Page 49 - Campus Life Festival 2023 ebook
P. 49

University YMCA (The Hong

   Kong Polytechnic University)


   Other Clubs Affiliated with Exemption

   Since 2003, the University & College YMCA Department of Chinese             大學及學院青年會為香港中華基督教青年會轄下組織,履行「非
   YMCA of Hong Kong aims to nurture tertiary students into future             以役人,乃役於人」  的使命,致力透過舉辦本地及海外非形式教
   leaders with strong adaptability, creative insights and passion to          育活動及社會服務,促進青年人個人成長,培育青年人成為具備
   serve the community. With the slogan “U-Adventures Begin Here”,             適應力、解難能力及創新思維的社會棟樑。首間大學學青年會於
   we are committed to making the university life fruitful and unfor-          2003年成立,而大學青年會®  (香港理工大學)於2012成立,經過
   gettable by offering a wide array of distinguished local and over-          多年發展,至今全港共有八間大學青年會及一間學院青年會,會
   seas programmes, ranging from joint-u activities, service/cultural          友人數超過7,000人,累積服務人次近70萬。「U-Adventures
   tours to internships and a lot more. University YMCA® (The Hong             Begin  Here」為大學及學院青年會宣傳標語,寓意藉多元化活動
   Kong Polytechnic University was established in 2012. After years of         為青年人開展一個既豐富又難忘的大學歷程。
   development, there are 8 University YMCA® and 1 College YMCA®
   in Hong Kong with over 7,000 members, accumulating over 700,000             詳情請瀏覽:
   service headcounts.

   For details, please visit:

   Instagram: uniy.polyu


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