Education Corner Creative Workshop 2024

05 - 07 Dec 2024
PolyU Design & HKDI
10:00 - 18:00
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 香港會議展覽中心
【PolyU Design】Ms. Shanna Leung (852) 34003439
【HKDI】Ms. Lam Lam (852) 3928 2075
Education Corner is a concurrent event of the Business of Design Week. This series of creative workshops aimed at increasing secondary school students' interest and participation in design and creativity. The teams from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design and Hong Kong Design Institute have teamed up to present the workshops. Follow the links below for the workshop details.
Registration opens on 28 October 12:30PM HKT HERE
Workshop A: Plastic Fantastic - Collective Art Installation
NO. OF STUDENTS PER WORKSHOP: 15 max. (face to face only)
每節參加人數:最多15人 (只有實體課堂)
In response to the Kuk Po Art Festival 2025, participants will upcycle discarded plastic bags to create a collective art installation – “A blaze of lights across the land”. Participants will use the plastic bags to create collage artwork and fold them into house-shaped lanterns. All the artworks will be collected and displayed at the Kuk Po Art Festival.
- Brief Introduction to recycle plastic industry
- Reimagining the use of waste materials in a storytelling art installation
- Promoting revitalization of remote village project - Kuk Po Get Together and its upcoming Art Festival
- 簡介塑膠回收產業
- 重新想像在講故事的藝術裝置中使用廢棄材料
- 介紹「共聚谷埔」 鄉郊保育計畫及-共聚谷埔藝術節即將開幕
WORKSHOP TUTOR 工作坊導師: Kuk Po Get Together 重聚谷埔團隊
VENUE 地點: HKCEC 香港會展展覽中心
DURATION 每節時數: 2hrs
Individual 個人: (Register by student ONLY 只限學生登記)
5 Dec 12月5日: [A1] 10:00am – 12:00nn │ [A2] 1:30pm – 3:30pm │ [A3] 4:00pm – 6:00pm
【FREE 免費】【Face to face 實體】
Workshop B: Traditional Paper Crafting Workshop - Kite Making
工作坊B:傳統紙藝 — 風箏紮作工作坊
NO. OF STUDENTS PER WORKSHOP: 15 max. (face to face only)
每節參加人數:最多15人 (只有實體課堂)
- Teach basic paper crafting techniques and promote traditional paper crafting
- Increase public awareness of bamboo and inspire the use of natural and sustainable materials
- Cultivate the ingenuity of the next generation and the ability to create using their hands
- 教授基本紮作技巧,推廣紮作工藝
- 提升公眾對竹的認知,介紹其處理技術,並推動自然與可持續發展材料的應用
- 培養下一代的匠心和使用身體創作的能力
WORKSHOP TUTOR 工作坊導師: Zaat Hap Laa 紮合啦
VENUE 地點: HKCEC 香港會展展覽中心
DURATION 每節時數: 2hrs
Individual 個人: (Register by student ONLY 只限學生登記)
6 Dec 12月6日: [B1] 10:00am – 12:00nn │ [B2] 1:30pm – 3:30pm │ [B3] 4:00pm – 6:00pm
【FREE 免費】【Face to face 實體】
Workshop C: 'Local Material to Local Needs' Workshop
工作坊C:「在地供應 — 在地需求」工作坊
NO. OF STUDENTS PER WORKSHOP: 15 max. (face to face only)
每節參加人數:最多15人 (只有實體課堂)
Observed the wisdom of the neighbours, how they utilize the material at hand to create the object for their needs is very impressive. With the material from local hardware store, students explore the adaptability of the material to design an object with function.
- Introduction on the concept of “Local Resources to Local Needs” concept
- Explore the adaptability / characteristic of the hardware material
- Design an object with function by utilizing the adaptability of the material
平日觀察街坊如何活用隨手可得的物料為解決自身的需要, 這種活用的手法, 正正是把設計的基本概念 — 發掘物料的可能性帶出。同學可以探索五金配件(本地資源)的特性,設計成一個附有功能的產品。
- 介紹 「 在地供應 — 在地需求 」 的概念
- 探索物料的可塑性
- 啟發生活化的設計,活用身邊的資源
WORKSHOP TUTOR 工作坊導師: Recoso Design Studio
VENUE 地點: HKCEC 香港會展展覽中心
DURATION 每節時數: 2hrs
Individual 個人: (Register by student ONLY 只限學生登記)
7 Dec 12月7日: [C1] 10:00am – 12:00nn │ [C2] 1:30pm – 3:30pm │ [C3] 4:00pm – 6:00pm
【FREE 免費】【Face to face 實體】
Important Notes 注意事項:
1. Teachers of all participating secondary schools are recommended to remind their students to use all arts or carving tools and equipment carefully, for example, scissors and cutters, or any other sharp objects before the workshop starts.
2. The organiser will contact the registrants to confirm their seats upon receipt of their registration. Please make sure all information submitted via the form is valid. Further personal information may be requested for the campus access registrations.
About Hong Kong Design Institute
Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) is a member of VTC Group. HKDI was established in 2007 with the mission to be a leading provider of design education and lifelong learning, including architecture, interior and product design, communication design, digital media and fashion and image design. With a view to providing professional designers for the creative industries, it promotes the “think and do” approach and encourages interdisciplinary synergy in its broad range of design programmes that cultivate students’ cultural sensitivity and sense of sustainability. HKDI maintains a strong network with industry and provides its students with essential practical experience. Overseas exchanges are actively arranged to broaden students’ horizons and international perspectives.
關於香港知專設計學院 (HKDI)
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese
Free Registration | Limited seats, first come first served. | Both group and individual registration are welcome.
粵語講授 | 免費登記 | 名額有限,先到先得 | 歡迎團體及個别參加者報名
Conducted by: Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)
工作坊指導: 香港知專設計學院
Mode of Instruction: Face to face
教授模式: 面授
Date: 5 - 7 Dec 2024 (Thu - Sat)
日期: 2024年12月5至 7日 (星期四至六)
Enquiries on workshop:
Ms Lam LAM
T: 3928 2075
Workshop 1 : Mini-Hologram掌上 3D 投影
Students will produce a Mini-Hologram model, experiencing the interesting effect and satisfaction of a 3D model floating in their hands, while learning about the design skills involved in 3D spatial design and technology. Let’s experience this hands-on workshop on-site!
6 Dec (Fri) 14:00-15:00 & 17:00-18:00 │ 7 Dec (Sat) 12:30-13:30
Maximum 20 participants per session每節上限20人
Target participants對象: Secondary School Students 中學生
Workshop 2 : Digital Body Printing數碼人體塗鴉
6 Dec (Fri) 12:30-13:30 & 15:30-16:30 │ 7 Dec (Sat) 15:30-16:30
Maximum 20 participants per session每節上限20人
Target participants對象: Secondary School Students 中學生
Workshop 3 : Digital Media Magic with Generative AI 數碼媒體魔法與生成式AI
Jump into a 60-minute taster workshop and explore the exciting world of digital media production and generative AI! This workshop will ignite students’ creativity and imagination, showing them how to transform their ideas—from text and images to animations or short videos and producing a variety of dynamic works!
6 Dec (Fri) 12:30-13:30 & 15:30-16:30 │ 7 Dec (Sat) 14:00-15:00
Maximum 20 participants per session每節上限20人
Target participants對象: Secondary School Students 中學生
Workshop 4 : Frog button workshop花鈕配飾工作坊
Students will create a unique frog button at the Frog Button workshop, guided by professional teachers and students from the Fashion Archive. This workshop will demonstrate the craftsmanship behind the creation of Frog Buttons by Cheongsam masters, promoting this traditional art form to fashion enthusiasts and crafting novices.
5 Dec (Thu) 14:00-15:00 & 17:00-18:00 │ 7 Dec (Sat) 17:00-18:00
Maximum 20 participants per session每節上限20人
Target participants對象: Secondary School Students 中學生
Workshop 5 : Dive into Creativity at the Paper Folding Art Workshop: Paper Bear Mask Making! 紙藝工作坊:動手製作紙質熊面具,開啟創意之旅!
Students will transform flat templates into stunning 3D masks using precision-cut paper pieces. They will also learn the art of folding and glueing by creating a unique, wearable masterpiece that reflects their personal style. This hands-on experience promises fun and inspiration for a seasoned artist and a curious beginner. Join us and let your creativity shine!
5 & 6 Dec (Thu & Fri) 10:30-11:15 & 11:30-12:15
Maximum 20 participants per session每節上限20人
Target participants對象: Secondary School Students 中學生
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