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InnoHK R&D Centres

PolyU established three world-class research centres at the Hong Kong Science Park under the government-funded InnoHK initiative. These three centres, which have commenced operation, namely the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab), the Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety (CAiRS), and the Centre for Eye and Vision Research (CEVR). AiDLab Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab) AiDLab Collaborative Institution: Royal College of Art, UK Research Cluster: AIR@InnoHK In collaboration with the Royal College of Art, UK, PolyU established the AiDLab under the AIR@InnoHK cluster to integrate innovative AI technologies into design to address society's needs for creativity, efficiency and customisation of products and services. AiDLab is the world's first research laboratory specialising in interdisciplinary AI and design innovations. Its cutting-edge research will create impacts on society, industry and policy that enhance quality of life. Three research programmes at AiDLab include Ergonomic and Inclusive Design, Innovation in Product and Service Design, and Intelligent Fashion Design and Quality Control. More about AiDLab: CAiRS Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety (CAiRS) CAiRS Collaborative Institution: University of Maryland, College Park, USA Research Cluster: AIR@InnoHK CAiRS has been initiated by PolyU under the AIR@InnoHK cluster and the key research collaborator is the University of Maryland, College Park, USA. CAiRS’ mission is to develop new approaches using AI methodologies for customised management, and to ensure the reliability and safety of products and systems used in robotics, medical devices, vehicles, telecommunication, consumer products, public utilities, transportation, microelectronics, power devices, sensors and IoT products as well as a broad range of Advanced Manufacturing applications. These research applications and deliverables will contribute significantly in Smart City development. Five research programmes at CAiRS, namely Anomaly Detection and Syndromic Surveillance, Innovative Diagnostics for Product Health Management, Prognostics for Remaining Useful Life Assessment, Safety Assurance to improve Functional Safety, and Data Analytics Platform for Reliability have commenced. More about CAiRS: CEVR Centre for Eye and Vision Research (CEVR) CAiRS Collaborative Institution: University of Waterloo, Canada Research Cluster: Health@InnoHK Under the Health@InnoHK cluster, CEVR has been set up as a joint partnership between PolyU and the University of Waterloo, Canada. CEVR promotes eye health with clinical, basic and applied research, and develops ground-breaking technologies to prevent vision loss and preserve sight among the ageing population. CEVR runs five research programmes, namely Myopia and Eye Growth, Ocular Drug Discovery and Delivery, Vision Enhancement, Tear Film and Ocular Surface, and Advanced Optometric Technology. More about CEVR: PolyU has also become the first local collaborating institution of the “Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Hong Kong Institute of Science & Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences” established by the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) under the AIR@InnoHK. With a longstanding and close collaborative relationship, PolyU and CAS, based on their existing cooperation, will further conduct in-depth research collaboration and academic exchange activities in frontier research in data science and artificial intelligence, to jointly promote the development of the AI industry. About InnoHK InnoHK is a major initiative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to develop Hong Kong as the hub for global research collaboration. This involves the establishment of world-class research clusters at the Hong Kong Science Park with research laboratories set up by world renowned universities and research institutes to conduct collaborative researches. AIR@InnoHK and Health@InnoHK are the first two established research clusters under InnoHK. AIR@InnoHK focuses on the development of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics technologies, while Health@InnoHK focuses on all types of healthcare-related technologies. More about InnoHK, please click Here.


InnoHK R&D Centres

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BIO International Convention / BIO Digital

BIO Digital is the largest, most influential biotech meeting in the world offering our experts extensive exposure from targeted education sessions and specialty forums to partnering meetings with an average of over 1800 exhibitors and 15,500+ top tier biotech executives from 69 countries. RIO participates and showcases PolyU biotech research expertise at this yearly occasion, and explore collaborative opportunities with key industry players and research / academic institutes. Our faculty and researchers are welcome to join us as delegates and promote in person your technologies. Visit here to learn more. Enquiries PolyU red_05 PolyU red_06 +852 3400 2806


Life Sciences and Healthcare


PolyU join hands with ICL and SIA for advancing marine robotics technologies

PolyU organised The 1st International Forum on Marine Robotics for international and local experts to share insights on how to advance marine robotic technology and its applications in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. This is one of the major events initiated by PolyU to foster closer collaborations and explore innovative technologies with top-notch universities and institutes around the world through forming strategic research and development alliances. Experts speaking at the Forum included Dr. Ravi VAIDYANATHAN, Senior Lecturer in Bio-Mechatronics, Director of International Collaboration, Imperial Robotics Forum, Imperial College London (ICL), UK; Dr Ahmed CHEMORI, Senior Scientist in LIRMM-CNRS University of Montpellier, France; Professor Shuo LI, Deputy Director of Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA), Chinese Academy of Sciences; and Professor David M LANE, Professor of Autonomous Systems Engineering, Director of Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, Heriot-Watt University, The University of Edinburgh. They shared themes that covered bio-mechatronic sensory motor control, autonomous underwater vehicles, marine robotics for deep-sea exploration and operation. The professionals exchanged valuable views and experiences on marine robotics technologies. Prior to this International Forum, PolyU has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ICL and SIA respectively. The two MoUs reinforce the partnership between PolyU and the top research institutions of related areas and firmly declare the intentions of advancing joint research, particularly in the areas of innovative robotics technologies in relation to ocean exploration as well as ocean exploitation for scientific research and civilian applications. For details, please visit here


Mainland China

Advanced Manufacturing


Joint Center for Immunotherapy

PolyU joins forces with Axis Therapeutics, a newly established joint venture by two global biopharmaceutical companies – Athenex, Inc. and Xiangxue Pharmaceutical, to foster the research and development of translational medicine by setting up a Joint Center for Immunotherapy. The Center is set to conduct collaborative research on cancer immunotherapy, with an aim to develop new cancer treatments. PolyU will provide full support for the research on novel technologies and genetics models to develop cancer immunotherapy technologies, and is committed in transferring pioneering research to real-life applications for the benefits of mankind.


Mainland China

Life Sciences and Healthcare


PolyU - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - KIT Life Sciences and Engineering R&D Platform

PolyU joins forces with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (Fraunhofer) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), two leading research organisations in Germany, to drive collaborative applied research and technology development in the area of life sciences and engineering for the benefits of the global community. This collaboration will bring in significant innovations in chronic diseases, immunomodulation, traditional Chinese medicines, and translational medicine, and thus to bring about more translational deliverables to the society.


Life Sciences and Healthcare


Biotechnology and Translational Medicine International Collaboration

Biotechnology and Translational Medicine International Collaboration among US · Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macau Greater Bay Area PolyU together with alliance partners from the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macau Greater Bay Area including Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen University, and Macau University of Science and Technology, initiate the first biotechnology and translational medicine research platform with The State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo) and Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. This collaboration puts together expertise from the collaborating parties and their networks to foster more applied research in biotechnology, and bring cutting-edge innovations in the areas of cancer, genomics, translational medicine, and other related areas in biotechnology. NR2A7559_small_1 Thumnail-UB-Greater-Bay-Area_2018


Mainland China

Life Sciences and Healthcare


Food Safety Consortium

FSC comprises stakeholders from the academia, industry and other organizations to address food safety with cutting-edge & applied technologies. “The global food supply is calling for pioneering innovative technologies with great adaptability. Food safety and quality issues and evolving trends require the support and integration of foresighted, cross-disciplinary research with applications of big data, IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other innovations in the domain. Synergizing expertise and research power globally yet with regional considerations to tackle challenges with unprecedented determination and strength is a key to ensuring safe and quality food under this post-COVID-19 era.” Prof. Terence Lok-ting Lau Adjunct Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, PolyU Convener, Food Safety Consortium Founding Chairman, DISH Global Centre for Food Safety and Quality ​ Food Safety Consortium (FSC) logo_fsclogo_IAFP Initiated by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), the FSC comprises stakeholders from the academia, industry and other organizations to address food safety with cutting-edge & applied technologies, together with timely and in-depth communications on food safety related matters. We are supported by PolyU’s Research and Innovation Office (RIO), Food Safety and Technology Research Centre (FSTRC), and other academic and research units. To explore more about FSC and how to join as a Corporate Member, click here. Our Objectives To create an industry-academia network and to provide support to the industry with advanced technology and science To enhance capability and competence on food safety and its related technology development through academic and industrial collaborations Leaflet | Video ​ The 5th Asia-Pacific Food Safety International Conference in Hong Kong 2009 Seoul . 2011 Melbourne . 2013 Taipei . 2016 Peneng . 2021 Hong Kong (Virtual Conference) Food Safety Consortium (FSC), as the Hong Kong affiliate of the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP), organized the 5th Asia-Pacific Food Safety International Conference (APFSIC) virtually on January 27-28, 2021. As one of the IAFP’s regional conference series, APFSIC featured over an impeccable network of over 80 speakers and 400 registrants from the industry, academia, research institutes, government, supranational bodies, as well as students globally for a two full-day holistic, inspirational and educational knowledge, best practices, and regional plus global updates in food safety and quality. Conference Website | Video Global Food Safety & Technology Forum / GoFood PolyU and our partners bring along experts encompassing supranational and governmental bodies, the corporations, industry associations and other stakeholders on a sustainable common platform for the exchange on technical problems and solutions in a global as well as a regional context – with Science as the Foundation for Enhancing Food Safety Management. Explore novel technologies and management insights together with food safety stakeholders from around the globe. Visit our conference websites to learn more about the forums. Global Food Safety & Technology Forum 2016 ( February 3-5, 2016 | Hong Kong GoFood 2017 ( May 31 – June 2, 2017 | Lund, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark GoFood 2019 - For details, please click here May 14 - 15, 2019 | Bologna, Italy Events/Highlights Global Food Safety and Technology Forum (GFSTF) 2016 PolyU Organizes Global Food Safety and Technology Forum to Empower Food Safety with Science and Technology PolyU and Bright Food join hands to advance industry food safety standard Enquiries PolyU PolyU red_06 +852 3400 2881

Mainland China


Life Sciences and Healthcare


DISH Global Centre for Food Safety and Quality (DISH)

DISH Global Centre for Food Safety and Quality is a non-profit collaborative alliance set out to address challenges in global food safety. Jointly founded by National Food Institute - Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Alma Mater Studiorum –University of Bologna (Unibo), Lund University (LU), and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), DISH Global Centre for Food Safety and Quality is a non-profit collaborative alliance set out to address challenges in global food safety, with the motto of “Powering Food Safety with Science and Technology.” It is a unique Europe-Hong Kong establishment by four economies – Denmark, Italy, Sweden, and Hong Kong, with the vision to become a global leading collaborative centre for food safety. Through this key representation of academic collaborative efforts in engaging the industry, government, NGOs and other stakeholders, DISH is designated to translate into a true global effort to advance food safety, building on each partner’s networks, experiences and skills, and to reach its final goal of creating impact on society in the long run.

Mainland China


Life Sciences and Healthcare


ASRC to support the aviation industry with world-class MRO solutions

The Aviation Services Research Centre (ASRC) is an applied research center set up initially by PolyU and Boeing (Dec 2012), with local aviation companies HAECO and HAESL joining a few months later. The focus is mostly on Aviation related areas in particular the MRO industry. The principal areas of expertise within the ASRC are Automation, Robotics, Multi-axis Machining and Manufacturing, and Non-Destructive Inspection. RIO has arranged visit and exchange to ASRC for local and international organizations from time to time. Imperial College London, LIRMM-CNRS University of Montpellier and Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Jiangsu Provincial S&T Department, Jiangsu Center of International Technology Transfer China Resources Group Leaders from Shenzhen Futian government For more please visit

Mainland China


Advanced Manufacturing

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