilitation research and development, with the aim of creating an inclusive and accessible society. In addition, RCATech has entered into collaborative agreements with international research institutes and local industry partners in pursuit of its mission. As the first research centre for assistive technology among Hong Kong educational institutions, RCATech has partnered with local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and international educational institutions to advance multidisciplinary research and promote technology transformation for the benefit of industry and society more broadly. In Hong Kong, RCATech collaborates with five local NGOs: The Hong Kong Society for the Aged, Innovation Hub, Elderly Resources Centre of Hong Kong Housing Society, Hong Kong PHAB Association, SAHK and Association for Engineering and Medical Volunteer Services. Additionally, it partners with two international research centres, namely the AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence at the University of Toronto, in Canada and the Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. It is also honoured to have Prof. Frank CHAN Fan, the former Secretary for Transport and Housing of the HKSAR government and the current Hong Kong’s Deputy to the National People’s Congress, as Honorary Advisor. RCATech directly engages with rehabilitation and healthcare professionals, engineers and designers to optimise research applications and generate impactful outcomes. The inauguration ceremony was held at PolyU campus on 20 November. During the ceremony, collaborative agreements were signed with international educational institutions and industry partners to strengthen RCATech's research platform and assistive technology development. Witnessed by Prof. Zuankai WANG, Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Prof. David SHUM, Dean of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (FHSS), and Ms Milie NG, Senior Project Manager, Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the Master Research Collaboration Agreement was signed by Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation), PolyU and Prof. Wei Tech ANG, Executive Director, RRIS, NTU. RCATech and RRIS at NTU signed an agreement for master research collaboration and project cooperation to advance rehabilitation research. One notable example is a feasibility study for the development of a normative ability database for individuals of Asian ethnicity with movement disorders and their healthy counterparts. Prof. Zuankai Wang said in the welcoming remarks, “RCATech and our partners share a strong desire to pursue collaborative research and development activities in rehabilitation. The inauguration of RCATech signifies a significant milestone in the collaborative efforts among academics, industry and professionals working on assistive technology to foster an inclusive and accessible society.” Prof. Wei Tech Ang said, “RRIS’ and RCATech’s joint efforts, exemplified by projects such as establishing the ability movement database, underscore our commitment to harnessing the latest technologies and patient data to enhance the lives of those in need. As we embark on this journey together, I am confident that RCATech, with its multidisciplinary approach and international co-operations, will continue to be a beacon in the pursuit of excellence in assistive technology, fostering inclusivity and accessibility for all.” Additionally, PolyU Faculty of Health and Social Sciences has formed a partnership with HKT to provide support to the research projects conducted by FHSS academics, researchers and students on the PolyU campus leveraging HKT’s 5G network coverage and services. The cooperation also includes collaborative research activities aimed at benefiting the healthcare industry. Prof. David Shum said, “PolyU distinguishes itself by being the first university in Hong Kong to establish a dedicated research centre for assistive technology. This distinction arises from the University’s unique combination of disciplines – rehabilitation, health sciences, design, environmental studies and engineering – working alongside the PolyU Industrial Centre. Together, we will strive to develop cutting-edge devices, systems and research projects that will not only lead the field in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region, but also have a positive impact on society.” Prof. Frank CHAN Fan, Honorary Advisor of RCATech, said, “Assistive Technology is now recognised as a life changer. With the establishment of the Research Centre for Assistive Technology, PolyU is poised to become the epicentre in the search for excellence in rehabilitation sciences and assistive technology My warmest congratulations to all those who have made it happen and make a difference, and thank you for everything you have done.” About RCATech RCATech leverages PolyU’s research excellence and academic heritage in the rehabilitation, health sciences, design, environmental and engineering disciples to develop fundamental technologies and intelligent applications. The Centre comprises researchers from the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, School of Design, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Construction and Environment, Industrial Centre and Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation.

27 Nov, 2023


Selected_MH news

PolyU scholar bestowed a Medal of Honour for contributions to engineering in HK

Prof. Kwok-fai Chung, Director of Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (Hong Kong Branch) and Professor in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), has been bestowed a Medal of Honour which was presented by Mr. John Lee, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the Government House on 25 November for his exemplary contribution to engineering in Hong Kong. Prof. Chung has successfully conducted research and technology transfer on high strength S690 steel structures. The high strength S690 steel is applicable in long span foot bridges and roof structures, highways noise closure, steel piles supporting heavily loaded structures, and supporting members in road bridges. This construction technology achieves significant savings in construction materials and time, manpower demand, and carbon footprints. Prof. Chung was also honored with the "National Award for Excellence in Innovation" and "The HKIE Grand Award 2023 - Grand Prize on Innovative Application" for his significant contributions to the field of engineering.

25 Nov, 2023

Awards and Achievements


Innovation to Stimulate Cutting-Edge Science

Unwavering perseverance drives scientists to achieve groundbreaking discoveries, inspiring further advancement in frontier research. Prof. LI Gang, Chair Professor of Energy Conversion Technology and Sir Sze-Yuen Chung Endowed Professor in Renewable Energy at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has contributed to research in polymer solar cells.  His pioneering contributions to research in this field have brought sustainable influence on printable solar energy development with global recognition. Prof. LI said, “Being recognised on a global level is a great honour that I deeply value. This always encourages me to continuously pursue excellency in scientific research.”  Silicon-based solar cells have become ubiquitous, but their high production cost and lack of flexibility present limitations. “Plastic” photovoltaics based on organic polymers — or organic photovoltaics (OPV) — are a promising alternative with potential for cheap fabrication as thin flexible films.   Pioneering breakthroughs In the early 2000s when interest in organic photovoltaics was starting to pick up, the field was essentially 50 years behind silicon. “Silicon is of course a great success,” said Prof. LI, who previously studied condensed matter physics before the research on OPVs. “But OPVs were always interesting because of their versatility — they can be transparent, flexible and portable, and so could be used in many different applications, such as on windows and in buildings.” When Prof. LI started research on OPVs, silicon-based cells had already reached energy conversion efficiencies of 20% or more, while researchers in the OPV field were still grappling with basic polymer morphology and fabrication challenges at efficiencies of just a few percent. “It was then that we made the first major breakthrough, developing a replicable structure and fabrication process, and setting the standard for performance testing and efficiency, hitting a record 4.4% at the time,” said Prof. LI. His landmark 2005 paper published in Nature Materials1 enshrined OPVs as a standalone field of research and became the go-to reference and benchmark for others to follow, remaining in the journal’s top-10 cited papers for more than a decade. Prof. LI said, “Since 2005, my pioneering and ongoing research contributions in organic solar cells have had a profound influence on the rising and development of this dynamic frontier science field, inspiring younger generations of researchers globally.” Building on that research, Prof. LI led a startup aiming to scale-up to commercial production of these “first-generation” OPVs. “There is a very tight interplay between science and application, and the fabrication side is very important from a scalability perspective,” said Prof. LI. “However, we remained puzzled as to why the energy-conversion efficiency was so low. We could make a sub-micrometre-thin OPV film using inexpensive solution-based processing methods, but without higher efficiency, the technology was never going to be competitive.”   Far-Reaching Impacts Prof. LI then began work on the next generation of OPVs, exploring mixtures of different organic polymers as “co-polymer” systems, which required a completely different molecular design and fabrication approach. “With this approach we were eventually able to start breaking efficiency records for OPVs on a regular basis,” he said. “The next major step change came with the development of “non-fullerene acceptor” technology, which has finally lifted the performance of OPVs to levels competitive with silicon.” Fullerenes, soccer-ball-shaped molecules built of carbon atoms, had been part of the OPV landscape since the beginning, being the only viable “acceptor” molecules that could collect the light-excited electrons to create an electrical current. However, fullerenes only work over a very limited range of electron energies, which imposed tight restrictions on the efficiency of OPV cells. The discovery of non-fullerene molecular systems that can be tuned over a wide range of energies has now opened the door to a new world of material options and has brought renewed acceleration in efficiency increases. “Our review paper in Nature Photonics4 on OPVs using non-fullerene acceptors has become the second highest cited paper published in the journal since 2018, and we have just recently reported a new efficiency record for a binary system of 19.3% in Nature Communication6,” said Prof. LI. “By further evolving the materials and reducing losses via device engineering, we believe we are well on the way to 25%, which will put the efficiency on par with silicon, and really support the commercialisation of OPVs.” “Scientific research is a journey, with ups and downs, and happy and hard times,” said Prof. LI. “But passion and perseverance can lead to amazing success, and to the reward of seeing your research being linked to applications.”   This article is excerpted from the feature published by Nature Portfolio. Reference: Research Interests: Organic Semiconductor, Perovskite based Optoelectronic and Energy Devices, Solar Cells, LEDs, Photodetectors  Highly Cited Researcher: 2014 - 2023 (Clarivate Analytics) Selected Highly Cited Publications: G. Li, V. Shrotriya, J. Huang, Y. Yao, et. al., High-efficiency solution processable polymer photovoltaic cells by self-organization of polymer blends, Nature Materials, 4, 864-868, 2005. G. Li, Y. Liang, Z. Xu, J. Xia, et. al., For the Bright Future—Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells with Power Conversion Efficiency of 7.4%, Advanced Materials, vol 22, issue 20, 2010. G. Li, H. Chen, J. Hou, S. Zhang, et. al., Polymer solar cells with enhanced open-circuit voltage and efficiency, Nature Photonics, 3, 649-653, 2009. G. Li, P. Cheng, X. Zhan, Y. Yang, et. al., Next-generation organic photovoltaics based on non-fullerene acceptors, Nature Photonics, 12, 131-142, 2018.  G. Li, X. Liu, Z. Zhong, R. Zhu, et. al., Aperiodic band-pass electrode enables record-performance transparent organic photovoltaics, Joule, 6, 1918-1930, 2022. G. Li, J. Fu, WK Fong, H. Liu, et. al., 19.31% binary organic solar cell and low non-radiative recombination enabled by non-monotonic intermediate state transition, Nature Communications, 14, 1760, 2023. Download Version

24 Nov, 2023

Research and Innovation


PolyU scholar shares research partnerships’ role in achieving SDGs at the Going Global 2023 conference

Since 2004, the British Council’s Going Global conference has provided a strategic forum for leaders in international education to connect, share knowledge and build a global network of senior leaders and policy influencers, shaping the future of further and higher education. This year, the conference was held in Edinburgh, UK, from 20 - 23 November 2023. International research partnerships play a huge role in addressing the global challenges and in achieving the UN’s sustainability development goals (SDGs). Prof. Christina Wong, Director of Research and Innovation of PolyU was invited to share her views during the session discussion on “Can we build new models of collaborative research partnerships to achieve the SDGs”. The discussion provided detailed insights on Hong Kong’s current international research partnerships in supporting the achievement of the SDGs and highlighted main challenges in delivering these goals by 2030. Prof. Wong also shared the important of SDGs to universities in Hong Kong with the audience consisting of senior policy and decision makers from governments, ministries and higher education institutions.

22 Nov, 2023



15 PolyU academics recognised amongst world’s most highly cited researchers; PolyU ranked third in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has the third highest number of the world’s most highly cited researchers in Hong Kong this year, with 15 PolyU academics (including two former PolyU scholars) being recognised in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2023” by Clarivate Analytics for their significant research impact, as reflected in their publication of multiple papers that have been frequently cited by fellow academics. A total of 6,849 researchers from 67 countries and regions from a diverse range of research fields are named as Highly Cited Researchers in 2023. The list identifies the most influential scholars from around the world, determined by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science citation index over the last 11 years. The inclusion of 15 PolyU academics in the list is a testament to the University’s pursuit of research excellence and commitment to positive societal impact on various fronts. PolyU researchers featured in the list are as follows (in alphabetical order):   Category Name Title and Department Cross-Field Prof. Daniel S.P. LAU Chair Professor of the Department of Applied Physics Prof. LI Gang Chair Professor of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Prof. Kian Ping LOH Chair Professor of the Department of Applied Physics Dr MA Ruijie Postdoctoral Fellow of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Prof. Geoffrey Q. P. SHEN Associate Vice President (Global Partnerships) and Chair Professor of the Department of Building and Real Estate Prof. WANG Zuankai Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Chair Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Prof. Tom Tao WU Chair Professor of the Department of Applied Physics Prof. YAN Feng Chair Professor of the Department of Applied Physics Dr Iris YU Ka-ming Former Research Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology Dr ZHANG Xiao Assistant Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Engineering Prof. YAN Jinyue Jerry Chair Professor of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering Prof. ZHANG Lei John Chair Professor of the Department of Computing Chemistry Dr HUANG Bolong Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology Computer Science Dr GUO Song Former Professor of the Department of Computing Social Science Prof. LAW Rob Honorary Professor of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management

22 Nov, 2023

Awards and Achievements


PolyU researcher develops novel selenium nanoparticles for managing postmenopausal osteoporosis

As the aging population around the world grows, metabolic diseases like osteoporosis are becoming more prevalent and placing a greater burden on healthcare systems. Rising to this challenge, a research team led by Prof. WONG Ka-hing, Director of the Research Institute for Future Food and Professor of the Department of Food Science and Nutritionat The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), has developed novel selenium nanoparticles (Cs4-SeNPs) for managing postmenopausal osteoporosis. The latest research findings were recently published inJournal of Functional Foods. This patented nanotechnology has also gained wide recognition, leading to various national and international awards, including the Ministry of Education’s Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) 2020: Second-Class Award in Technological Innovation. Selenium (Se) is an essential trace mineral for human health, playing important roles in many physiological functions. In the past decades, substantial evidence has demonstrated that Se deficiency is detrimental to bone microarchitecture and is associated with osteoporosis, suggesting its crucial role in bone metabolism. Recently, selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) have become a new target of research, since they were found to possess remarkable bioactivity and lower toxicity compared to selenocompounds commonly found in foods. However, scientific research concerning their effects on bone health is currently very limited. Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. is a medicinal fungus which has been long used as a tonic and therapeutic agent. By using polysaccharide–protein complexes (PSPs) isolated from the C. sinensis mycelium (Cs4) and a previously patented nanotechnology, the research team has recently prepared novel selenium nanoparticles with a uniform structure and high stability (Cs4-SeNPs). In experiments using pre-osteoblast murine MC3T3-E1 cells, the research team demonstrated that Cs4-SeNPs were taken up rapidly and efficiently by the cells. Treatment with Cs4-SeNPs (10µM) increased proliferation of the MC3T3-E1 cells and promoted their differentiation to mature osteoblasts. Enhancement of bone mineralization of the MC3T3-E1 cells was also observed, indicating the promoting effect of Cs4-SeNPs on new bone formation. Further investigation of their action mechanism revealed that Cs4-SeNPs induced the production of physiological levels of reactive oxygen species to trigger osteoblast differentiation. Interestingly, comparison of these effects with those of common selenocompounds found that only Cs4-SeNPs showed significant osteogenic activity, and it was less toxic to the cells. More importantly, Cs4-SeNPs (25-500μg/kg BW/day) exhibited promising in vivo bone protective efficacy against OVX-induced osteoporosis by promoting bone formation, inhibiting bone resorption, and improving bone microarchitecture after oral gavage for 6 weeks. The team is currently working with local industry partners to bring the resulting health food products to market. Prof. Wong said, “The novel nano-mineral Cs4-SeNPs has a wide spectrum of health promotion and disease prevention applications, not just for postmenopausal osteoporosis management. Apart from developing a high-quality, safe and evidence-based bone protective agent to improve the quality of life of postmenopausal osteoporosis patients, our team is now investigating the effects of Cs4-SeNPs on treating Parkinson’s disease and more. We hope to tap into its potential biomedical value through interdisciplinary collaboration, thus further promoting research and applications in related fields.”

16 Nov, 2023

Research and Innovation

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