(December 4th, 2024) The 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (hereafter referred to as "PolyU Design" or "the School") was held on 29th November at Cloud 39 of The Henderson. As the grand finale of PolyU Design’s 60th-anniversary celebrations, the evening brought together leading figures from business, design, culture, and public sectors, including Dr Eric Yim, MH, JP, Chairman of Hong Kong Design Centre and Chairman of Advisory Committee of PolyU School of Design; Prof. Teng Jin-guang, President of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee, Dean of PolyU School of Design; Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, GBS, JP, Chief Executive Officer of The Hong Kong Jockey Club; Dr Victor Lo, GBM, GBS, OBE, JP, Chairman and President of Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Limited; Ms Marjorie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group, and renowned design luminaries such as Mr Henry Steiner, Dr Kan Tai-Keung SBS, BBS, AGI, Mr Tino Kwan and Mr Freeman Lau, among others. Event initiator is Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee, Dean of PolyU School of Design; Co-Chairs of the event are Mr. Dennis Chan, co-founder and creative director of Qeelin and Ms Grace Lau, Curatorial Director, Fine Art Asia. Together, they witnessed this important milestone in PolyU Design’s journey of excellence.
Guest of Honour Dr Eric Yim, MH, JP, Chairman of Hong Kong Design Centre and Chairman of Advisory Committee of PolyU School of Design, delivered the keynote speech at the 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner.
A Globally Renowned Design Institution Nurturing Exceptional Talents
As one of the world’s top 20 design schools, PolyU Design has long been a hub of design education and research in Hong Kong, dedicated to offering high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that cultivate exceptional design talents. In his keynote speech, Guest of Honor Dr Eric Yim, praised the School for its outstanding achievements, stating: “PolyU Design’s alumni are the living embodiment of the School’s legacy and success. They stand as shining examples of the transformative power of education and training at School of Design. Their journeys from students to industry leaders are testaments not only to their own growth but also to the collective advancement of the design community. Their achievements inspire current and future students, showcasing the boundless possibilities and potential within the realm of design.”
PolyU President Prof. Teng Jin-guang reiterated the university’s commitment to education and innovation: “As we look to the future, we see a world faced with many unprecedented challenges - from climate change to socioeconomic inequality, from ageing populations to digital transformation. I am however confident that the School of Design will be able to harness the transformative power of design to address these pressing global challenges and nurture socially responsible graduates for the future, just as it has done for the past six decades, living up to PolyU’s motto, ‘To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind’.”
Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, President of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee, Dean of the PolyU School of Design
Dean of PolyU School of Design, Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee, added: “Tonight I see the faces of those who have shaped our journey—our dedicated former and current faculty, innovative students, supportive partners, and accomplished alumni. Together, we’ve built more than just a design school; we’ve created a community that redefines what design can achieve.
Our vision is clear – to be a world-leading design school that harnesses creativity and innovation to address society’s most pressing challenges. With your continued partnership, I’m confident we will achieve even greater heights in the decades to come.”
Prof. Lee further represents PolyU Design in expressing heartfelt gratitude to patrons whose generous contributions have made the event possible and supported the future of design education. They include Dr Victor Lo, AB Concept, Dr Eric Yim, Ms Marjorie Yang, Mr Dennis Chan & Mr Tino Kwan, Mr Freeman Lau & Dr Roy Chung GBS JP, Dean and management of PolyU School of Design, Mr Tommy Li, Ms Grace Lau, The Bees Holdings Limited, Mr James O, Ms Amy Wong and On Your Mark Design Laboratory.
As the grand finale to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of PolyU Design, the dinner brings together elites from Hong Kong's business, design, cultural, and public sectors.2nd row (from left): Mr Dennis Chan, Mr Stefan Sonntag, Dr Brian Lee, Prof Cees de Bont, Prof Kun-Pyo Lee, Dr Eric Yim, Mr Tino Kwan, Ms Marjorie Yang, Dr Victor Lo, Ms Grace Lau, Prof Lorraine Justice, Mr Tommy Li, Mr Henry Steiner, Mr Freeman Lau, Dr. Gerhard Bruyns, Ms Rennie Kan and Mr Alex Fung1st row (from left): Mr Ed Ng, Mr Michael Miller Yu, Ms Ivy Lau, Mr Sin Tze Kong, Mr Ron Leung and Ms Elaine Chow

Alumni performances during the dinner elevated the atmosphere to its peak.
Partnering with Christie’s as a Charity Auction Partner to Support Emerging Designers Together with the Industry
Additionally, the School conveyed sincere appreciation for the doners who contributed auction items during the event, they include Mr Dennis Chan, Mr Edward Lam, Ms Elaine Chow, Mr Freeman Lau, Frog King, Mr Henry Steiner, Dr Kan Tai-Keung, Mr Man Lim Chung, mtm labo, Mr Ron Leung, Mr So Hing Keung and Mr Tony Tam.
The gala dinner invited Christie’s as the auction partner, with Ms. Sara Mao, Director of Christie’s Education, Head of Strategic Growth Initiatives, Christie’s Asia Pacific, serving as the auctioneer for some of the evening’s exquisite items. Ms. Mao has extensive experience in auctioneering rare items. The auction atmosphere was vibrant in the event. Proceeds from the auction, after covering net costs, will be dedicated to supporting student development initiatives.
This Gala Dinner not only celebrated 60 years of the School’s accomplishments but also reflected on the evolution of design and envisioned its future impact on Hong Kong. Held at The Henderson, a masterpiece by Zaha Hadid Architects—a practice founded by the late Dame Zaha Hadid—serves as a significant event venue that parallels the architectural brilliance of the Jockey Club Innovation Tower, also designed by Zaha Hadid Architects and home to the School since 2014. Both structures epitomize the spirit of innovation and creativity.
The gala dinner invited Christie's as the auction partner, with Ms Sara Mao, Director of Christie’s Education, Head of Strategic Growth Initiatives, Christie’s Asia Pacific, serving as the auctioneer for some of the evening's exquisite items.
A major highlight of the 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner was the venue design and setup, which was undertaken by current students from the School of Design (like the display setup for the auction items shown in the photo). The participating students, from the disciplines of Environment and Interior Design, Communication Design, Advertising, and Product Design, applied their knowledge from the School to create a creative and memorable experience for the guests.
Supporting Emerging Designers and Sustaining Creative Legacy
A highlight of the evening was the creative venue décor, conceptualized and executed by PolyU Design’s current students. Participants included undergraduate students from Environmental and Interior Design, Communication Design, Advertising, and Product Design programmes. Under the guidance of distinguished alumni, these students applied their knowledge to craft a unique and unforgettable experience for guests, showcasing their creativity and talent.
Co-Chair of the 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner Steering Committee, Mr. Dennis Chan, remarked, “This gala is not only a platform for alumni and industry friends to reunite but also an invaluable opportunity for students to apply their learning in a real-world setting. We are honored to witness how the next generation of designers takes the stage and demonstrates their potential.”
Fellow Co-Chair, Ms Grace Lau, added, “It’s a rare and invaluable opportunity for students to participate in a project of this scale before graduation. Working alongside industry professionals, they have laid a strong foundation for their future careers.”
Celebrating 60 Years of Design Excellence
The 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner honoured the School’s legacy while looking forward to a promising future. PolyU Design remains steadfast in its mission to advance design education, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and nurture more outstanding design talents, continuing to make significant contributions to Hong Kong and the global design community. The school would also like to express its gratitude to AQUA PRO+TECH, mtm labo, and PYE sponsoring the event’s gifts.
About PD60 Gala Dinner Steering Committee
Co-Chairs: Dennis Chan, Grace Lau
Event initiator: Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee
Committee Members: Elaine Chow, Ivy Lau, Ron Leung, Sin Tze Kong
About PolyU School of Design
PolyU Design has been an important hub of design education and research for Hong Kong for 60 years. The School is ranked among 20th global top schools on the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) art and design rankings.
Academic programmes are offered at bachelor, master, and doctoral levels in highly diverse design expertise including product design, interaction design, information design, advertising design, media design, interior design, environmental design, social design, service design, transitional environments design, innovative business design, intelligent systems design, smart service design, and innovative multimedia entertainment. The School has made substantial research contributions in Asian ergonomics and lifestyle, universal design, and creative art, and is currently focused on research initiatives in social design, design economy, and design making.
PolyU Design attaches equal importance to design theory and application, actively promotes interdisciplinary cooperation and learning, emphasises high-quality design education, conducts high-level research, and maintains close connections with various sectors of government and business to provide various consulting and design services.
The School provides a well-equipped teaching and learning environment in the Jockey Club Innovation Tower, a landmark building designed by the late Zaha Hadid.
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For media enquiries and interview requests, please contact Say It Loud :
Venus Wong 6046 5327 / Crystal Chan 9468 6388
venus@sayitloud.com.hk crystal@sayitloud.com.hk
理大「時日在設計」60週年 壓軸慶典晚宴 共同推動香港設計發展 傳承創意精神
(2024年12月4日)香港理工大學設計學院(「理大設計」或「學院」) 60週年慶典晚宴已於11月29日假城中矚目新地標The Henderson的Cloud 39宴會廳盛大舉行。作為慶祝理大設計60周年的壓軸項目,晚宴雲集商業、設計、文化及公共領域的精英,包括香港設計中心主席暨理大設計學院學院顧問委員會主席嚴志明博士MH JP、香港理工大學校長滕錦光教授、理大設計學院院長李健杓教授、香港賽馬會行政總裁應家柏先生GBS JP、金山科技工業有限公司主席兼總裁羅仲榮博士 GBM GBS OBE JP、溢達集團董事長楊敏德女士、石漢瑞先生、靳埭强博士 SBS, BBS, AGI、關永權先生及劉小康先生等。發起人為理大設計學院院長李健杓教授;聯合主席為Qeelin 麒麟創辦人及創意總監陳瑞麟先生及亞藝博策展總監劉君𤩹女士,一同見證理大設計學院的重要里程。
香港理工大學設計學院60周年慶典晚宴主禮嘉賓香港設計中心主席暨理大設計學院學院顧問委員會主席嚴志明博士MH JP
國際知名設計學府 成就卓越人才
李教授進一步代表香港理工大學設計學院,對於慷慨捐助的贊助人表示衷心致意,他們的貢獻使活動得以舉行並支持設計教育的未來。贊助人包括羅仲榮博士、AB Concept、嚴志明博士、楊敏德女士、陳瑞麟先生及關永權先生、劉小康先生及鍾志平博士GBS JP、理工大學設計學院院長及管理層、李永銓先生、劉君𤩹女士、The Bees Holdings Limited、柯興邦先生、黃可恩女士及On Your Mark Design Laboratory。
作為慶祝理大設計60周年的壓軸項目,晚宴雲集香港商業、設計、文化及公共領域的精英第二行(左起): 陳瑞麟先生、Stefan Sonntag 先生、李宇軒博士、方啟思教授、李健杓教授、嚴志明博士、關永權先生、楊敏德女士、羅仲榮博士 、劉君𤩹女士、Lorraine Justice教授、李永銓先生、石漢瑞先生、劉小康先生、卓淮德博士、簡頴兒女士及馮崇裕先生第一行(左起): 伍仲匡先生、余奉祖先生、劉海慧女士、冼子光先生、梁昆剛先生及周思彤女士
獲佳士得作為慈善拍賣夥伴 與業界一同共襄支持設計新貴
此外,對於在活動期間捐贈拍賣物品的捐贈者,設計學院也表示謝意,他們包括陳瑞麟先生、寶林軒林梓華先生、周思彤女士、劉小康先生、蛙王、石漢瑞先生、靳埭強博士、文念中先生、mtm labo、梁昆剛先生、蘇慶強先生和譚可富先生。
是次晚宴不僅是對學院過去60年成就的致敬,更是對設計演變歷程的反思,以及對香港未來發展的展望。晚宴於由已故建築師扎哈・哈迪德(Dame Zaha Hadid)設計成立的扎哈・哈迪德建築事務所(Zaha Hadid Architects)設計的The Henderson舉行,與學院自2014年扎根的賽馬會創新樓一脈相承,意義非凡。當晚來自全球的設計業界翹楚、校友及學院師生濟濟一堂,共同慶賀學院過去的成就,同時交流創意設計的未來方向。
支持未來設計新秀 延續創意傳統
設計六十載 展望未來
理大設計60週年晚宴既是對過往成就的禮讚,也是對未來設計發展的展望。學院將繼續致力於推動創意教育及跨學科合作,培育更多卓越設計人才,為香港及全球設計界作出更多貢獻。同時,學院亦感謝AQUA PRO+TECH、mtm labo及PYE 派贊助當晚嘉賓的入場禮物。
籌委會成員: 周思彤、劉海慧、梁昆剛及冼子光
學院基地為賽馬會創新樓,由已故著名建築師Zaha Hadid設計,提供優秀完善的教學環境。
媒體查詢及訪問詳情,請聯絡Say It Loud :
Venus Wong 6046 5327 / Crystal Chan 9468 6388
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