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Time-Capsuling: The Untold Journeys of PolyU Design

As Hong Kong's first iconic comprehensive design school, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (“PolyU Design”) has been a vital hub for design education and research, offering world-class undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to nurture creative talent across various industries.   This publication traces PolyU Design's journey from the Hong Kong Technical College to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, capturing responses to changes in industry policies, technological advancements, and insights from thought leaders. It provides a deeper narrative of design development in Hong Kong, allowing readers to understand the School's history and the relationship between design education and the social and economic transformations in the city through a visually appealing and systematic timeline.   The project team dedicated over a year to interviewing individuals from various eras and sectors, each with different connections to the School’s evolution. In addition to utilising the School's internal collections, they sourced valuable materials and artifacts from alumni and other channels. Through meticulous organisation, editing, and design, this significant initiative has come to fruition.   Chapters: (1) Outroduction, (2) Leadership, (3) Programme Evolution, and (4) Research Paradigm.   Click here to begin the journey with us!

26 Mar, 2025

Books & Articles School of Design


PolyU Design Impact Report 2024: 60 Years Designing Time

Welcome to the 2024 Impact Report of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, where we celebrate a year of creativity, innovation, and transformative design education and research. This report, themed "60 Years Designing Time", highlights our achievements, initiatives, and the profound impact our students and faculty have made in shaping the future of design. From groundbreaking projects to collaborations and community engagement, we are proud to share stories that reflect our commitment to excellence and social responsibility. We invite you to explore this report and discover how PolyU Design is not only fostering talent but also contributing to a better world through design. Your support and engagement are vital to our mission, and we look forward to sharing our journey with you.   READ ONLINE Download PDF version

19 Feb, 2025

Books & Articles School of Design


Research | 'Portrayals of Women in Early Twentieth-Century China' by Dr Sandy Ng

How did the modernization of early 20th-century China transform the image and identity of Chinese women?   Our Assistant Professor, Dr Sandy Ng has recently published a monograph, 'Portrayals of Women in Early Twentieth-Century China', which examines how the modernisation of early 20th-century China transformed the image and identity of Chinese women. The book explores how women navigated their changing identities with the proliferation of new designs in Chinese households by studying advertisements, photographs, and films from that era. It focuses on women's role and visual representations in introducing modern design and ways of living to China.   Let's explore together the visual landscape that redefined women's identity and subjectivity in 20th-century China. More about the book

17 May, 2024

Books & Articles School of Design



(Chinese version available only)   作者:陳錦輝、潘雋希、孔維樂--樂地文化   社區係乜?關於自己身處的社區,每個人總會知少少,又弔詭地有少少無知,而知道自己對社區無知,也可以是改變的起點。就因為知啲唔知啲,我們(錦輝+雋希+阿樂)在12月15日下午於理工大學設計學院搞了一場名為「Socially Yours Conference 2023」的學術會議,由一眾社群設計單位分享洞見和學習。過百人出席,有學生、教授、NGO和合作伙伴,都是不同意義下的社區工作者。不過呢,這個聲稱學術會議,其實流流地,就只是我們用兩個星期堆砌出來的把戲。玩笑一場,要由一年前說起…… 閱讀全文   文章來源:明報—星期日現場(2024年1月14日)

14 Jan, 2024

Books & Articles School of Design

impact report

PolyU Design: Impact Report 2023

Dear friend,   As the year draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the past and eagerly anticipating the future. May 2024 be a year filled with meaningful collaborations for you. In the spirit of new beginnings and continuous learning, we are excited to share our latest impact report, themed "Curiosity Designers." This edition is designed to ignite inquiry and exploration, with each achievement guided by thought-provoking questions. Our aim is to inspire our readers and open doors to new collaborative ventures. We invite you to delve into these stories and consider the possibilities they may unlock in your educational and research endeavors. Let's join forces to foster a culture of curiosity and design a future that's as promising as the potential within us. We look forward to the opportunities to innovate together.   READ NOW | PDF version   Warmest regards and happy reading,   k.p.   Prof. Kun-Pyo LEE, PhD, HonFDRS  Dean of School of Design  Swire Chair Professor of Design  Alex Wong Siu Wah Gigi Wong Fook Chi Professor in Product Design Engineering  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

31 Dec, 2023

Books & Articles School of Design



(Chinese version available only)   作者:陳錦輝   近十年,「社會創新」(social innovation)在香港漸漸成形,愈來愈多年輕人和非政府機構投身其中,建立起一套獨特的生態和操作:公共或私人資金、種子基金、孵化器(incubator)、政府政策、研究、大學課程、社區設計實驗室、社企、影響力評估、比賽與競爭。「社創」亦開始變成一個具有影響力的公共詞彙。一個親身體驗的例子:筆者任教於理大設計學院的Social Design,而Social Design於歐美許多設計學院甚至政府機構中,已成重要一環…… 閱讀全文   文章來源:信報財經新聞—文化論政(2022年12月6日)

6 Dec, 2023

Books & Articles School of Design


2024/25 Undergraduate Programme Booklet is published

We are pleased to announce the publication of our 2024/25 Undergraduate Programme Booklet! The booklet includes the following that provide first-hand information about the school and undergraduate programmes, and feature design student works, giving you a glimpse into daily life at PolyU Design. About PolyU School of Design Undergraduate Programmes Student Works Admission Essentials The booklets are available at V810, General Office of Jockey Club Innovation Tower*. Also, welcome to visit us and get a copy at the Open Day this Saturday, 21 October.  For the e-booklet, please view here. __ * for people with campus access

19 Oct, 2023

Books & Articles School of Design


Brian Kwok's second book on Chinese typography "City Script 2 - Hong Kong Type Designers"

Associate Professor Mr Brian Kwok's second book on Chinese typography, "City Script 2 - Hong Kong Type Designers," 《香港造字匠2》has just been released at the Hong Kong Book Fair.  The #book features the work of eight emerging typeface designers in Hong Kong and provides insights into their growth experiences, design aesthetics, and font creation. It attempts to offer a comprehensive understanding of the Hong Kong typeface design industry and showcase the incredible talent that exists within it. Learn more (in Chinese)  

25 Jul, 2023

Books & Articles School of Design


PolyU Design: Impact Report 2022

Dear friend,   Our warmest wishes for a happy new year!  As we look back on all that we have achieved and look forward to all that lies ahead, we hope 2023 brings you prosperity, growth, and good fortune.  We must also remain mindful of the challenges and trends facing the design industry. We believe that collaboration across different disciplines and innovation are key to tackling these issues, and we invite you to join us in this effort. We have recently published our first impact report, with a theme on the roles of designers in the modern world. We hope that you will take the time to read it and consider how it might inform your own education and research. Together, we can make a difference in the coming year. Wishing you a productive and successful Year of the Rabbit! READ NOW   Warm regards,  Prof. Kun-Pyo LEE, PhD, HonFDRS  Dean of School of Design  Swire Chair Professor of Design  Alex Wong Siu Wah Gigi Wong Fook Chi Professor in Product Design Engineering  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

20 Jan, 2023

Books & Articles School of Design



read now

29 Dec, 2022

Books & Articles School of Design

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