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PolyU Scholars Hub



PhD(UAlberta), MPhil(HKU), BScPT(PolyU), BSc(HKU)



黃博士的研究利用人工智慧等先進技術來研究脊椎疼痛、疾病和康復,重點是腰痛、腰椎管狹窄和青少年特發性脊椎側彎。他曾在《柳葉刀-風濕病學》和《骨與關節外科雜誌》等頂尖學術期刊上發表了超過 140篇經常被引用的論文。他的研究成果廣受全球認可,為他贏得了國際脊椎側彎矯形與復健治療學會2019年最佳論文和香港第31屆老年學年會2024年傑出論文等獎項。自2023年起,他位列史丹福大學發表的全球首2%科學家「年度科學影響力排行榜」(骨科)。根據 Expertscape 的數據,他是研究「腰痛」和「背痛」方面排名最高的亞洲學者。

黃博士曾受邀在世界各地,包括在哈佛大學陳曾熙公共衛生學院和悉尼大學發表演講。他在香港和澳洲成功指導了許多碩士和博士生,而其博士畢業生在香港和英國亦擔任學術職務。他的學生已獲得 40 項本地和國際研究獎項。

黃博士積極推進骨科和康復治療領域的教育和研究。他是國際脊椎側彎矯形與復健治療學會的董事會成員、國際腰椎研究學會的教育委員會成員和前亞太區代表、以及香港物理治療學會的執行委員會成員。此外,他還擔任 BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation的副主編,並且是多份學術期刊的編輯委員會成員。


  • Foundation Certificate in Nutrition (Weight Management), The University of Hong Kong (School of Professional and Continuing Education)
  • Certificate in Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Management, The University of Hong Kong (School of Professional and Continuing Education)
  • Diploma in Acupuncture for Physiotherapists, Sun Yat-Sen University
  • Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology, The University of Hong Kong
  • Master of Philosophy in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Alberta


  • Register of Physiotherapists (Part Ia)


  • 脊骨功能與脊骨痛症的關係
  • 脊骨痛症與老化
  • 心理因素與脊骨痛症


  • Zheng DKY, Liu JQJ, Chang JR, Ng J, Zhou Z, Wu J, Cheung CKA, Huang FF, Pinto SM, Samartzis D, Ferreira ML, Ekanayake K, Lord S, Wang XQ, Wong AYL. Are changes in pain intensity related to changes in balance control in individuals with chronic non-specific low back pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
  • Li Y, Wong AYL, Chung WM, Li MQ, Molasiotis A, Bressington D, Ma CZH, Kor PPK, Yeung WF. The effect of a mindfulness and motivational interviewing-oriented physical-psychological integrative intervention for community-dwelling spinal cord injury survivors: a mixed-methods randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2024;S0003-9993(24)01006-2.
  • Liu JQJ, Hui KTK, Al Zoubi F, Zhou ZZX, Samartzis D, Yu CCH, Chang JR, Wong AYL. The great detectives: human versus AI detectors in catching large language model-generated medical writing. International Journal for Educational Integrity 2024;20:8.
  • Chang JR, Chan WY, Sharma S, Zhou ZX, Zheng DKY, Samartzis D, Pinto SM, Li S, Sun E, Lee J, Wong AYL. Comparative effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions on sleep in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review with network meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2023;73:101867.
  • Chan WWY, Fu SN, Chong TF, Gurjiven S, Tsai DSJ, Wong MCY, Zheng YP, Parent EC, Cheung JPY, Wong AYL. Associations between paraspinal muscle characteristics and spinal curvature in conservatively treated adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a systematic review. The Spine Journal 2023; S1529-9430(23)03502-7.
  • Anwer S, Li H, Antwi-Aafari M, Shaphe M, Paalekar T, Wong AYL. Identification and classification of physical fatigue in construction workers using linear and nonlinear heart rate variability measurements. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 2023;149:7.
  • Wong AYL, Samartzis D, Maher C. The global burden of osteoarthritis: past and future perspectives. Lancet Rheumatology 2023;5:E496-E497.
  • Wong, AYL, Mallow M, Pinto SM, Udy P, An HS, Samartzis D.The efficacy and safety of oral antibiotic treatment in patients with chronic low back pain and Modic changes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JOR Spine 2023;e1281.
  • Pinto S, Cheung JYP, Samartzis D, Karppinen J, Zheng YP, Pang MYC, Wong AYL. Are morphometric and biomechanical characteristics of lumbar multifidus related to pain intensity or disability in people with chronic low back pain after considering psychological factors or insomnia? Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022; 13:809891.
  • Wong AYL, Harada G, Lee R, Gandhi S, Dziedzic A, Espinoza-Orias A, Parnianpour M, Louie P, Basques B, An HS, Samartzis D. Preoperative paraspinal neck muscle characteristics are associated with early-onset radiographic adjacent segment degeneration in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion patients: A machine-learning modelling analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2021;39:1732-1744. doi: 10.1002/jor.24829.

