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Advertising Design student Cheung Chi Ho won Silver AD Stars

We are delighted to announce that our year 3 student Cheung Chi Ho won a Silver in the Online Category of Young Stars at the AD Stars competition. This well-respected regional award is organized in South Korea with a brief of suggesting campaign ideas to promote the brand ‘Mitus’. There were 208 New Stars entries from 378 people in 26 countries this year. Chi Ho’s ‘Bet the Dish’ campaign proposes a platform where the brand shows support to their target customers, the homemakers by providing them with daily inspiration for cooking in an entertaining and interactive way.

22 Oct, 2020



Two Product Design students were honoured in international competitions

Design Mark Winner, 2020 Golden Pin Concept Design Award Student: WONG Wing Fung BA(Hons) in Product Design, Year 4, 2019/20 Project: IKIMONO Tutor: Jing Luo   IKIMONO – a bacteria-based air purifier which is nonelectric. The design concept corresponds to a speculated future air has been polluted future based on current situation. The application of biotechnology and biomaterials has been popularized. The design would bring user into the context of speculated future by present daily necessities from the future physically by using bacterium-based air purifier. IKIMONO is among the 60 Mark Design winners of the 2020 Golden Pin Concept Design Award. This year’s event with a record-breaking total of 5,348 entries from 24 different countries and regions around the globe. Established in 1981, Taiwan’s Golden Pin Design Award is one of the most influential design award in the global Huaren market. [details] 1st GIDA Nomination Golden Reed Award 2020 Sidharth GULATI BA(Hons) in Product Design, Year 4, 2019/20 Project: Volkswagen ID. Vision Shanghai 2040. Tutor: Steve Yeung This project aims to provide new opportunities for Volkswagen in 2040 by turning the company into a technology service provider. For the customers who want to own a vehicle. Volkswagen would deliver a customised vehicle which will be unique to customers identity, made possible due to 3d printing facility while the drivetrain platform comes on demand. For those people who do want to own can a rent a shared id pod. This flexible architecture allows Volkswagen to serve different customers and being a service provider provides a recurring income to the company. It is only possible for Volkswagen since its the oldest brand in China and customers in Shanghai have a liking for German products. Additionally, the range of brands owned by Volkswagen Group allows the brand to deliver unique pods based upon customer choice of brands like Audi, Bentley etc. [details]

22 Oct, 2020



VP(EDU) Prof. Kwok-yin Wong's visit

We are pleased to host a meeting and a tour of our school for Prof. Kwok-yin Wong, VP(EDU) and Ms Sara Wong, Senior Executive Officer on 22 October 2020.

22 Oct, 2020

PolyU Design Degree Show 2020: Exhibitors' interviews

Cheung King Ting Adrianna, Advertising Design | Project: The Unwanted Project Watch now   Mok Ka Ki Apple, Communication Design | Project: Cultural Run Watch now   Lee Yuen Yi Kitty, Environment and Interior Design | Project: Arch-ology Watch now   Giang Ong, Product Design | Project: Meemo Watch now     Stay tuned for more interviews!  Or visit

21 Oct, 2020



Prof. Johan Hoorn Co-winner of Prestigious Huibregtsen Prize for robotics research project ‘Alice’

Congratulations to Prof. Johan Hoorn on receiving the Huibregtsen Prize 2020 with Prof. Elly Konijn of Vrije University Amsterdam, with their multidisciplinary robotics research project ‘Alice’! The Prize established in 2005 by the board of the Foundation ‘De Avond van Wetenschap & Maatschappij’ in the Netherlands, is a competition for fundamental science with societal impact. It is aimed at recognising a recent research project that combines scientific quality and innovation with a special social added value or outreach. Prof. Hoorn and Prof. Konijn beat many other contesters including those conducting researches on COVID and malaria or nitrogen pollution. ‘Alice’ is an electromechanical grandchild with the goal to relieve loneliness and improve the quality of life of elderly by being a helping hand for care takers and a buddy to the older adult. The robot girl requires a form of interaction in which the AI system can show feeling for the user and the user gets an emotional connection with the robot. All without the robot inadvertently ending up in the 'uncanny valley', the area where people start to freak out about the machine because of too much lifelikeness. The prize jury recognizes the work as ‘an innovative approach with an impressive result’. It is regarded as a scientific and social project ‘based on an impressive combination of disciplinary expertise and raises deep questions about possible relationships between humans and machines, but also about empathy and moral reasoning.’  The winners received a prize, consisting of €25,000, a sculpture and are offered to organize a workshop at the Lorentz Center. The award result was announced on 5 October in Haarlem, The Netherlands, witnessed by guests attended the ceremony physically and online.    Click to watch Prof. Hoorn's previous interview HERE. Prof. Johan Hoorn was featured on “#WeArePolyU” last year. Let’s recap HERE.   Prof. Hoorn and his Alice:

21 Oct, 2020


PolyU Design and TCL sets up strategic partnership on Joint Laboratory and Future TV Framework

We are proud to announce the strategic cooperation between PolyU Design and TCL under the Joint Laboratory and Future TV Framework.  The project including a joint laboratory in user experience (UX) design will facilitate the design research and explore opportunities of academic-business collaboration, particularly in the areas of global outlook and lifestyle appreciation. The cooperation will help both PolyU Design and TCL achieve the respective goals and enable the acceleration of design and technological development in the coming years. The parties signed the cooperation memorandum at PolyU’s Jockey Club Innovation Tower on 19 October 2020, witnessed by the representatives from both sides. Attendees: PolyU Design Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee, Dean of School of Design, Director of this collaboration project Dr Newman Lau, Associate Professor of PolyU Design, and Project Leader Prof. Tak Lee, Professor of Design Practice of PolyU Design Prof. Stephen Wang, Professor in UX Design & Design Intelligence of PolyU Design Prof. Kevin Denney, Professor of Practice in Social Innovation of PolyU Design Mr Dominic Leung, Deputy Project Leader of PolyU Design TCL Ms Rain Xiong, Deputy Head of Chairman Office at TCL Mr Chak Yun Hei, Deputy Design Director at TCL Research, and Project Leader Mr Karl Li, Manager of External Liaison at TCL  

19 Oct, 2020

TPgFS 2021/22: Master of Design selected as one of the eligible programmes will award 22 fellowships

Join us at the Information Session - Master of Design online via Zoom on Jan 9, 2021 (Sat). For event details and RSVP, please visit our event page. TPgFS refers to the Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme offered by the University Grants Committee (UGC). This 5-cohort pilot scheme provides fellowships for meritorious local students to pursue further studies in priority areas conducive to the development of Hong Kong.  The scheme is expected to provide a maximum of 1,000 fellowships for the second cohort of students (admitted in the 2021/22 academic year). The fellowship, in the form of subsidy, supports each of the fellowship students their programme tuition for up to HK$120,000. The award of the fellowships is to be based on merits. Master of Design (MDes), which operates as a scheme with five specialisms (programme code 73035-DPF/DSP/IDB/INF/UEF), is one of the eight eligible TPgFS programmes in the priority area of “creative industries” and of the 14 eligible TPgFS programmes in PolyU, offering 22 fellowships for the second cohort. The number has almost doubled compared to the last cohort. The programme is expected to award close to 38% of the fellowships in the “creative industries” cluster. MDes Fellowship students are required to pay HKD47,400 after offsetting the full programme tuition (HKD167,400) by the fellowship subsidy (HKD120,000). There is a difference between fellowships and merit-based scholarships in terms of level of status and recognition, although both can refer to the award of financial support competitively to recipients based on their future potential demonstrated by previous achievements. This fellowship scheme was first announced in the 2019 Policy Address. A task force comprising overseas academics and experts who are well experienced in the relevant fields and with no conflict of interest was set up to finalise the details of the scheme and to assess the proposals submitted by the universities. The purpose of the scheme, a wide participation from all UGC-funded universities, and the rigorous and holistic approach in the process have resulted in giving a special recognition for all TPgFS eligible programmes and fellowships students. Visit PolyU eProspectus, UGC website or TPgFSFAQ for further information. Eligibility Local students only; and Being admitted to one of the MDes programmes offered in 2021/22; and Not receiving other forms of financial assistance from the government, including Continuing Education Fund (CEF), or the PolyU, such as Alumni Bursary, for pursing the same programme. Selection Criteria The consideration is based on merits and taking into account the students’ academic achievements; professional qualifications; relevant working experience and achievements in other areas; interview results; and proposal with special attention to their personal statements on how they can contribute to the priority areas of Hong Kong after completing the programmes. Application Procedures To apply for the fellowships, complete and submit the TPgFS application form (click here to download) together with your application for MDes admission via eAdmission, by uploading the form in the Additional Documents section. Application Results and Deadline The consideration of the TPgFS applications will be on a rolling basis until the fellowships places are filled. For those interested, you are encouraged to submit an application as early as possible and within the main application period. Enquiry T: 3400 3440 E: PolyU reserves the right to change the terms or withdraw the above fellowships. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU’s decision is final.

16 Oct, 2020

Design Anthology's Interview with Prof. Kun-pyo Lee

Dean Prof. Kun-pyo Lee was recently interviewed by Design Anthology on his insight for design education and industry trend. Click here to watch.

8 Oct, 2020


Student teams create future laundry experience with International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF)

Client and students discovering product ideas and revolutionary ways of working in a complex real-world challenge In Multidisciplinary Project*, students in PolyU Design’s International Design and Business Management (ID&BM) strive to bring about creative solutions to meet emerging laundry needs the new generation in China. The project was sponsored by IFF and supported by its executives from Utrecht and Shanghai, with Ms Michelle Wu, Director of IFF Shanghai Creative Center as the representative. Twenty-two students forming five teams divided the project into two phases, the research phase and the design phase, spanning thirteen weeks from February to May 2020. The co-operative project lined up experts internal and external to achieve remarkable results. Guest speaker, Chee-Ngai Ng gave lectures on online research methodologies and conducting international research. Project tutors including Kevin Denney, Dr William Liang, Justin Tsui, Terry Lam, Benny Leong, Dr Clifford Choy and Dr Sylvia Liu gave tutorials and lectures on presenting a business pitch and business planning & entrepreneurship. Testimonial from our sponsor:  “Other than the very difficult external environment, the project itself was a complicated one, not only involving IFF, but also our clients, and ultimately, the innovation needed to be considered useful by the users. This is a collaborative project involving multiple parties,” said Ms Wu. “It is very clear that the proposals from the students have brought completely new excitement to both IFF and our clients - not only their product ideas but also the revolutionary ways of working. Innovation is the result of collective work. When you bring on more diversity, more talent from a different field, your chances to achieve something new and useful are much higher.” Ms Michelle Wu, client representative of IFF Student teams created videos and prototypes to address the brief including: The IFF Nature Fragrance Info System – designed to help consumers to get fragrance information and manage fragrance New Brand “Soofun” to treat your second skin like your first – an integrated approach to communicate the USP, spa-grade exquisite laundry care New Laundry Experience – devised three customisable scenario-based products mix-and-match different types of fragrance & detergent base and dry-cleaning devices. Fabric care – product innovation opportunity for the post-90s young generation in China Blind box bubble, water gun, rainbow series – one direction three concepts to create meaningful life and well-being Project slides: The IFF Nature Fragrance Info System New Brand “Soofun” to treat your second skin like your first New Laundry Experience Fabric Care Blind box bubble, water gun, rainbow series Student experience: “It was by far the most fun, energising and challenging project in a year of ID&BM journey,” reflected Joyce a local student in the project team behind New Laundry Experience. “Appreciation and humbleness were the key for us to move forward, and (be) able to thrive, together.” “I learn to resolve problems in online collaboration; conflicts often occur because of communication issues. And to mediate between interest and direction is what I found a valuable lesson,” said Steven, Joyce’s teammates. Visit ID&BM’s projects: PolyU Design Degree Show's immersive 3d show until Oct 25, 2020 * Multidisciplinary Project consists of studio-based subjects SD5171 (3 credits) & SD5172 (6 credits) led by subject leader and ID&BM specialism leader, Dr Sylvia Liu. Project teams seek to identify and extend the search space of an integrated design, business and technological problem associated with an international or regional business environment.  

30 Sep, 2020


From online chats to Summer Programme – Outreach activities for prospective students go online

While many people are working and learning from home under the COVID-19 pandemic, PolyU Design has been organising a wide range of activities online to stay in touch with secondary schools and other prospective students. In addition to the online lecture series conducted earlier in June, another well received activity is the Live Chat with Design Students. More than 18 sessions were organised within 4 months, attended by around 470 students and teachers from 21 secondary schools. In these Live Chats, our design students shared their first-hand tips on getting into their dream design programmes, and their fruitful campus experience. The interactive and pressure-free conversations helped many students understand what design programmes teach and what design students do. It gives them directions to choosing study path that fits their interests and aspirations. Other online activities like info webinars at the virtual university fairs or events were held to provide information about the school to our overseas and mainland Chinese audience. Another highlight is the ‘WHAT DESIGN’ Summer Programme for secondary school students and teachers on 6-7 August 2020. This annual event aims allowing prospective students to learn basic knowledge of our four disciplines namely Advertising Design, Communication Design, Environment and Interior Design, and Product Design offered under the BA(Hons) Scheme in Design through hands-on exercises. The most rewarding part to many participants is the series of interactions with our faculty members, design students and participants from different schools. This year, around 90 participants from different secondary schools in Hong Kong joined the two half day programme featuring disciplines’ introductions, two workshops on 2D and 3D design topics respectively. It targets to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of design and help them identify which discipline they would like to pursue further studies for. The participants were asked to team up for tasks during workshops. In the Advertising Design workshop (2D), each participant was requested to pick an object that is important to him/her, and tell the class why. Through the exercise, they learned to grab the key point and communicate with an image – this is the essential skill of designing an advertising campaign. In the Communication Design workshop (2D), students tried to analyse logos and explain what work well on them to learn about the importance of branding and visual identity. Many performed very well at the Environment and Interior workshop (3D) ‘Understanding Public Spaces in Hong Kong’. The participants chose their favourite space in Hong Kong and analysed it regarding its planning, aesthetics, materiality and culture. In the meantime, those who joined the Product Design Workshop (3D) were tasked to redesign a product and create something new which gave most of the students the best moment throughout the summer programme.   To most of the participants it was their first time joining online workshops. The group discussions was the most popular part throughout the workshops. A parallel stream of the Summer Programme was tailor-made for secondary school teachers. They were invited to observe students' sessions and attend a discussion with the faculty members of PolyU Design on burning issues of secondary school design and visual art education, and the collaboration opportunities mutually benefiting both university and secondary schools.   Contact us for booking a tailor-made online activity for your school now. Both local and overseas schools are welcome.   

28 Sep, 2020


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