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Leading Minds Driving Research and Innovation

PolyU is home to many world-renowned scholars and academicians, who are leading the way in a wide range of frontier scientific disciplines. By leveraging their multidisciplinary expertise, they produce highly-cited research and develop innovations that positively impact industries and communities in Hong Kong, the Nation and the world. Their outstanding accomplishments underscore PolyU’s unwavering dedication to research excellence. We take pride in our scholars’ knowledge, creativity and determination to use research and innovation to build a brighter future. Click here to meet our Academicians and Distinguished Scholars

8 Mar, 2024

Research and Innovation


PolyU and AVSECO forge strategic partnership to drive innovation in aviation security

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and Aviation Security Company Limited (AVSECO) are pleased to announce the establishment of a strategic partnership aimed at fostering innovation in the field of aviation security. This collaboration combines PolyU’s academic acumen and research expertise with AVSECO’s industry insights and business acumen, creating a powerful alliance to drive technological advancements and enhance cyber security resilience in the aviation sector. Renowned for its research capabilities and academic strength, PolyU will establish a platform for technical discussions between AVSECO and PolyU experts. This will facilitate the exchange of knowledge, ideas and best practices in aviation security, leading to the design and establishment of consultancy and collaborative research projects. By leveraging PolyU research expertise, AVSECO will gain access to cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions to address their technical needs. Prof. Wing-tak WONG, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, said in his welcoming speech, “Aviation security plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone involved in air travel. PolyU has teamed up with AVSECO to address the evolving security challenges in the aviation industry. We will work together to develop new technology for aviation security and work on joint research projects to enhance aviation security worldwide. This partnership will provide our engineering students with valuable knowledge exchange, research collaboration, and hands-on internship opportunities, preparing them for successful careers in the field. We believe this partnership will be mutually beneficial to the next generation of aviation security professionals.” Mr Jacob CHEUNG, Executive Director of AVSECO supplemented, “Hong Kong International Airport, like many airports around the world, not only fully appreciates the importance of technology, but also seeks to embrace all new technological innovations that can improve the traveller experience, drive operational efficiency and bolster the integrity of aviation security systems. Collaboration, coordination and knowledge exchanges between AVSECO and PolyU will undoubtedly foster development and innovation within the airport security sector. This strategic partnership offers the potential for significant advancement in the development of cutting-edge aviation security-related solutions and, through our joint efforts, I am confident that we can greatly enhance airport security for all stakeholders.” The agreement is expected to drive new and more significant engagement initiatives in the near-future, enabling both parties to further explore the opportunities for academic and application research exchanges for students, faculty members and staff. It will help foster a collaborative environment that will benefit both parties and promote academic excellence and foster industry growth. About The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) aspires to be an innovative world-class university with a strong sense of social responsibility, driven by its motto, “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind”. The University provides the best holistic education to nurture socially responsible “leaders of tomorrow” who possess a strong sense of national identity and a global perspective, and pursues impactful innovation and interdisciplinary research to address the world’s most pressing challenges. A robust culture of knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship is a cornerstone of the University, ensuring PolyU’s technologies are transformed into practical real-world applications. The University’s unwavering commitment to excellence has earned it international recognition, with PolyU consistently ranking among the top 100 universities worldwide. Based on this solid foundation, the University will continue to make positive contributions in collaboration with its strategic partners for the betterment of Hong Kong, the Nation and the world. About AVSECO Aviation Security Company Limited (AVSECO) has been a leading provider of aviation security services with a strong commitment to safeguarding the travelling public and civil aviation operations at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), providing aviation security and related services since its inception. Based at HKIA, AVSECO employs around 4,500 highly trained personnel who work to ensure that the airport and its facilities are secure. The company’s vision is to deliver world-class aviation security services in Hong Kong and also with the mission to maintain the highest standards of aviation security at the HKIA.

1 Mar, 2024



PolyU launches Research Centre for Electric Vehicles advancing smart electric vehicle research to achieve carbon neutrality goals

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) hosted the “Launch Ceremony of Research Centre for Electric Vehicles cum Forum on Intelligent EV and Energy for Carbon Neutrality” on campus yesterday, in the presence of approximately 350 staff and students, together with leaders from government, innovation and technology, energy and academic sectors. The Research Centre for Electric Vehicles (RCEV) is led by its Director, Prof. C.C. CHAN, who is widely recognised as the “Father of Asian Electric Vehicles”, an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Distinguished Chair Professor of the PolyU Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The Research Centre aims to develop a cutting-edge research platform to address energy and technical challenges presented by modern electric vehicles. Prof. SUN Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, HKSAR Government; and Mr Neil Bush, Founder and Chair of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations, delivered opening remarks. Together with Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, PolyU President and Prof. C.C. CHAN, RCEV Director, they congratulated the University on the establishment of the Centre. Prof. Sun Dong said, “The establishment of this new university-level research centre marks a significant step forward in guiding Hong Kong’s future direction to attain zero vehicular emissions. By addressing the technical challenges associated with modern electric vehicles, RCEV will provide critical technological solutions that will drive the development and adoption of EVs in Hong Kong and beyond. I am fully confident that RCEV will provide great stimulation to the industry through technological breakthrough.” Mr Neil Bush said, “As an electric vehicle driver for five years and a supporter of environmental protection, I congratulate The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on the establishment of the Electric Vehicle Research Centre. Just as the automobile revolution is deepening, the establishment of this centre will have far-reaching impacts. Electric vehicles are not only a means of transportation, they will promote smart transportation, smart energy, smart networks, smart cities, and smart societies. Prof. C.C. Chan’s recent book on ‘The Integration of Energy, Transportation, Information, and Humanities – The Renaissance of Digital Technology’ was published by top publisher Elsevier and laid down the foundation of theory and practice for sustainable development.” Prof. Jin-Guang Teng stated, “As a leading institution in research and innovation, PolyU has always been at the forefront of addressing societal challenges. The establishment of the Research Centre for Electric Vehicles serves to further our contribution to this important field. The work of the Research Centre will embrace electric vehicle technologies, intelligent transportation systems, and energy management.This holistic approach will result in enhanced energy efficiency, environmental benefits, and the creation of new business opportunities.” At the Launch Ceremony, Memorandums of Understanding were signed between the RCEV, and China Power International Development Limited and Wisdom Motor (HK) Limited respectively. These aim to initiate actions in line with the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint and Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, so as to contribute to the development of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Co-operation Zone and the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone. Witnessed by Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, PolyU President (1st from right, back row); Prof. C.C. Chan, RCEV Director (2nd from right, back row), Mr Ye Shuiqiu, Deputy Director-General, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR (1st from left, back row); and Mr Chang FANG, Senior Manager, China Power International Development Limited (2nd from left, back row), an MoU was signed by Prof. Christopher Chao, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (right, front row) ; and Mr Weikang LIN, General Manager, China Power International Development Limited (left, front row). Witnessed by Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, PolyU President (centre, back row); Prof. C.C. Chan, RCEV Director (right, back row), Dr Yufeng WAN, Director of Wisdom Motor and Partner at Templewater (left, back row), an MoU was signed by Prof. Christopher Chao, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation), and Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (right, front row); and Mr Felix XU, Chief Strategy Officer and Global Treasurer, Wisdom Motor (left, front row). As well as Prof. C.C. Chan, a number of distinguished guests delivered keynote speeches at the Forum. They were Mr Peter Major, Chair of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development and Honorary Chairman of the World Digital Technology Academy; Prof. Yin-biao SHU, Immediate Past President of the International Electrotechnical Commission and President of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering; Dr Gan SONG, Director of Advanced Technology R&D Department of BYD; Mr Joseph LAW, Managing Director of CLP Power Hong Kong; and Mr Eric PANG, Director of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR Government. Prof. C.C. Chan emphasised that it is an opportune time to capitalise on the massive opportunities in electric vehicle research and education. The establishment of the RCEV is geared towards nurturing innovative electric vehicle talents to benefit the Greater Bay Area and the world, while enhancing collaborative efforts with enterprises in mainland China and Hong Kong. The Centre will focus on cutting-edge research on electric vehicles and the friendly interaction between electric vehicles, power grids and 5G networks. It is also set to develop a platform to foster industry-university-research collaboration, thereby catalysing the industrialisation of research outcomes that help achieve higher efficiency, security, reliability and intelligence in electric vehicle technologies. In his closing remarks at the Forum, Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT), mentioned that PolyU has been paying strong attention to carbon neutrality and is leading in securing Green Tech Fund and Environment and Conservation Fund among all local institutions. PReCIT is pleased to co-organise the event and join the forum. It has also recently secured a Public Policy Research Fund to study hydrogen fuel cell vehicle and electric vehicle related policies. PolyU would continue to strive for excellence in education, research and knowledge dissemination, thereby making significant contributions to the progress of the Nation, while also journeying toward a more sustainable future and achievement of the goal of carbon neutrality. Prof. Christopher Chao, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation), and Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology concluded that PolyU will make continued contributions on the journey toward a more sustainable future and achievement of the goal of carbon neutrality.

27 Feb, 2024

Research and Innovation


PolyU to establish research platform in Daya Bay

At the opening ceremony of the Pingshan River innovation and technology corridor, Prof. Wing-tak Wong, Deputy President and Provost of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University revealed that the University will set up a research platform in the Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone to contribute to the development of the corridor.

25 Feb, 2024



PolyU researchers introduce biomineralization as a sustainable strategy against microbial corrosion in marine concrete

Microbially induced corrosion (MIC) is a prevalent issue in marine environments, leading to structural damages such as cracking in concrete infrastructure. This corrosion poses a persistent challenge, significantly reducing the lifespan of marine structures and resulting in substantial economic losses. In response to the need for an effective solution to combat the marine corrosion on concrete, researchers of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have developed a biomineralization approach to protect marine concrete from MIC.  Prof. Xiang-dong LI, Dean of Faculty of Construction and Environment, Director of Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, Chair Professor of Environmental Science and Technology, and Ko Jan Ming Professor in Sustainable Urban Development, has led the research that successfully introduces a novel biomineralization strategy, which effectively isolates marine concrete from MIC, thereby contributing to the achievement of sustainable coastal structures.  MIC on concrete usually occurs in harsh environments with the presence of corrosive microorganisms, such as sewage structures, wastewater treatment plants, and marine structures. The formation of a biomineralized film on concrete surfaces is typically considered to be the major anticorrosion mechanism as it can provide a barrier to inhibit corrosion. Prof. LI said, “The biomineralization technique serves as an environmentally friendly coating method for controlling concrete corrosion, with minimal impact on the overall biofilm communities. Also, it utilises carbon dioxide to produce mineral precipitates, enhancing the durability of concrete structures. This process not only reduces the carbon footprint and energy consumption of marine infrastructure throughout its lifespan, but also makes a valuable contribution to carbon neutrality and sustainability.” The study showed the biomineralization treatment effectively prevents corrosion by reducing the total  and relative abundance of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). SRB is a type of anaerobic bacteria and can produce hydrogen sulfide, which is corrosive and can lead to material deterioration.  The biomineralized film acts as a protective layer, controlling sulfate diffusion and isolating the concrete from the corrosive SRB communities. This protective mechanism significantly extends the lifespan of concrete structures. Moreover, this technique has no negative impact on the native marine microbial communities. Prof. LI added, “If the biomineralized film remains intact, repainting the concrete structures is unnecessary. The utilisation of a single coating treatment eliminates the need for multiple treatments, further minimising the cost and carbon footprint.” This biomineralization strategy has strong potential for applications in corrosive environments, such as marine environments, sewage environments, and water cooling utilities, where concrete corrosion is induced by corrosive microorganisms. The research, titled “Biomineralization to prevent microbially induced corrosion on concrete for sustainable marine infrastructure” was published in Environmental Science & Technology. The study employed a combination of chemical and mechanical property measurements of concrete, along with an analysis of the microbial community of biofilms, to evaluate the effectiveness of biomineralization techniques in inhibiting corrosion of marine concrete. These assessments aimed to enhance understanding of MIC development. The results contribute to the development of new techniques for inhabiting corrosion to achieve sustainable marine concrete structures.  In a sulfate chemical attack, calcium hydroxide and calcium aluminate hydrate will be consumed to form gypsum and ettringite, resulting in expansion stress and matrix fracture (Figure 1a). In an MIC attack, bacteria can colonise the corroded layer, which provides an excellent medium for microorganisms to grow. Microbial activity can extend beyond the corrosion layer near to the surface and spread across the deterioration zone (Figure 1b).  Compared with chemical corrosion, MIC causes more severe damage to marine concrete structures. However, the formation of the biomineralized film on the concrete surfaces led to higher surface pH (potential of hydrogen) and lower surface sulfate concentrations, which also acted as a protective layer to control the diffusion of sulfate and isolate the concrete from SRB communities, decreasing internal sulfate levels (Figure 1c). Considering that the type of colonised surface also affects the treatment effect of biomineralization, the effectiveness of biomineralization will be further investigated for different types of concrete to expand its applicability potential.  In addition, the functional prediction can be used in future studies to obtain a mechanistic understanding of the possible metabolic capability of microbial action on concrete corrosion. This understanding is beneficial for uncovering the mystery between SRB and the lifespan of marine concrete structures.  

21 Feb, 2024

Research and Innovation


PolyU and Zhongshan Municipal Government establish strategic agreement for research collaboration

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Zhongshan Municipal People’s Government have formed a cooperative framework agreement to enhance research and innovation development, fostering partnership among industries, academia, and research organisations in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. Prof. Wing-tak WONG, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, along with Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation), Prof. Christina WONG, Director of Research and Innovation, and PolyU scholars attended the High-quality Development Conference in Zhongshan. Prof. CHAO signed the agreement during the event on 18 February. In delivering a speech at the event, Prof. WONG said PolyU will establish a strategic research platform with Zhongshan to drive innovation and technology development in fields such as chemical engineering and biomedicine. The agreement aims to foster research transformation, nurture talents, and strengthen cooperation among industries, academia and research organisations. PolyU will engage in collaboration with research organisations, governments and enterprises in Zhongshan, with a focus on biomedical technology and other fields. This partnership will facilitate cooperation in the biomedical industry in Hong Kong and Zhongshan, jointly promoting the development in China and overseas markets. With this strategic partnership, PolyU will be closely connected with Zhongshan to enhance industrial innovation and translational research, supporting the development of Zhongshan into a biomedical innovation centre. PolyU has two national state key laboratories, including the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), which focuses on drug research and development. Their research projects have attained world-class standards, contributing to cutting-edge scientific discoveries.

20 Feb, 2024



PolyU researcher recycles textile waste for building clothing as thermal insulation

Textiles account for 10% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, while 85% of textile waste is simply landfilled and incinerated. Buildings in Hong Kong generate 60% of CO2 emission and air conditioners consume 30% of energy. Therefore, providing an attractive technology to recycle textile waste and save building energy simultaneously holds high promise for carbon reduction. Dr Dahua SHOU, Limin Endowed Young Scholar in Advanced Textiles Technologies, Assistant Professor in School of Fashion and Textiles of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has led a research project to create multi-functional, value-added "building clothing" (BC) from textile waste for carbon reduction. Textile waste, often consisting of blended yarns, is difficult to recycle due to the challenges and high cost of sorting, depolymerisation, and dissolution. Dr SHOU’s research titled, “Development of multi-functional building clothing using textile waste for energy saving and waste reduction,” has recently supported by the Green Tech Fund in Hong Kong.  It proposes collecting textile waste to develop a sustainable building envelope for thermal insulation and radiative cooling by a mass production method. The reuse of textile waste as the thermal insulation for sustainable buildings will be an effective green technology that synergistically combines two crucial components in achieving carbon neutrality in Hong Kong: textile waste recycling and building energy saving. By leveraging photon engineering, nature-inspired design, and heat transfer optimization, the proposed "building clothing" will excel in managing the temperature of buildings. In addition to minimising thermal conductivity, the textile-reinforced hierarchical microstructures and colorants will selectively reflect solar heat, including visible light (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR), while emitting thermal radiation in the long-wave infrared (LWIR) spectrum. Furthermore, it effectively repels water and dirt on the surface, ensuring consistent performance and robustness. This multi-functional "building clothing," enhanced with multi-color aesthetics, is highly durable, lightweight, and flame-resistant, making it compatible with a variety of scenarios such as residential and factory buildings, village houses, stilt houses, substations, container apartments, curtains, canopies, and tents. The reuse of textile waste as thermal insulation for sustainable buildings is an effective green technology that synergistically combines two crucial components in achieving carbon neutrality in Hong Kong: textile waste recycling and building energy saving.   

8 Feb, 2024

Research and Innovation


PolyU project develops assisted navigation and collision avoidance system to promote connected urban traffic safety, funded by Smart Traffic Fund

A safe transport environment is vital for a densely built-up city like Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) utilizes advanced technologies to improve urban traffic safety, and an innovative project has been granted funding from the latest batch of Smart Traffic Fund. Led by Dr Weisong WEN, Assistant Professor of the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, the project titled “Development of an Assisted Navigation and Collision Avoidance System using AI and Location-based Service” has secured funding of approximately HK$6.7 million for a duration of 24 months. This project aims to develop a low-cost, high-precision co-location solution suitable for urban canyons. It includes developing an algorithm to solve satellite positioning offsets caused by building obstructions and reflections, as well as developing a collision avoidance warning application for issuing early warning and enabling emergency interventions to reduce collision risks in blind areas of sight. PolyU has long been committed to the research and application of vehicle-related innovation and technology, with a total of 18 projects receiving grants from the Smart Traffic Fund to date.  For more information on other approved projects.  

5 Feb, 2024

Awards and Achievements


Media Interview: PolyU’s innovative ammonia pretreatment system enhances food waste management

Hong Kong is actively promoting green technologies in order to reduce carbon emissions. Implementing anaerobic digestion (AD) technology to convert food waste (FW) into biogas for electricity generation is one of the promising initiatives. However, the volume of digestate and recycling problems have yet to be broken through. Dr Ben Shao-Yuan LEU, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has led a research project to develop an ammonia pretreatment system to minimise odour, reduce the land footprint of digested solids, and produce high-quality organic fertiliser. In a recent interview with Ta Kung Pao, Dr LEU shared that his developed system will be applicable for achieving energy-efficient carbon sequestration at the Organic Resource Recovery Center (O-Parks). Specifically, an innovative Combined Thermal with Free Ammonia Pretreatment (CTFAP) System will be established to destroy flocs, extracellular polymeric substances and refractory organics (e.g., aromatic contents like lignin) for enhanced total solids reduction. This research project has been funded by the Green Tech Fund. In addition, Dr LEU revealed that another research team of PolyU has been working on ammonia-nitrogen power generation, and they may collaborate in combining technologies to explore further use of ammonia-nitrogen in the future. Full interview (Chinese only)   For more: PolyU leads in grants from Green Tech Fund, securing 3 projects for innovative sustainable development

2 Feb, 2024

Research and Innovation

20240124 - Foreign Member of the European Academy of Sciences-02

PolyU chemistry scholar elected to European Academy of Sciences

Prof. Raymond Wai-Yeung WONG, Dean of Faculty of Science, Chair Professor of Chemical Technology and Clarea Au Professor in Energy at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has been recently elected a Foreign Member of the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc) in the Chemistry Division.  Prof. WONG is recognised for his research achievements in the design and synthesis of new metallopolymers and metallophosphors with photofunctional properties and energy functions. This honour is bestowed upon scientific scholars for their contributions to forefront research and the development of advanced technology, especially those related to the European countries.  Prof. WONG said, “I am honoured to become a Foreign Member of EurASc and I will definitely continue to make important scientific contributions to our country, the European community and other parts of the world. “  Excelling in the study of organometallic optoelectronic polymers and molecules, Prof. WONG’s research on advanced materials proves highly valuable in energy-generating applications for solar cells and energy-saving applications in organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs). He has made remarkable contributions to the development of multifunctional metallopolymers and metallophosphors. His research is advancing the field of energy science, aiming to promote efficient energy generation and consumption, and contributing to the mission of building a sustainable society.  The EurASc is a non-profit non-governmental, independent organisation of the most distinguished scholars, who are performing leading research and developing advanced technologies, while promoting excellence in science and technology by fostering social and economic development. In the latest round of election, only twelve new members were elected and Prof. WONG is the only one working in China.  Prof. WONG also received the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Science and Technology) 2022 for his research in organic photovoltaic materials. He was bestowed the Second-Class Award in Natural Science for a collaborative research project titled “Alkylthio Side-Chain Engineering of High-Performance Organic Photovoltaic Materials.”   

31 Jan, 2024

Awards and Achievements

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