Mr TSOI Cheong-wai
Assistant Director/Spatial Data, Lands Department, The Government of the HKSAR
Mr. Tsoi Cheong-wai is a seasoned professional with vast experience in geomatics, land surveying and mapping. He leads large-scale geospatial information platform design, development and implementation. Committed to fostering easy access to spatial data and enhancing public services, Mr. Tsoi participates in strategic cross-agency spatial data sharing, process improvement and data standards development initiatives since early 2000s. He oversees geodetic survey, land information systems, spatial data analysis, digital maps production, photogrammetry, remote sensing and geospatial information services in the Lands Department. Mr. Tsoi serves in different committees and he also contributes to education through delivering guest lectures in universities and to public organizations. Mr. Tsoi is a corporate member of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and a Chartered member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Behind Visuals, Beyond Spatial - The Wider Dimensions of Geospatial Science to Foster the Development of Liveable Cities
Making cities liveable for all is one of the greatest challenges of this century. We are at a time when many initiatives are in progress on which people count for improvement in all that can make a city desirable as a place in which to live and to work. Whether we are talking about liveable cities or smart cities, the ultimate goal is to improve people’s quality of life. For this to be achieved, we need more than vision, framework, publicity or effort from one discipline. While much has been talked on the potential benefits of spatial data, there is less discussion on how vision can be transformed to reality and how meaningful but sometimes less attended areas may be approached. This presentation attempts to share some vital elements that underpin the use of spatial data and technologies in the design of geospatial applications and services for the benefits of the public. Data issues, platform development, interoperability and challenges will be discussed. 3D city models, multidisciplinary data and real-life examples will be used to illustrate the wider dimensions that can be examined for contribution to developing caring and liveable cities of the future.