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20240510 - RCRE Seminar by Prof Yixin Shao

RCRE Seminar: CO2 Utilization in Concrete: Challenges and Opportunities (只有英文版本)

Prof. Yixin Shao of McGill University, Canada delivered a seminar on the topic of “CO2 Utilization in Concrete: Challenges and Opportunities” on 10 May 2024. The seminar was co-organized with CEE of PolyU.



20240508 RCRE Seminar by Prof Bin FEI

RCRE Webinar Series: Upcycling Wool Carpets into Electrodes for Wearable Electrolysers (只有英文版本)

Prof. Bin FEI (SFT) delivered a webinar with the topic of “Upcycling Wool Carpets into Electrodes for Wearable Electrolysers” on 8 May 2024. The webinar was co-organized with CEE of PolyU and HKIE Environmental Division. Around 100 participants joined the webinar.



Event RecapFather of Asian EV delivers distinguished lecture2000 x 1050 pxSC

「亚洲电动车之父」主讲杰出学人讲座 论能源革命与汽车革命




20240503-RILS_NBSUI 2024

土地及空间研究院:城市基础设施的自然为本解决方案国际会议圆满举办 (只有英文版本)

The International Conference on Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Infrastructure (NBSUI) was held at Chiang Chen Studio Theatre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) from 25 to 26 April 2024. The Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) was one of the co-organisers, and the conference had also received support from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Geomatics, and Jockey Club STEM Lab of Earth Observations of PolyU. Prof. Yuhong WANG, member of RILS, and Prof. Qihao WENG, Associate Director of RILS, co-chaired the conference successfully.


会议 / 论坛

Recap of PAIR DLS by Prof Alex Mihailidis on 26 April 2024 2000 x 1080 pxSC

加拿大多伦多大学Alex MIHAILIDIS教授于理大高等研究院杰出讲座系列分享「大型语言模型在老年护理中的应用潜力」

多伦多大学国际合作协理副校长Alex MIHAILIDIS教授于2024年4月26日主讲理大高等研究院第19场杰出讲座,讲题为「老年护理的未来发展:大型语言模型的整合」。 是次讲座吸引了近100名参加者到场参与,以及超过14,100人次于世界各地透过哔哩哔哩、微信、微博及YouTube等各个社交媒体平台观看直播。



Event RecapProf CUI Zhanfeng of Oxford delivers lecture on biomedical engineering 2000 x 1080 pxSC

英国牛津大学崔占峰教授主讲杰出讲座 论生物医学工程

英国牛津大学化学工程Donald Pollock讲席教授兼牛津大学高等研究院(苏州)创始院长崔占峰教授于2024年4月23日主讲理大高等研究院第18场杰出讲座,讲题为「工程学、生物学 和医学的交叉」。 是次讲座吸引了近100名参加者到场参与,以及超过11,200人次于世界各地透过YouTube、微博、哔哩哔哩等多个社交媒体平台观看直播。



20240422 PRI DS by Prof Zuyuan He

何祖源教授在光子技术研究院的杰出研讨会上发表演讲 (只有英文版本)

The PRI Distinguished Seminar was successfully held yesterday, covering the topic of” Optical Fiber Distributed Acoustic Sensors: Challenges and Solutions”. The Distinguished Seminar was graced by the presence of Prof. Zuyuan He, Chair Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, whose invaluable contributions and insights were central to the seminar’s success.



20240412 MHRC Seminar by Prof CHEN Juan

MHRC Seminar: Choice Preferences for Mental Health Services - A Comparison between Hong Kong and China’s Mega Cities (只有英文版本)

Prof CHEN Juan shares a survey result of what are the preferred mental health services Chinese (in major cities). The seminar also covers the insights for policy decision to more effectively allocate resources in establishing and improving the mental health care systems.



Recap of DLS by Prof LIN JIanguo on 9 April 2024 2000 x 1050 pxSC

英国伦敦帝国学院林建国教授主讲杰出讲座 论热冲压技术

英国伦敦帝国学院工程学院机械工程系材料力学部教授及主任林建国教授,于2024年4月9日主讲理大高等研究院第17场杰出讲座,讲题为「如何获取高质量的热成形实验数据? 」。 是次讲座以混合模式进行,吸引了来自澳洲、亚洲、欧洲和北美等十多个国家和地区共150多名参加者,以及超过12,400人次透过YouTube、微博、哔哩哔哩等多个社交 媒体平台观看直播。



20240408 PRI Seminar by Prof Cheng Wei Qiu

PRI Distinguished Seminar Series by Prof. Cheng-Wei Qiu (只有英文版本)

The Photonics Research Institute (PRI) Distinguished Seminar Series “Synthetic Interface Optics: Plasmonic / dielectric, TMDC and van der Waals Metasurfaces” was successfully held on 8 April 2024.



