Page 54 - Campus Life Festival 2023 ebook
P. 54

International Student



   Non-local Student Association

   Get ready to experience a world of friendship and excitement with           國際學生會(ISA)的目標是讓來自不同文化背景的學生們聚在一
   the International Students' Association (ISA)! Bringing students of         起,一起玩樂、交流,體驗不同的文化,讓大家都能更了解世界
   different cultural backgrounds together is our mission, as we aim           。我們有很多有趣的活動,像是國際文化之夜、運動日、遠足和
   to promote global awareness and cultural exchange. From the daz-            遊戲等等,每個人都能在這裡找到自己喜歡的活動,並且認識新
   zling International Cultural Night to exhilarating hiking and recre-        朋友。
   ational trips, sports days, and games from around the world, we
   have something for everyone.                                                此外,我們還會打造一個充滿溫暖和包容的氛圍,幫忙國際學生
   We also strive to enhance international students' understanding of          之旅吧!
   Hong  Kong's  culture  and  lifestyle,  creating  an  atmosphere  of
   warmth and inclusivity that will make you feel right at home. Don’t
   miss out on this exciting multicultural journey. Join ISA and let the
   adventure begin!

   Instagram: polyusao_isa


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