INTERDEPENDENCE Exhibition at the Milan Design Week 2024

16 - 20 Apr 2024
Polimi Design System
00:00 - 00:00
FABBRICA DEL VAPORE, Via Proccacini 4 – Milan
The exhibition “INTERDEPENDENCE” at the Milano Design Week is organised by the Polimi Design System of the Politecnico di Milano featuring a set of initiatives to reflect on relationships and connections through a selection of projects by students from Politecnico and around 50 international design universities in its network. It promotes the importance of inclusiveness in design and how interdisciplinary design can foster and shape innovative, conscious, and collaborative relationships.
Through the diversity of students and their projects, the creative process experiences an awareness that opens to new unexplored potentials, and it is an ongoing discovery that is sparked by the INTERDEPENDENCE of design
About the PolyU Design project in the exhibition:
eSee Mart
By Lau Sin Yu, Daisy (BA (Hons) in Communication Design)
Tutor: Kwok Brian
‘eSee Mart’ is a possible design concept in collaboration with a local supermarket primarily designed for people with visual impairment (PVI). As of 2021, 2.7% of the total population in Hong Kong are with visual impairment. Although barrier free design guidelines are well established among the city, they usually lack consideration of users’ need and do not encourage people with disability to live independently.
Therefore, the aim of this project is to empower PVI by creating inclusive shopping experience, while letting them accomplish everyday tasks independently and comfortably. The main design features include portable tactile map, visual-impaired-friendly wayfinding signages, near field communication (NFC) smart shelves and supermarket configuration. Hopefully the design could be widely applied to other locations in the future and PVI could be given more power to live independently than ever before.
By Tong Man Man, Mandy (BA (Hons) in Interactive Media)
Tutor: Lee Brian
R:connet (pronounced "reconnect") is a team building and socializing app that simplifies the process of planning and helps make fun events happen among friends. The app offers a gamified and user-friendly interface with intuitive features that enable users to create custom events, set interesting rules based on photo and video challenges that promote positive relationships between offline and online social lives and invite others to participate. With the help of mascots acting like virtual assistants, users can easily plan activities, schedule events with a shared calendar, and assign fun tasks that encourage face-to-face interaction.
By Liu Tsun To, Samuel (BA (Hons) in Product Design)
Tutor: Lee Brian
Playground can enable placemaking for collective enjoyment and recreation. It is the center of a community and the meeting point for all people. Therefore, an ideal playground is able to encourage social interaction. However, in current playgrounds, interaction among playground users is rare, especially those between children and elderly. The biggest reason behind could be the division of zones. Many local playgrounds are divided into different zones, where each one is created for a specific age group. As a result, playground users are very separated and distanced.
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