Page 48 - Campus Life Festival 2023 ebook
P. 48

Toastmasters Club


   香港英文演講會 (理大分會)

   Other Clubs Affiliated with Exemption

   About Toastmasters                                                          國際演講會(Toastmasters International)是一個教育性質的非
   We are a worldwide and non-profit organisation dedicated to lead-           營利組織,目的為協助會員提升其溝通、演講及領導技巧。
   ership and public speaking skills development.                              在PolyU Toastmasters Club, 我們會教導您在大學所需要的所有
   Join Toastmasters and you will                                              以及如何與同學交流等等 。
   - Improve your public speaking skills                                       我們將會定期舉行活動,費用全免。
   - Work on networking in a small and supportive environment                  讓我們一起成為更有自信的演講者,交流者及領袖吧!
   - Build leadership skills
   - Enjoy unlimited personal growth
   - Practice writing speeches and presenting in a group setting
   - Build self-confidence and self-awareness

   In PolyU Toastmasters Club, we will also teach you how to deal with
   group or individual presentations, how to present yourself with
   confidence, how to engage  with classmates,…, everything  you
   need in university.

   We organise meetings and workshops regularly. It is FREE to join
   and come as a guest.
   Join Toastmasters to become a more confident communicator,
   public speaker, and leader.

   Instagram: polyutoastmasters /


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