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Receiving Shunde Delegation, Signing of MOU between PolyU & Shunde Government

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The People's Government of Shunde District, Foshan City (Shunde Government)on 9 January 2014 with a view to promoting exchanges and encouraging collaboration between PolyU and the Shunde Government / Shunde high-technology industries. A delegation from the high-technology sector, led by a Shunde Government official, also visited PolyU to understand more about its R&D activities as well its technology transfer and commercialization process. The exchanges between PolyU and the Shunde community is expected to be stepped up, fostering the development of more collaborative research, and hence more deliverables. PolyU is keen to provide more concrete R&D and commercialization support to the Shunde high-technology industry to help realize related innovations, ultimately driving the economic development in the Shunde region and national scales. ITDO has been facilitating conversations between PolyU and Shunde companies since signing of the MOU. For more information, please refer to PolyU's media release of the event. To view the snapshots of the signing ceremony, please visit here.



Establishment of the Intellectual Property Assessment Committee (IPAC)

PolyU has established the IPAC as per recommendation of the Knowledge Transfer Committee of the PolyU Council. The IPAC, commissioned to improve the IP assessment process at PolyU, will work closely with the ITDO to conduct IP assessment and to provide advice on IP matters. Chaired by Ir Professor Ping-kong Alexander Wai, Vice President (Research Development), the committee consists of internal members from PolyU including Deans and Heads of all faculties and academic departments, and external members comprising a pool of prominent businessmen and industrialists from various industries in Hong Kong. PolyU has one of the strongest patent portfolios among the universities and research institutes in Hong Kong. With the establishment of IPAC, we aspire to further enhance the evaluation and management of our intellectual property assets and to significantly improve the quality of our patent portfolio and the commercialization potential of our inventions. For more, please visit here.




理大兩項研究開發技術支持運動員專業發展 獲運動科研資助計劃資助

香港理工大學(理大)在運動科研資助計劃(SSRFS)首輪結果中獲得兩項撥款,資助合共逾1370萬港元,與香港體育學院(體院)合作開展兩項運動科學研究,透過先進科技及技術,支援香港精英運動員發展及為未來大型賽事做好準備。其中一個項目,旨在開發一個基於視覺的分析系統,運用人工智慧等,及時向單車教練團隊提供全面的科學數據。另一項獲資助項目, 聚焦為殘奧會運動員提供不同領域的個性化輔助裝置,包括但不限於輪椅劍撃、硬地滾球、羽毛球、乒乓球等。 自行車道視頻智慧 建築資訊學講座教授 李恆教授 此項目旨在開發一種基於視覺的單車賽 分析解決方案,由五個部分組成:視頻拍攝、資料傳輸、AI處理、資料分析應用和硬件。通過利用紅外線感測器和SRM功率計,採用預先訓練好的深度學習模型來分析比賽視頻,以獲得選手的等級、速度和功率輸出。該系統可以及時分析選手在比賽中的統計數據和技術特點,從而協助教練團隊掌握及辨識戰術局限,還可以分析比賽場地和環境對選手表現的影響,快速掌握對手的技術特點,準確評估其表現和狀態。 與目前依靠人工收集技術資料的做法相比,該系統不只節省人力及時間,其設置平台可以累積運動員的歷史數據,提供全面分析支援訓練,採集和綜合的資料,包括心率、功率、速度、時間、位置等,可用作評估運動員的戰術熟練程度和訓練強度。這個基於視覺的演算法模型,第一版將在近期完成,有望可在杭州舉行的第十九屆亞運會上進行測試,並為教練團隊提供參考。 殘奧運動員輔助裝置的個性化服務 生物醫學工程學系系主任兼講座教授 張明教授 度身訂製的的輔助設備,可以支援殘奧會運動發揮水準,除了可減輕他們的負荷重量,同時有助提升訓練強度。此項目將根據殘奧會運動員的個人需求,提供各種輔助設備的個性化服務,包括義肢、矯形器、輪椅和相關設備,以增強他們的信心和表現。此項目將引進先進的元件,如碳纖維義肢,讓運動員可以有不同嘗試及選擇,配置最適合自己的組合。另將採用更輕、更堅固的材料製作輪椅,從而達至更敏捷靈活的效果,對羽毛球和乒乓球選手尤其重要,透過訂製手柄部件,可改善抓握感和平衡感,為提升舒適度會訂製輪椅坐墊。 此項目還將研發各種可擕式輔助設備,如為輪椅擊劍訓練提供折疊式腳墊;為硬地滾球項目優化坡道,及開發可擕式測力板協助確定球的重心。此外,研究團隊將向教練及運動員介紹輔助設備和技術的最新及國際發展情況,並根據研究成果和使用者意見優化裝置。


