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Finland 100 – PolyU Innovation and Technology Development Lecture

Initiated by Innovation and Technology Development Office (ITDO), PolyU will cooperate with Consulate General of Finland to organize The Finland 100 – PolyU Innovation and Technology Development Lecture Series, aiming to promote technology innovation and mutual collaboration in various areas with Finland. Jointly organized by ITDO and the Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation), experts from Finland will share the country’s funding scheme for innovation and technology support; their latest innovation and technology development on healthcare and health tech, start-up in gaming and digital innovation and food safety in the lecture series.   The Finland 100 –PolyU lecture series will include February 16: Change – Boosting Innovation in the Digital Era Mr. Pekka Soini, Director General of TEKES March 9: Finnish Innovations in Healthcare and Health Technologies Mr. Anssi Pulkkinen, Director of Wellbeing and Health, TEKES April 21: Finnish Start-up Ecosystem, Digital and Gaming Innovations Mr. Peter Vesterbacka former Chairman of Rovio; Mr. Antti Saarnio, Chairman of Jolla May 9: Finland Innovation for Food and Food Safety Technology Ms. Jaana Husu-Kallio, The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland

16 Feb, 2017


Meeting with delegates from the School of Food Science and Technology at Jiangnan University

Innovation and Technology Development Office (ITDO) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) received an official delegation from the Jiangnan University, and coordinated a meeting with representatives from the Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology of the PolyU. The School of Food Science and Technology at Jiangnan University is the leading food science & technology program in Mainland China; while the PolyU is the leading research institute in food science and safety in Hong Kong. Both universities expressed a devoted enthusiasm in further exploring collaboration opportunities on food-related research, as well as to explore opportunities to facilitate knowledge transfer to the Mainland China.   To view the snapshots of the Meeting, please visit here.

10 Dec, 2016



PolyU and Huawei jointly set up the first laboratory in optical communications and advanced computing systems in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is proud to unveil the plaque today (30 November) for the "PolyU-Huawei Joint Laboratory for Optical Interconnection Network and Advanced Computing System" (Joint Lab). This is the first joint laboratory of high-capacity optical communications and advanced computing systems in Hong Kong, fostering PolyU's continuous partnership with Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (Huawei).   The plaque unveiling ceremony was officiated by Ir Professor Alex Wai, Vice President (Research Development), PolyU and Mr. Jun Zha, President, Central Research Institute of Huawei.   Through the Joint Lab, PolyU and Huawei will work on researches relating to high-capacity optical communication systems including long-haul and short-reach data center transmission systems, computer networks and systems, and big data computing. It aims to pioneer the research in the field of optical communication systems and advanced computing systems by leveraging synergy of the industry and the university. It targets at bolstering significantly the capacity of internet systems through technological breakthroughs, as well as developing system infrastructure and algorithmic solutions for computing-driven innovation.   "The PolyU-Huawei Joint Lab for Optical Interconnection Network and Advanced Computing System was established to combine PolyU's strength in applying technological innovation and Huawei's leadership in the industry with an objective to develop high-capacity optical communication systems. It will enable a breakthrough in high-impact data technology to increase internet traffic significantly," said Professor Wai at the ceremony.   PolyU's collaboration with Huawei has commenced since 2007. Their joint efforts have contributed to the establishment of the first 100Gbit/s per wavelength optical communication system in China. Research experts from different PolyU academic and research units, including Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computing, Interdisciplinary Division of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Applied Mathematics and Department of Applied Physics, are engaged in the numerous collaborative projects between PolyU and Huawei. The research areas include but are not limited to communication, big data, crowdsourcing platforms, mobile networks, wearable devices, algorithms as well as materials. It is hoped that with the establishment of the Joint Lab, the scope of collaboration could be further extended in both breadth and depth.   "The PolyU-Huawei Joint Lab will further integrate the advantages and strengths of the university and the enterprise in the area of innovative research and this collaboration will enhance our research ability. By building together a platform to share resources for innovation, the Joint Lab will enable our complementary development so as to achieve impactful R&D outputs and to jointly nurture talents of high caliber. This will result in increased global competitiveness and a win-win situation," said Mr Zha.   Through close collaboration, PolyU and Huawei will be able to further develop high-impact translational research and next-generation technological advances in the telecommunications and advanced computing industry. Please click here for event photos

30 Nov, 2016

Research and Innovation

Hong Kong and European Universities Working Together to Advance Global Food Safety

Location: Brussels, Belgium   Lund University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University clinch collaborative agreements with Technical University of Denmark and University of Bologna on mission to advance global food safety   Lund University (LU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the University of Bologna (Unibo) jointly announce the addition of DTU and Unibo as new partners in the establishment of a Joint Centre of Excellence in Food Safety (Joint Centre). The four parties will achieve greater synergy in advancing global food safety with this exciting alliance.   The Joint Centre was conceived by LU and PolyU in February 2016. In September 2016 representatives of the four universities met to kick-start this exciting platform, which will gather the expertise and resources of the four universities in fostering industry-academic-government collaborations towards safer food. Antimicrobial resistance, food authenticity, and safe food packaging are among the imminent food safety challenges. The collaborating universities will tackle through world-class innovative science and technology that can be translated into applications aimed at enhancing food safety. Exchanges between academics and students as well as expansion of partnerships with other stakeholders are also on the radar.   The Joint Centre partners have also agreed to follow up on the success of the first Global Food Safety and Technology Conference, which was held in February 2016. The second conference will be named GoFood, which will be organized by LU and DTU, and co-organized by PolyU and Unibo in late May, 2017. The conference aims to enhance food safety enabled by new scientific advancements and technologies.   All collaborating parties share the same vision and commitment in addressing the most imminent global food safety challenges. Setting up the Joint Centre is a key milestone in the Europe-Hong Kong collaboration in food safety. With effective technology development and the provision of various communication and educational channels, the universities will see this international collaboration come to fruition.   More about • Lund University • Technical University of Denmark • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University • University of Bologna   Relevant collaboration announcement could also be found on FoodNexus, a European innovation alliance of industry and academia for better food, better innovations and a better world: Click here for the press release. To view the snapshots of this event, please visit here.  

2 Nov, 2016

Research and Innovation


Collaborative Meeting with Swarovski Group delegates

Swarovski Group visited the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) on 2nd September 2016, and carried out a collaborative meeting with the School of Design (SD) and Innovation and Technology Development Office (ITDO) of the PolyU.   Swarovski Group is a worldwide crystal cutting and polishing business of Austrian origin, which specialized in fashion and jewelry, optical instruments, abrasives tools, etc.   During the meeting, Prof. Tak-chi LEE, and his team from the SD shared their latest research and development on color trend forecasting, 3D design and printing, Asian ergonomics and lifestyles with Swarovski delegates; while Swarovski also introduced their major business development focus and future development in innovation. Both sides explored potential collaboration research opportunities aiming to address consumer needs through innovative product designs.   The delegates also visited the PolyU’s Material Resource Centre, SD design studios and workshops on the same day. They were impressed with PolyU’s research and development achievements as well as the extensive collection at the Material Resource Centre.    To view the snapshots of the Meeting, please visit here.

2 Sep, 2016



Meeting with Thales Group delegates

Innovation and Technology Development Office (ITDO) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) received an official delegation from the Thales Group (Thales) and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau (French Consulate), and coordinated the technology seminar together with representatives from PolyU Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.   Thales is one of the global leading high technology companies that specialized in defence, security, aerospace, space and ground transportation. Sharing on PolyU’s latest aviation and transportation technology research development, research facilities, and teaching programmes, as well as Thales’ major research and development focus were made. Both Thales and PolyU expressed a devoted enthusiasm in further exploring common interests on transportation, cyber security, etc., in terms of carrying out seminars, workshops, and collaborative research projects. The delegates visited PolyU’s Power Electronics Research Centre after the meeting.   To view the snapshots of the Meeting, please visit here.   

25 Jul, 2016



PolyU hosted the first Alibaba Technology Forum in Hong Kong on Big Data and Cloud Computing Technologies

Alibaba Technology Forum is an annual event organized by Alibaba Group to share their latest innovation and technology development. Initiated by Innovation and Technology Development Office (ITDO) and co-organized with Department of Computing (COMP) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), the first Alibaba Technology Forum (ATF) in Hong Kong on Big Data and Cloud Computing Technologies was successfully held on 17 June 2016 at PolyU. Over 250 local students, researchers, and industry professionals attended the Forum. Keynote speaker, Dr Jingren Zhou, Vice President of Alibaba Group, presented an overview of Alibaba’s innovative Big Data Computing Platform, which consisted of a wide range of products and services enabling fast and efficient big data development, while three Alibaba technology leaders also shared with us innovations in elastic computing, machine learning and large-scale real-time computing, as well as their applications in different business sectors.   Prof. Alex Wai, Vice President (Research Development) of PolyU addressed at the Forum, “PolyU has been contributing significant impact to tackle the challenges from big data development, and our big data and cloud computing domains including big data analytics, human-centered computing, cyber security, inter-cloud security and cloud resource management which  are indicated through our research outcome and strong industrial collaborations”. In order to provide a platform with advanced infrastructure that facilitates multidisciplinary research in big data, PolyU is establishing  a University Central Facility in Big Data Analytics. Prof. Jiannong Cao, Head of COMP said, “The initiative will enable PolyU to take a leading role in developing framework and methodology with models, techniques and applications of big data processing and analytics.”   Technology seminar with demonstration showcasing  PolyU’s research excellence was also arranged for Alibaba Group during their visit at PolyU.Various research teams from COMP , Department of Applied Mathematics (AMA) and Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics (LSGI) exchanged views for further collaboration with Alibaba Group in big data and cloud computing areas.  ITDO will coordinate the follow-up collaborative research projects and visiting-scholar program  with Alibaba Group accordingly.  

17 Jun, 2016



Global Food Safety and Technology Forum (GFSTF) 2016

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) hosts the Global Food Safety and Technology Forum (GFSTF) on February 4-5, 2016 in Hong Kong to enhance synergy among all food safety stakeholders to embark on science-and-technology driven collaborative initiatives. GFSTF invigorates interactive and pragmatic exchanges among the industry, government and academia on how to enhance global readiness and technical competence in tackling food safety problems.    Corporations in the food and beverage as well as catering related industries convene at GFSTF to look into the most staggering food safety challenges in the industry sharing session. The academic sharing session that followed engages research experts to explore how scientific and evidence-based innovations could help address the most imminent challenges faced by the industry. Topics including "Advancing Food Safety - Chemicals and Biological", "Food Fraud, Security and Catering", "Risk Assessment, Communications and Management" and "Technical Workshops and Demonstrations" from a technical perspective will be discussed in the breakout sessions to be held on February 5.The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) hosts the Global Food Safety and Technology Forum (GFSTF) on February 4-5, 2016 in Hong Kong to enhance synergy among all food safety stakeholders to embark on science-and-technology driven collaborative initiatives. GFSTF invigorates interactive and pragmatic exchanges among the industry, government and academia on how to enhance global readiness and technical competence in tackling food safety problems.    "The academia possesses technical expertise to effectively explore solutions with the industry. Without understanding what is required by the industry, it would be difficult for us to ensure what we develop could be of real application and value," Co-Chair of GFSTF 2016 Professor Wing-tak Wong says.    "We believe that through pragmatic communications and exchange, all stakeholders will be able to share and construct a roadmap towards safer foods for the community. After this forum, we will compile with the experts a food safety technology needs assessment report, which will hopefully shape food safety research and development in the upcoming 3 - 5 years. These will be ideas and innovations translated into real actions," Professor Terence Lok-ting Lau, Chair of the Organizing & Program Committee of the Forum and Convener of PolyU's Food Safety Consortium (FSC) says.   The main program on February 4 concluded with a letter of intent signing ceremony between PolyU and Lund University to foster collaborations in technology development in food safety and food security, with potential extension to including other partners from the European, Asian, and other networks.   Joined by over 40 speakers and over 250 attendees from worldwide, this first edition of GFSTF sees active participation from the government, industry and academia in the presence of Mrs. Cherry Tse, Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Food), Prof. Sophia Chan, Under Secretary for Food and Health, and Dr. Constance Chan, Director of Health, The Government of the Hong Kong SAR, and representatives of consulate generals. The forum is poised to become a sustainable channel in fostering global food safety advancement.   More about GFSTF • GFSTF 2016 Event Report • Snapshots at GFSTF 2016  

3 Feb, 2016


Intellectual Property Assessment Committee held its Second Annual Meeting

Pioneering the practices in knowledge transfer and intellectual property (IP) management in tertiary institutions, the Intellectual Property Assessment Committee (IPAC) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) held its Second Annual Meeting on 2 September 2015. IPAC serves to enhance PolyU’s knowledge transfer activities by improving IP assessment, the quality of PolyU’s patent portfolio, as well as the commercialization potential of our inventions. It establishes a platform for PolyU to solicit opinions from a wide scope of specialized expertise that is not only confined to the academia but also from a pool of prominent businessmen and industrialists from various industries. As the Chairman of IPAC, Ir Professor Alexander Wai, Vice President (Research Development), expressed at the meeting his heart-felt gratitude to committee members for their participation in IPAC by providing invaluable insights into materializing the real-world application of PolyU’s research and technologies.  The upcoming launch of PolyU IP Portal was further announced at the meeting. Supported by an IP management software suite, the Portal serves to streamline the invention disclosure process at PolyU with web-based interfaces for invention submission, access of information and records, patent evaluation, as well as report generation. With the transformation brought by the full-fledged operation of the Portal, PolyU envisions higher efficacy and capacity in IP management. Apart from the Portal, committee members also explored the potential commercialization alternatives for PolyU’s IP at the meeting. PolyU would further look into different mechanisms for commercialization including the establishment of patent pools and patent commons with the ultimate aim of benefiting the society at large with its inventions. IPAC will continue to contribute to PolyU’s advances in IP management and knowledge transfer. To view the snapshots of the meeting, please visit here.

2 Sep, 2015

Research and Innovation

PolyU and Kinex’s collaboration on Apigenin Flavonoid Dimer

PolyU proudly announced another success in our collaboration across industry and institutions in materializing uplifts in our quality of life by entering into a licensing agreement with Kinex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Kinex) on the commercialization of Apigenoid Flavonoid Dimer, which brings pioneering and revolutionary leaps in cancer treatments. Apigenin Flavonoid Dimer, the MDR Locker – a breakthrough in inhibiting multidrug resistance (MDR) in cancer cells Under the seamless collaboration among PolyU Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology (ABCT), McGill University, PolyU Partner State Key Laboratory of Chirosciences and PolyU Shenzhen-based State Key Laboratory for Chinese Medicine and Molecular Pharmacology, the research team led by Professor Larry Chow and Professor Bill Chan from ABCT succeeded in developing Apigenin Flavonoid Dimer as a novel inhibitor to prevent drug efflux through modified extracts from Apigenin. The Apigenin Flavonoid Dimer serves to reverse drug resistance by binding the cancer cell’s drug pump. Furthermore, it enhances the absorption of cancer drugs in the digestive system, elevating the quality of chemotherapy treatment in terms of efficacy, convenience and comfort through the oral intake of cancer drugs. The licensing of Apigenin Flavonoid Dimer was concluded in the applause over the joint signatures by PolyU Executive Vice President Mr Nicholas Yang and Kinex Chairman and CEO Dr Johnson YN Lau. PolyU spares no effort in advancing technology transfer with the aim of propelling research constituting significant impacts on people’s quality of life. Driven by our long-established vision as well as a myriad of successful experiences, we aspire to make bolder strides in the elevation of technology ahead. Kindly refer to further details on this collaborative technological advancement here. 

13 Feb, 2015

Research and Innovation

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