Page 33 - Campus Life Festival 2023 ebook
P. 33

Senior Year Admitted

   Students' Society


   Leisure Division

   To bring a better learning experience and a speedy immersion into           為了給我們的高年級新生  (SYA)  新生帶來更好的學習體驗和快速
   a new environment for our Senior Year Admitted (SYA) freshmen,              融入新環境,SYA 項目在新學期前特別為 SYA 學生組織迎新活動
   SYA Project organizes orientation activities particularly for SYA stu-      。
   dents before the new semester.
   Students will learn more about General University Requirements              習模式的差異、海外交流的信息以及理大提供的其他服務。  這也
   (GUR), the differences in study mode between community college              是結識來自不同部門的其他  SYA  學生的絕佳平台。  SYA  大使將
   and university, information about overseas exchange and other               分享他們的故事,並解決我們新生對 U-life 的擔憂。
   services provided by PolyU. This is also a great platform to meet
   other SYA students from various departments.  SYA Ambassadors
   will share their stories as well as address our freshmen’s concerns
   about U-life.

   Instagram: polyu.sao_syass


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