Page 45 - Campus Life Festival 2023 ebook
P. 45

Campus YMCA

   of PolyU

   香港基督教青年會專上學生聯會 (香港理工大學分部)

   Other Clubs Affiliated with Exemption

   YMCA of Hong Kong provides a variety of enriching activities that           香港基督教青年會 (YMCA of Hong Kong) 提供各種充實生活的活
   cater for individuals across society to promote social equality,            動,滿足社會人士在不同方面的需要,致力促進社會的平等、公
   justice, and peace.                                                         義與和平。

   Campus YMCA aims to build a partnership with university students            而香港基督教青年會專上學生聯會  (Campus  YMCA)  旨在與學生
   in organizing community services. Our services encompass vari-              建立夥伴關係,共同組織社區服務。當中的服務涵蓋多個社群,
   ous communities, including abandoned animals, local sunset                  例如:被遺棄動物、本土夕陽行業、傷殘人士等。本會致力為香
   industries, and persons with disabilities. Our organization is dedi-        港理工大學學生提供服務社會的機會,期望能夠讓他們了解社會
   cated to providing PolyU students with opportunities to serve the           上不同人士的需要,以提升他們對社會的關懷及責任感,鼓勵他
   community. We aim to promote their understanding of the needs of            們為社區作出積極貢獻。
   different individuals in society, foster a sense of social responsibili-
   ty and empathy among students, and encourage them to make
   positive contributions to the community.

   Instagram: campusymca_polyu


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