Page 30 - Campus Life Festival 2023 ebook
P. 30

Chess and Boardgames



   Leisure Division

   Hello! We are HKPUSAO Chess and Boardgames Club. we aim to                  我們是棋藝及桌上遊戲學會,致力推廣棋藝及桌上遊戲文化。
   connect members through boardgames, werewolf, and Live Action
   Role Playing (LARP).                                                        如果技癢起來,希望相約別人一起玩boardgames,但又比較困難
   Our Club organises various regular functions such as chess and              道合的朋友一起玩之餘,更有數之不盡的桌上遊戲提供給您選擇
   boardgames, werewolf, and Legends of the Three Kings to facili-             !狼人殺、三國殺,劇本殺都不在話下。
   tate the integration and relationship building  of students.   From
   time to time, we will also organise non-regular functions such as           今年當然不缺定期棋聚,更會有不定期的活動,例如主題桌遊工
   boardgames  workshop  to  strengthen  the  bonds  between  our              作坊,大家萬勿錯過!如果不想錯過「棋嫂」最新消息!就請大
   members.                                                                    家記得follow和密切關注我們的IG@polyusao_cbc。

   Joining the Chess and Boardgames Club would provide you with
   excellent chances to make new friends who share the same inter-
   est and hobbies. If you don’t want to miss this valued opportunity
   and any information about us, follow our Instagram @polyusao_c-
   bc. We are looking forward to seeing you at those gatherings!

   Instagram: polyusao_cbc


   Campus Life Festival 2023                                                                                                                            30
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