Page 57 - Campus Life Festival 2023 ebook
P. 57

Qazaq Student



   Non-local Student Association

   A warm welcome to students from all backgrounds from the Qazaq              哈薩克斯坦學生會(QSA)熱烈歡迎來自各個背景的學生!  QSA
   Student Association (QSA) at PolyU! While QSA primarily supports            主要支持哈薩克學生,但也為非哈薩克學生提供機會體驗多元文
   Kazakhstan students, it also offers an incredible  opportunity for          化。
   non-Kazakhstan students to immerse themselves in a diverse
   cultural experience.                                                        加入QSA意味著成為一個活力大家庭的一員,QSA促進校園融合
   Joining  QSA  means  becoming  part  of  a  vibrant  community  that        化活動,您將見證到令人著迷的表演,品嚐美味的食物,並探索
   promotes campus integration and fosters lifelong friendships. Get           哈薩克斯坦豐富的文化遺產。
   ready to celebrate Nauryz, our signature cultural  event, where
   you'll witness captivating performances, indulge in delicious food,         QSA相信文化交流的力量,歡迎每個人擁抱多樣性的美麗。無論
   and explore the rich heritage of Kazakhstan.                                您是想了解哈薩克斯坦的傳統,還是只是想交新朋友,QSA是拓

   QSA believes in the power of cultural exchange and welcomes                 為QSA的一員!
   everyone to embrace the beauty of diversity. Whether you're keen
   to learn about Kazakhstan's traditions or simply want to make new
   friends, QSA is the perfect platform to broaden your horizons and
   create unforgettable memories. Come and be part of our global
   family at QSA!

   Instagram: polyusao_qsa


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