Our Venue Management Team
You are welcome to read more details on our Venue Management Manual

Through our online Venue Booking System and email reservation(for booking of Global Student Hub only) , campus users can arrange booking of Covered Wing Podiums, GSH, Group photo-takings Venue, Exhibition and Counters, and Other Venues, and no more than 2 locations will be normally reserved for the same activity.
There are also other venues managed by other University departments including Campus Development Office (CDO), Culture Promotion and Events Office (CPEO), and Student Affairs Office (SAO).
Feel free to take a look of the Campus Map to aid your planning.

Bookings for all covered wing podiums and designated promotional locations on the main campus are to be made via our online Venue Booking System , which is accessible by PolyU Staff and the current PolyU SU representative for viewing the booking status. Authorised staff (see the list here
) can book directly on the system for their events 180 days in advance generally on a “first-come-first-serve” basis and subject to University Policies & Procedures, rule & regulations and etc.
Booking of Global Student Hub (GSH) can be made by filling out the application form (CS33e) and email to fmvbook@polyu.edu.hk 180 days in advance generally on a “first-come-first-serve” basis and subject to University Policies & Procedures, rules & regulations and etc, and will only be considered for activities which facilitate cross-cultural mingling and further integration between local and non-local students.
We assess applications for venue hire in accordance with the criteria specified in the following terms and conditions, and guidelines.
Terms and conditions - staff
Joint Guideline for Management and Control of Contractor

Event Setup and Dismantling

Publicity Materials

For booking and use of the Digital Display System, please complete the online application form and return to Communications and Public Affairs Office (CPA) for their review and approval.
If you want to display posters or directional signs (read the Guidelines here) on campus about your events, these posters must not exceed the size of A3 with dept/office/society/organisation chop and removal date stamped. They should be affixed at the designated poster area. Directional signs should only be affixed at the designated poster area or the red brick wall on the event date only.

Audio Visual Equipment and Digital Display
We can accommodate your audio or visual requirements such as microphones and speaker system while you may also consider having technicians to assist. Welcome to read more details on our Venue Management Manual or contact the Learning and Teaching Technology Support Service of the Information Technology Services Office (ITS) at ext. 6302 or ext. 6303 for details.
For booking and use of the Digital Display System, please complete the online application form and return to Communications and Public Affairs Office (CPA) for their review and approval.
If you plan to book the Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Square (Logo Square) and use its LED Display Wall (Size: 6.72m (L) x 3.84 (W)), please make reservation by completing the online application form and return to Communications and Public Affairs Office (CPA). You can contact them as well for the use of Logo Square Audio System along checking out its specifications, and for the booking LED Display Panel at FGHJ Courtyard.

Crowd Control Equipment, Furniture Items and Plants

Temporary Provision of Electricity and Lightings
Nov-Jan : 5.45 pm to 6.45 am
Feb-Apr : 6.15 pm to 6.30 am
May-Aug : 6.45 pm to 6.00 am
Sep-Oct : 6.00 pm to 6.30 am
Supply of Three Phase power or additional lightings is also possible. Please send us an email at fmvbook@polyu.edu.hk if you have any question. Also do take a look at these Guidelines for temporary electrical installations - contractor and Safety Tips for using Plugs (EMSD).