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Violet Hall


Prof. Geoffrey Shen

Hall Warden

Department of Building and Real Estate
Welcome to the Violet Hall – the hall that has a special theme of cultural diversity and integration!

The Homantin Halls are named with six rainbow colours. The violet colour of our Hall implies imagination, sensitivity and consideration.

Hall life is part and parcel of your university education, complementary to the formal curriculum in classrooms. It facilitates your all-round developments through a variety of exciting activities, on top of your discipline-specific knowledge and generic skills.

As a resident of this hall, you will have the golden opportunities to appreciate and value cultural diversities; to build friendship with other hall residents from near and afar; to respect and care for other residents; and to develop leadership abilities to work with people of different cultural and professional backgrounds. All of these are essential elements for success in your career development.

I wish all of you a vibrant and enjoyable hall experience as colourful as the rainbow, and make it a valuable component of your university life! Supported by a group of excellent tutors, I look forward to working with you to make the Violet Hall a home away from home for all of our residents.
  • Warden Office : Rm 0311
  • Warden Office Tel. : 3996 2081, Campus Office Tel. : 2766 5817
Violet_Xie Ningrong

Dr Xie Ningrong

Hall Senior Tutor

Institue of Textiles and Clothing
  • Wing Assigned : 3/F North & South Wing, Room 0303
  • Interest : Painting (watercolour & digital)
Violet_Huo Yingxu

Mr Huo Yingxu

Hall Tutor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Wing Assigned : 4/F North & South Wing, Room 0403
  • Interest : Football, table tennis & sports
Violet_Khalil Ahmed Kamel

Mr Khalil Ahmed Kamel

Hall Tutor

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
  • Wing Assigned : 6/F South Wing, Room 0633
  • Interest : Cooking, sports, soccer, exercise, running, community work, volunteer work & hiking
Violet_Li Suying

Miss Li Suying

Hall Tutor

Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
  • Wing Assigned : 5/F South Wing, Room 0533
  • Interest : Music, anime & video editing

