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PolyU Financial Assistance Scheme

The Student Affairs Office (SAO) administers a number of bursaries and interest-free loans which are intended to provide additional assistance to local students whose necessary expenses cannot be covered by the government's Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) and the Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT) and/or their family/personal resources.

The funds are donated by the philanthropists. With the unfailing support from our donors, around HK$4 million dollars of bursaries and loans were offered to needy students in 2023/24. Of which around HK$2.34 million dollars were allocated through the PolyU Financial Assistance Scheme.

2023-24 Bursaries and Loan Funds (for reference only)

Local full-time government-funded students with demonstrable financial difficulties are eligible to apply. Students however are reminded that the government schemes are the main sources of financial support and they should have made full use of TSFS and/or NLSFT before they consider applying for this Scheme. For assessment, applicants are required to provide information of their financial assistance application record, their family income and assets.

Assistance may be in the form of bursary (助學金) (no repayment needed) and/or interest-free loan (免息貸款). The level of assistance offered to each successful applicant is normally determined by the extent to which the applicant's tuition fee and basic living expenses cannot be covered by government assistance and his/her family/personal resources, as well as the funds available for disbursement.

In 2023/24, 271 out of 289 applications (94%) were successful under the PolyU FA Scheme (Main Round exercise). The bursary amount normally ranged from HK$3,000 to HK$10,000 while the loan amount normally ranged from HK$10,000 to HK$20,000.

An annual centralised application exercise is in use to process application for financial assistance under the PolyU Financial Assistance Scheme. Application period is normally in the commencement of an academic year.

Application for PolyU FA 2024/25

Applicant must thoroughly read the "Notes to Applicants" before filling in the Application Form.

Please download: Application form cum Consent form

Application Deadline:

Current Student: 12 Aug - 15 Sept 2024

New Student: 1- 30 Sept 2024

Application Procedure:

1.Please complete the Application form cum Consent form

2. submit the forms together with the supporting documents (part I of the Form)

3. through the online platform

Applications will be paper-vetted in the first instance. If necessary, applicants will be required to submit further information and/or invited to attend an interview for clarification and assessment.

Applicants would receive initial result in mid-Nov 2024, you can also check your record of the PolyU FA via the Scholarship and Financial Assistance System (SFAS) -

You can refer to the following workflow for the procedures of PolyU FA.

PolyU FA - Workflow for Applicant

