Mr. Jeremy Chui
Outstanding Student Mentee 2023
Mr. Jeremy Chui is currently a year-3 student taking tourism and events management. His proposer, Mr. Andrew Jones, Guardian of Sanctuary Resorts complimented that:
“It is with great pleasure I write this testimonial regarding my Mentee, Jeremy Chui. I am happy that this program has given me the opportunity to meet and work with such a fine young man and have meaningful exchanges regarding not only his educational interests, but also his extra-curricular and community service activities and pursuits. Throughout the year, Jeremy and I met in person on a fairly regular basis, to discuss his educational progress, during which time I also was able to share some thoughts related to my industry experiences. We set up a WhatsApp communications chat line as well, through which Jeremy and I communicated, and kept each other informed of our schedules and other activities.
I found Jeremy easy to communicate with, respectful, inquisitive, appreciative of my industry experiences, and had a very personable and outgoing character, which will greatly enhance his opportunities in his chosen area if interest being Event Management. Although I did offer Jeremy assistance to find a summer internship, he was way ahead in this process and had already secured a position at Ngong Ping 360, which showed me an example of his pro-active approach to his work and experience requirements, and him using his own initiative in doing so in a timely manner.
Being in Hospitality, and also, having previous experience as a Vice President and Human Resources practitioner, I was also impressed with the extra-curricular activities of Jeremy, especially his work in AIESEC, and arranging two leadership camps for secondary school students, enhancing his event management and work related experience, while helping others. Jeremy also offered to volunteer with the KELY Support Group (KELY.org), the charity I work with supporting young people in Hong Kong and participated in one of our functions. As a recruiter, I not only look at the education and experience of a candidate, I also always look at what other qualities a candidate brings to the organization, and helping others in the community ranks high in my estimation of their personality and character.
In addition, I know that Jeremy has acted as MC for several SHTM PolyU events, which I am sure is a recognition of his abilities and talents, which again bode well for his elected studies in Event Management. He is a credit to SHTM PolyU, School and University.
Jeremy has advised me that he will be participating in an exchange program with a University in Italy in the coming months, and I know this will greatly enhance his educational, career and cultural experiences for his future, and know he will be a great Ambassador for his program, and SHTM PolyU.
I believe that part of good management is recognizing people’s potential and supporting their development to help them maximize their opportunities. In this regard I would have no hesitation in recruiting Jeremy if such an opportunity arose, and/or recommending him to any potential or future employer.
Throughout my career I have mentored a number of students from hospitality and other institutions and have to say Jeremy stands out amongst them as one of the best I have had the pleasure to work with in the capacity of mentor and mentee. I will look forward to keeping in touch with Jeremy and continuing to watch his career advancement in the profession he has chosen. I take this opportunity to commend Jeremy as an Outstanding Mentee, and wish him every success and happiness in his future endeavours.”