- +852 3400 2321
- yings.wang@polyu.edu.hk
Prof. Ying Wang is an Associate Professor at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management. Prior to joining the school in August 2022, she was an Associate Professor and the Higher Degree Research Convenor at the Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management, Griffith University, Australia, where she obtained her PhD in tourism management.
Prof. Ying Wang specialises in destination management and marketing, with a particular interest in the consumer perspective. Her expertise extends to hotel management focusing on HRM and performance management. Her research uses a variety of methods, ranging from qualitative methods of interviews, participant observation, focus groups, and analysis of travel blogs to the quantitative techniques of large-scale survey and experimental design. Her recent projects utilise big data and physiological measures, such as eye-tracking and EEG data.
Prof. Ying Wang is an Associate Editor for Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research and a member of the editorial review board of Journal of Travel Research. She has taught courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and in the tourism, hospitality and event management majors. Prior to academia, she worked in the business and hotel sectors in China
Education and Academic Qualifications
• MA (2002) Griffith University
• MBA (2001) University of Lincoln
• Diploma (1995) Zhejiang University