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PLAY A Bag Design Competition 2019

Material Resource Centre (MRC) announces the launch of the brand new competition, the 'PLAY' A Bag Design Competition 2019, jointly with Smart Creations and Piece of Work to allow students of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) to show and share their flair of creativity and potential in design. The competition is open to all PolyU students and encourages the participants to play with the Tyvek® bag by using different materials and printing effects to create a new, lightweight, durable and stylish material carrier bag for designers.  Submission: Eligibility: Students of PolyU Themes: PLAYFUL FASHIONABLE Requirements and Submission: Conveys unique and rich visual content; combines value and practicality; fully displays the properties of Tyvek® Themes: Playful & Fashionable To enter, entrants must: download the Template of the bag; design the bag using one of the specified design themes; ensure that all entries are original; save the final design as a PDF document no larger than 8MG; complete one entry form per bag design submission; and submit to: Prize rewards: Grand Prize: Medal, HK$3000, Design Tokyo Attendance with 4-day round trip  Second Prize: Medal, HK$2500, Design Tokyo Attendance with 4-day round trip  Third Prize: Medal, HK$2500 Consolation Prizes: HK$1000 (3 persons)  Award-winning business opportunities: 1st round shortlisted entries (aka the 20 semi-finalists): exhibit at the 'Design Tokyo' on 28 June 2019; Online and offline sales platforms; Get access to promotional opportunities at MRC and Smart Creations; Grand, Second and Third Prize Winning designs will be produced for sales as limited edition (qty: 100 each). Timeline: Date Detail 28 Jan to 10 Mar 2019[EXTENDED!] Online submission 20 Mar Announcement of shortlisted entries 3 Apr Final judgement 10 Apr Announcement of winners 15 Apr Award presentation ceremony and exhibition opening 15 Apr to 3 May 'Play & Display' Bag Design Competition Exhibition 7 May Exhibition at theITC store 28 Jun Exhibition at theDesign Tokyo Enquiry: Man Tsang +852 27667971

29 Jan, 2019

Capturing Hong Kong's Neon Heritage

Brian Kwok and his Information Design Lab's neon sign archive project has been widely featured locally and internationally through to NHK World.  Check out how the team captures Hong Kong's neon heritage on the Hong Kong Neon Lights Facebook page! 今晚7點鐘翡翠台「新聞透視」或於10:30 無線財經資訊台重播,將會有我地嘅出現!多謝記者林嘉成和攝影師們的訪問!  Posted by 霓虹黯色 on Saturday, January 5, 2019

22 Jan, 2019


Newly installed PolyU Council visits School of Design

We were happy to share about the School with the newly installed PolyU Council. Led by Chairman Dr Lam Tai Fai, Deputy Chairman Dr Lawrence Li, and members Ms Karen Chan and Ms Shirley Chan, council members learnt about the vision of the School and the latest in teaching and research. Date of visit: 11 January 2019

14 Jan, 2019


First Staff Meeting Hosted by Dean Prof Kun Pyo Lee

Together, we reach new heights! New dean of PolyU Design promises to lead the School by empowerment, communication, and commitment. Prof. Kun Pyo Lee shared his vision at his first all-staff meeting today and is met by an enthusiastic turnout. Look out for lots more to come from us in the new year! #ComeTogetherForDesign #PolyUDesign

9 Jan, 2019


PolyU Design formed alliance with peers in the Greater Bay Area

PolyU Design is honoured to join the Fine Arts and Design Education Development Alliance of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to further promote the development of art and design education in the region. The inaugural ceremony was held on 28 December 2018 at the Guangzhou Academy of Fina Arts.

4 Jan, 2019

New materials from Material ConneXion arriving

New materials from Material ConneXion have arrived at our Material Resource Centre.  ZARACRETE @ANAXIOM RESEARCH The world’s most advanced, strongest, and longest-lasting cement, a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco, and non-specialty grout that is engineered to sustain extreme environments while offering superior aesthetic and textural properties. The material offers three distinct benefits over conventional Portland cement. It closely mirrors the composition of roman cement which has persisted for thousands of years due to the presence of fine glass particles, which are similar to those produced by natural volcanic activity. The presence of photocatalyst provides the cement a self-cleaning property in addition to cleaning the air filled with NOX pollution. Information from Material ConneXion * The material in poster is MC#9205-01  

18 Dec, 2018

Environment and Interior Design Student wins a merit in an architectural design competition in Japan

Congratulations to our year 4 student Chen Shuning (Environment and Interior Design) on winning a Merit in the 53rd Central Glass Architectural Design Competition in Japan!   Her project ‘Pre-Cyberocracy 2050—semi-automatic city’ brought her the award with a cash prize of 50,000 yen and the precious opportunity to meet with some internationally renowned architectural masters at the award presentation ceremony held on 10 Nov.     

29 Nov, 2018

Minor in Design is accepting applications for 2018/19


13 Nov, 2018

Valedictory Speech of The 24th PolyU School of Design Congregation (First Session)

Graduate Representative: Miss Yip Cheuk Ying Honorable guests, parents, teachers, fellow schoolmates, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the commencement of the School of Design class of 2018!  I am Kelly and it is my honor to be the representative of the graduating class this year.  If I had to choose one phrase to describe my life at PolyU, I would say, “no regrets”. The School of Design has provided me with abundant opportunities to challenge myself. There have been plenty of memorable and remarkable moments in my life that happened in these few years. I have learned, gained so much, and challenged myself a lot throughout the years, and every moment is a step forward from youth to adulthood. Being a Digital Media Design (DM) student, I have watched countless animations, movies and read many stories. But today, I am really happy to have a chance to share my own story with all of you.  It has long been my dream to become a designer and SD has created wings for me to fly high.  When people ask, “What does your school looks like?” I tell them “It is just like a Shaolin Monastery.” Well, there are different gates on each floor in V core and all the fighters are widely skilled.    SD has made the impossible possible. We learned to create everything from zero. Twenty years ago, I was sitting on a little chair, flipping a book page by page and wondering who wrote the cultured words and drew the beautiful illustrations; Twenty years ago, I was sitting in front of the TV, watching my favorite cartoon and wondering who gave life to the loveable characters and twenty years ago, I never asked to go to the cinema because I don’t like dark places. But today, standing here, I am the one who can write a story, create an animation and make a film. It is all because of School of Design.      In these four years, I not only acquired knowledge but also built a strong bond with people. I think most of you haven’t had the experience of living with more than twenty people before. We work, eat, play and sleep in our studio. More importantly, we grew up together. It was definitely a treasured experience for an only child like me.  I mentioned earlier that we have many different fighters in SD, and we are surely “well known” deadline fighters. Challenged by different projects, we faced pressure and struggled. Working to the music of our class band, making silly jokes and conversations during those long nights, we survived.  Some might think the late nights were too heavy a burden. But for me, I never thought of it as a slog. Staying in the studio and working through the night was a great and memorable experience for us to strengthen our friendships. We were not only friends but also "comrades-in-arms". Those moments will always be the most unforgettable memory of my university life.  As most of my friends and tutors know, I am a hat collector. I like to wear something on my head to school every day. In summer I wear a snap back and in winter I wear a beanie. Today, this mortarboard on my head is the most valuable item in my collection.  Above all, I must give huge thanks to my parents who let go of their own dreams and time just to give me a shot to achieve mine. I made good on my promise. Being the first university graduate in the whole family, I achieved both my dream and the ambitions of my family.  SD is my second home and DM class is my family. I would like to express the greatest appreciation for my tutors and friends for their support. Our tutors were like parents on campus who gave us guidance and support and took good care of us. We were able to share every happy moment and also problems with them. They were not only teachers, but the guiding light in our lives. Special thanks to Jae and Step, I would not be where I am today without you by my side.  Lastly, to my classmates. Thank you for making my school life enjoyable and I would also like to give great thanks to my six besties for their unconditional support since secondary one.  Our four-year school life is a magnum opus. Today, we write the precious and wonderful ending of the chapter together. Please give yourself a big round of applause and I am sure there will be more amazing and exciting journeys in the future.  Thank you!  

12 Nov, 2018

Valedictory Speech of The 24th PolyU School of Design Congregation (Second Session)

Graduate Representative: Mr POON Cheuk Hei Ryan Good afternoon, my name is Ryan. It is my honour to be a representative of the graduating class this year. The first thing that I would like to say is congratulations! We have finally graduated. Do you still remember the moment when you received an offer letter with “Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you admission to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University”?  It was good news at the time, and now we have even better news: we have graduated!  Do you remember our life in Hell? Design, Eat, OK, and repeat.  Remember working endless days and nights without good sleep? Endless projects and enormous deadlines proved that. However, studio life formed strong bonds, and allowed us to support one another like a loving family. During those sleepless nights, we shared cup noodles, ideas and opinions and we shared brotherhood and support.  Classmates, we are not only worked in, but lived in the studio. There is something special when creative people get together. Eating together, laughing together and doing silly things together. We studied software skills, and also cracked software skills. We are now not just friends, but very close friends. When we got lost, you had a hand on our shoulder and said: “you are not alone”. Tutors, Thank you for giving us different perspective to see the world. This will help us radically change how we go about exploring ideas and creating solutions to problems. You kicked us out from the comfort zone. No panic, Titanic. We went deeper than we usually would. We might even have been able to get a significantly better result, with much effort.  Parents, I promise again to go back home and not to skip dinner before a presentation. Family or home is a place that makes you feel relieved and reminds you that there is always a place you can go back to.  I wish to extend a huge thank you to Pinterest and Youtube for brainstorming material.  In secondary school, we faced test and exams. But at the School of Design, we did not have an exact schedule. No one told us what to do or how to do it. Even tutors won’t tell you what to do next. We need to figure out problems by ourselves.  We stayed up all night long on one design concept. And we created nothing. Yet that kind of nothing creates something all the time. We sketched, drew, and brainstormed so we could start to understand how all things come together, to make a better design. There is no such design as a good or bad one, but in one word, “appropriate”.  We, School of Design students, believe in brewing. Design takes time and is achieved by heart.  Brewing is a long process – through years of experience. Every drop of wine tells the story of how numerous brewing experiences are accumulated through the passage of time.  The action of brewing can well be taken as a metaphor for the process of designing: from research to ideation, from initial attempts to repeated refinements, just like winemaking in which the best materials are selected, prepared, fermented and the taste adjusted, every step is critical to the final outcome. Therefore, we as future designers aim high with deep consideration.  God is in the details. In order to produce the best brew, brewers pay effort to search for top quality ingredients, pay full attention to details, keep appropriate timing for the entire process and test the result repeatedly until it turns out to be the finest.  The process is torturous, as it may loop forever and guarantee no fruitful results, and at the same time it is addictive to many of us, as it is adventurous, contemplative, transcending and romantic. Designers dedicate themselves fully and truly to it.  “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist after he grows up,” said Pablo Picasso.  Become a child again! It is the best way to brew a fresh creative idea on the road of creativity. When we were children, we were excited about our world. We kept learning, observing, creating new things. However, our ability to learn new things deteriorates from time to time. We stop asking questions to explore. We only focus on those things that are relevant to us and become narrow minded.  Dear graduates, I hope you can keep learning new things around you, no matter whether you are in an educational or working environment. There are plenty of wonderful things waiting for you to explore. The future is in our hands. At the same time, don’t forget to keep creating and sharing new things to our world.  Tomorrow’s successes will depend on our ability to tolerate ambiguity and, as always, upon our powers of imagination, creativity and intuition. I am confident that, as a collective community, we can come together and bring forth a brighter future through design. Congratulations to all of you once again. Thank you!

12 Nov, 2018

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