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Daniel Elkin listed among PolyU Young Innovative Researchers 2022

Congratulations to Mr Daniel Elkin, Assistant Professor of PolyU Design on winning PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award (YIRA) 2022! The Award is received for his research project 'Pedestrian traffic monitoring, 3D stilt house scanning for Tai O Village revitalization'. It is a collaborative initiative of PolyU Design and Department of Applied Social Sciences partnered with the Tai O Village Rural Committee and various community groups to collect pedestrian traffic flow data in Tai O Village in Hong Kong. It monitors pedestrian traffic into the Village using infrared passage gates installed in eight major infrastructure connections.  The inaugural YIRA is established to honour young PolyU researchers under the age of 35 who have demonstrated novelty, contributed to technology advancement, and propelled transformational innovation into solutions for addressing problems in society with a vision for a positive change to the future. With this award, the University not only wishes to recognise the potential innovation, but to encourage and nurture a positive spirit of novelty within PolyU that will benefit the future. This year, the organiser received overwhelming responses with 59 submissions across 22 departments covering all faculties/schools. The YIRA assessment panel, composed of Prof. Jin-Guang Teng (P), Prof. Wing-tak Wong (DP), Dr Miranda Lou (EVP), Prof. Christopher Chao (VPRI) and Prof. Larry Chow (DoRI), has reviewed the submissions, interviewed shortlisted applicants and selected six YIRA awardees. Each awardee will receive research funding support of HK$500,000 and personal cash prize of HK$20,000 as the encouragement for their research novelty and impact.

8 Jun, 2022

PolyU Design Research


PolyU Scholars named Best Article Prize in the Urban Studies Journal

Congratulations to Dr Ir Gerhard Bruyns and Darren Nel from PolyU Design, and Dr Christopher Higgins from University of Toronto Scarborough on winning Best Article Prize in the Urban Studies Journal for the article "Urban volumetrics: From vertical to volumetric urbanisation and its extensions to empirical morphological analysis". The prize is given to the authors of what the journal editors consider to be the most innovative and agenda-setting article published in the year. Urban Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal for urban scholarship. It welcomes submissions that further people’s understanding of urban condition and rapid changes taking place in cities and regions across the globe. The article is available at

27 May, 2022

PolyU Design Research


Cubic Journal is now Scopus indexed

Cubic Journal is now Scopus indexed. A great appreciation to the Editorial Board, Advisory Board, editors, and contributors who have made this happen. We look forward to more issues across a field of disciplines, approaches and collaborators.  Read now:

27 May, 2022

Books & Articles

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PolyU Design announces its inaugural Outstanding Alumni Awards winners

中文版 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (PolyU Design) is pleased to announce the recipients of the inaugural PolyU Design Outstanding Alumni Awards 2022.   The awards are given as recognition of the outstanding accomplishments of alumni with significant impact and have outstanding professional achievements and/or service to the design industry. Two award groups are introduced to celebrate alumni from different stages of life: the Distinguished Design Alumni of the Year and the Young Design Alumni of the Year.   The judging panel was represented by Associate Dean Dr Henry Ma (Chairman); Professor of Practice Mr Tak Lee; Senior Marketing Manager Ms Rennie Kan; and PolyU Outstanding alumnus and School Industry Advisory Committee Member Mr Dennis Chan, Founder of Qeelin. We are proud to present the recipients here:     2022 Distinguished Design Alumnus of the Year - Professional Achievement Mr MAN Lim Chung   Film Production Designer, Costume Director, Film Director, Filmmaker Bachelor of Arts in Design (Graphic Design), 1991 & Diploma in Design, 1987 Short biography>> Mr Man’s outstanding achievements in production design, costume design and art direction in the Hong Kong film industry are well recognised through numerous award-winning works over the years. His dedication in films and a wide range of other artistic works in Greater China all demonstrate his creative flare and the ongoing drive to learn at many levels to support the success of his passion. The impact he has made in his career, profession and community is an indisputable contribution to Hong Kong’s creative industry. Proposer: Mr Chu Chen On     2022 Distinguished Design Alumnus of the Year - Professional Achievement Mr WONG Ping Tao Manix Entrepreneur, Fashion Designer and Design consultant Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design, 1994 & Diploma in Design, 1991 Short biography>> Mr Wong’s journey in the global fashion industry, his continued exploration into new technological applications in the profession, and his entrepreneurial drive in developing products through diverse, cross disciplinary collaborations, all demonstrate his creative flare and the ongoing drive to learn at many levels to support the success of his passion. The extension of his commercial endeavors to bridging Hong Kong designers to the French and international markets is well recognised. Proposer: Dr Gigi Lui     2022 Distinguished Design Alumnus of the Year - Community Service Achievement Mr YEUNG Siu Hong Steve Design Entrepreneur Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design, 1998 & Diploma in Design, 1995 Short biography>> Mr Yeung’s significant contribution to promoting Hong Kong industrial design and nurturing new generations of designers is well recognised by the judging panel. The design initiatives he perceived have raised public awareness and provided solid support to the development of the industry. His participation in teaching and design research at PolyU shows his support to his alma mater. His popular ‘MASKEEPER’ design is a timely response to the needs of society and a nod to design to improve lives. Proposer: Mr Benny Leong     2022 Young Design Alumnus of the Year - Professional Achievement Mr CHAN Shing Hin Keith Interior Designer and Design Columnist Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Design (Environmental and Interior Design), 2004 Short biography>> Mr Chan’s portfolio of many good works achieving high standard of practicality and aesthetics caught the judges’ attention. A high level of professionalism has shown through the management of his studio. His enthusiasm in nurturing his juniors and passion in promoting Hong Kong design locally and internationally well deserve formal recognition from the School. Proposer: Dr Paul Lo     2022 Young Design Alumnus of the Year - Entrepreneurial Achievement Mr O Hing Pong James Co-Founder of Multi-National Company and Head of Marketing and Advertising Bachelor of Arts in Design (Advertising), 2008 Short biography>> Mr O’s founding of a multi-national unicorn company GOGOX with his partners is an inspiration to countless startups and young people in Hong Kong, likewise, is his continued exploration into integrating design with new technologies that demonstrates the value-adding potential of design to enterprises. His achievement is an endorsement for the role of design in addition to sound business models and operational efficiency for business success. With his enthusiasm in nurturing young generations and sharing of his passion with his alma mater, formal recognition from the School is well deserved. Proposer: Mr KC Tsang     2022 Young Design Alumnus of the Year - Entrepreneurial Achievement Mr ZENG Jingqiang Social Entrepreneur Master of Science in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology, 2013 Short biography>> Mr Zeng had assembled for himself a good portfolio of awards and honours, projects, and companies founded to develop products and services that demonstrate design thinking for social innovation. His entrepreneurial drive in developing products through diverse and cross-disciplinary collaborations demonstrate his commitment to learn at many levels that is much needed for success in design. In addition, his enthusiasm in sharing knowledge with others in China and overseas helps establish a reputation for Chinese design. He is an inspiration to young people for the power of design to improve human wellbeing. Proposer: Dr William Liang Our heartfelt congratulations to the awardees!    Event Snapshots   理大設計公佈首屆傑出校友獎得獎名單   香港理工大學設計學院(下稱「理大設計」或「學院」) 公佈首屆舉辦之2022年理大設計傑出校友獎得獎者。 大會共選出六位理大設計畢業生為得獎者,以表揚及肯定各人的超卓專業成就及對設計行業的重要影響與貢獻。大會設有兩個年齡組別,分別是「年度傑出設計校友」及「年度傑出年輕設計校友」,以讚頌正值不同人生階段的校友所取得之成就。 評審工作由理大設計副院長馬志輝博士領導,成員包括實務教授李德志先生、高級市務經理簡頴兒小姐,以及傑出理大校友、學院業界顧問委員會成員兼Qeelin創辦人陳瑞麟先生。 以下隆重介紹本屆得獎者:   2022年度傑出設計校友—專業成就 文念中先生 電影美術指導、服裝設計師、電影導演及製片人 1991年 設計學文學士(平面設計)、1987年 設計學文憑 個人簡介>> 文念中先生多年來活躍於香港電影業,其製作設計、服裝設計和美術指導的作品屢獲殊榮,傑出表現備受肯定。他醉心電影工作,多元化藝術創作更遍佈大中華區,充分展現出其驕人的創作力與熱誠,以及為實現理想而在不同崗位努力學習的熱忱。文先生在事業、藝術專業和社會上的影響力,為香港創作業界作出了無可置疑的貢獻。 提名人:朱鎮安先生     2022年度傑出設計校友—專業成就 黃秉道先生 企業家、時裝設計師及設計顧問 1994年 時裝設計文學士、1991年 設計學文憑  個人簡介>> 黃秉道先生在全球時裝界累積了豐富的經驗。他勇於探索和應用新技術,並致力透過多元化的跨界別合作開發新產品,其創作熱誠和不斷學習力求成功的決心有目共睹。黃先生成功將香港設計師帶到法國以及其他國際市場,對業界的貢獻廣受認同。 提名人:雷芝行博士     2022年度傑出設計校友—社會服務成就 楊兆航先生 設計企業家 1998年 工業設計學文學士、1995年 設計學文憑  個人簡介>> 楊兆航先生對推廣香港工業設計和培育新一代設計師不遺餘力,其貢獻獲評審團高度肯定。他提出的設計倡議喚起了社會對行業的關注,並為行業發展提供了強而有力的支持。楊先生亦參與香港理工大學的教學和設計研究工作,積極回饋母校。他設計的「Maskeeper」口罩暫存夾在疫情肆虐期間廣受歡迎,適切地滿足了社會大眾的需要,真正體現出以設計改善生活的理念。 提名人:梁清河先生     2022年度傑出年輕設計校友—專業成就 陳丞軒先生 室內設計師及設計專欄作家 2004年 環境及室內設計學(榮譽)文學士  個人簡介>> 陳丞軒先生的作品融合了高水平的實用性與美感,令評審團印象深刻。陳先生管理工作團隊的方式展現出其高度專業的水平。他熱心栽培後進,積極在本地和國際市場推廣香港設計,值得予以表揚。 提名人:盧智恒博士     2022年度傑出年輕設計校友—企業成就 柯興邦先生 跨國獨角獸公司共同創辦人、市務及廣告部主管 2008年 設計學 (榮譽)文學士(廣告設計) 個人簡介>> 柯興邦先生與合作夥伴創立跨國獨角獸公司GOGOX,啟發了香港無數初創企業與年青人。他亦勇於將設計與嶄新技術互相融合,將設計所蘊含的增值潛力表露無遺,他努力的成果更印證了良好的設計是企業取得成功的一項重要因素。柯先生熱心提攜年輕一代,積極回饋母校,值得嘉許。  提名人:曾錦程先生     2022年度傑出年輕設計校友—企業成就 曾鏡鏘先生 社創家 2013年 多媒體科藝理學碩士  個人簡介>> 曾鏡鏘先生屢獲殊榮,其創辦的多個項目和公司,均實踐以社會創新為本的設計思維。他擁有企業家的毅力,積極以多元化和跨界別的合作方式開拓新產品,並努力學習不同範疇的知識,這種意志和決心成就了他在設計方面的卓越表現。此外,他亦樂於與中外人士交流心得,盡其所能為中國的設計建立良好聲譽。曾先生是年青人的模範,鼓勵年青人發揮設計的力量,為改善人類生活出一分力。 提名人:梁惠淵博士 謹在此祝賀各位傑出校友﹗ Photographer 攝影 : Hong  

26 May, 2022

PolyU Design Heritage


"Design Commons - Practices, Processes and Crossovers" by Gerhard Bruyns and Stavros Kousoulas

Dr Ir Gerhard Bruyns, Associate Professor of PolyU Design and his co-author Stavros Kousoulas have recently published the book "Design Commons - Practices, Processes and Crossovers".  This book directly links the notion of the commons with different design praxes, and explores their social, cultural, and ecological ramifications. It draws out material conditions in four areas of design interest: social design, commons and culture, ecology and transdisciplinary design. As a collection of positions, the diversity of arguments advances the understanding of the commons as both concepts and modes of thinking, and their material translation when contextualised in the domain of design questions. In other words, it moves abstract social science concepts towards concrete design debates. This text appeals to students, researchers and practitioners working on design in architecture, architecture theory, urbanism, and ecology. Keywords • Design Commons • Commoning Practices • Commoning Processes • Commons Crossovers • Ecological Thinking • Alternative Economies • Urban Movements • Digital Commons • hacktivism and design • transdisciplinarity and design • spatial commoning Editors Gerhard Bruyns and Stavros Kousoulas, with contributions from Dorina Pllumbi, Maria Reitano, Nikolaus Gartner, Chun Zheng, Daniel Elkin, Leung Chi-Yuen, Wang Xiao Lu, Frank Bauer, Lasse Sehested Skafte, Gert van der Merwe, Nicholas Frayne, Markus Wernli, Piero Medici, Liana Psarologaki, Stamatis Zografos, Dora Karadima, Katharina Moebus, Lőrinc Vass, Roy Cloutier and Nicole Sylvia. The book is now available at Springer>>

20 May, 2022

Books & Articles


Alumna Oh.Mankee won Asia's digital art battle

Big congratulations to our alumna and local illustrator Oh.Mankee (Industrial and Product Design, 2008) on winning LIMITS Asian Championship 2022! The contest is the first digital art battle of its kind challenging best artists from all over the world. The grand final broadcasted online last Sunday (15 May) in Tokyo was attended by eight finalists from Japan, Hong Kong (China), Taiwan (China) and Singapore. Two young illustrators from Hong Kong, Oh.Mankee and Rosine Wo have made themselves among these best challengers and finally won the Championship and 1st runner-up after rounds of one-on-one ‘art fight’. Each finalist was tasked to deliver their creative digital art on two randomly picked keywords in a 20-minute battle against another finalist. In addition to the judging panel, the judging was participated by online public poll, supported by an overwhelming popularity from audience around the globe. Thank you for making Hong Kong proud, Oh.Mankee and Rosine!

20 May, 2022

PolyU Design Heritage


Recent external appointments of staff (Oct 2021-May 2022)

Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee, Dean and Swire Chair Professor of Design, Alex Wong Siu Wah Gigi Wong Fook Chi Professor in Product Design Engineering Member, Board of Directors, Hong Kong Design Centre Prof. Stephen Jia Wang, Professor, MDes Scheme Leader Distinguished Visiting Professor, The Future Lab, Tsinghua University Mr Tak Chi Lee, Professor of Practice (Design Practice) External Examiner for THEi Product Design programme Member of Assessment Panel-ITF Enable Better Living Fund Chairman of Re-Accreditation of the BA in Cultural and Creative Industries, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Mr Horace Pan, Senior Teaching Fellow Chairman, Hong Kong Interior Design Association

16 May, 2022

PolyU Design Assets


Video Tutorial Competition: Unfold Hidden Talent With Your Peers

Extended deadline: 10 June 2022 Unfold Your Hidden Talent!  Do you have any hidden talents, secret hobbies, or knowledge you want to share with others? Spread your hidden talent by creating a video tutorial to get everyone's attention and win a cash prize!  We are accepting 20 teams formed by students at different levels from different schools or faculties of PolyU, and the maximum number of group members is 4. Your team might need to attend an interview session to see if you are a qualified competitor. You will have two months working period starting from June to Mid-August 2022. But before that, please fill in this application form with your project introduction and the brief project plan! Please be reminded that we are looking for your creativity, clarity, attractiveness, and fun elements for this competition. Please show us your hidden talent!  If you have any questions, you shall contact Dr. Jae Oh> or Shovel>  Please follow us on Instagram to get the latest news. Stay tuned! @Unfold_guru Application form Follow us on Instagram

16 May, 2022

PolyU Design Teaching and Learning


Vong Ka Hei Annette named Outstanding Student of School of Design 2021

We are proud to announce that Miss Vong Ka Hei Annette, BA(Hons) in Environment and Interior Design is selected Outstanding Student of School of Design 2021 under the PolyU Outstanding Students Award Scheme.  This is an official recognition to her excellent performance in both academic and non-academic pursuits during studies. “My university life has not only equipped me with professional knowledge but also provided me with abundant opportunities to broaden my horizons,” Ka Hei shared her fruitful journey at PolyU. “Through the elective and Service-Learning subjects, I was able to better comprehend different social issues and met many people from different cultural backgrounds, which have boosted my confidence and inspired me to incorporate inclusive design into my daily practice.” The Award Scheme is organised by the university annually to recognise full-time final-year students who achieve excellence in both academic and non-academic areas. This year, a total of 26 students were selected as outstanding students at the departmental level. Eight Outstanding Students including Ka Hei were recognised at the faculty/school level. Click here to read more about Ka Hei's sharing>>

21 Apr, 2022



Designing Central Publications

Designing Central features a series of creative events as part of the opening programme of the revitalised Central Market to be held from 21 September 2021 to 9 January 2022. The project is organised with a view to promoting Hong Kong creative designs via Central Market which is not only one of the Hong Kong prominent historical landmarks, but also an ideal venue situated at the heart of the business district of the city.  Click and flip over the following archive of the project to learn more: Event Chronicle Catalogue Pamphlet Issue 1 Pamphlet Issue 2 Pamphlet Issue 3 Pamphlet Issue 4 Pamphlet Special Edition

19 Apr, 2022

Books & Articles

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