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  1. Bai, PF; Yang, XC; Shen, XM; Zhang, XN; Li, ZZ; Yin, Q; Jiang, GL; Yang, F. (2019) “Sound absorption performance of the acoustic absorber fabricated by compression and microperforation of the porous metal”, MATERIALS & DESIGN, 167, 107637.
  2. Xu, P; Cheung, BCF; Li, B. (2019) “A Complete, Continuous, and Minimal Product of Exponentials-Based Model for Five-Axis Machine Tools Calibration With a Single Laser Tracker, an R-Test, or a Double Ball-Bar”, JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 141(4), 41010.
  3. Wang, SX; Cheung, CF; Liu, MY. (2019) “A fiducial-aided data fusion method for the measurement of multiscale complex surfaces”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 103(1-4), p.1381-p.1389.
  4. Zhao, ZJ; To, S; Yip, WS; Zhuang, ZX. (2019) “A rapid method for grain growth of Ti6Al4V alloy and its machinability”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 104(5-8), p.2347-p.2361.
  5. Zhang, SJ; Li, Z; Xiong, ZW; To, S. (2019) “A theoretical and experimental study of forced spindle vibration under unbalanced magnetic forces in ultra-precision machining”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 103(9-12), p.4689-p.4694.
  6. Zhang, SJ; Zhou, YP; Zhang, HJ; Xiong, ZW; To, S. (2019) “Advances in ultra-precision machining of micro-structured functional surfaces and their typical applications”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE, 142, p.16-p.41.
  7. Li, GJ; Mo, XY; Wang, YL; Chan, CY; Chan, KC. (2019) “All 3D-Printed Superhydrophobic/Oleophilic Membrane for Robotic Oil Recycling”, ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES, 6(18), 1900874.
  8. Sun, ZW; To, S; Wang, SJ. (2019) “An analytical force model for ultra-precision diamond sculpturing of micro-grooves with textured surfaces”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES, 160, p.129-p.139.
  9. Sun, ZW; To, S; Yu, KM. (2019) “An investigation in the ultra-precision fly cutting of freeform surfaces on brittle materials with high machining efficiency and low tool wear”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 101(5-8), p.1583-p.1593.
  10. Ji, RJ; Zheng, Q; Liu, YH; To, S; Yip, WS; Yang, ZL; Jin, H; Wang, HY; Cai, BP; Cheng, WH. (2019) “An investigation of mechanical-thermal coupling treatment on material properties, surface roughness, and cutting force of Inconel 718”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 105(5-6), p.1917-p.1931.
  11. Yip, WS; To, S. (2019) “Control of the ductile and brittle behavior of titanium alloys in diamond cutting by applying a magnetic field”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9, 4056.
  12. Zhu, ZW; To, S; Zhu, WL; Huang, P; Zhou, XQ. (2019) “Cutting forces in fast-/slow tool servo diamond turning of micro-structured surfaces”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE, 136, p.62-p.75.
  13. Yip, WS; To, S; Wang, WK. (2019) “Design of an optical lens for LED lighting using a hybrid principal components analysis-Taguchi method”, LIGHTING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY, 51(5), p.788-p.802.
  14. Liu, MY; Cheung, CF; Feng, XB; Wang, CJ. (2019) “Diamond machining of freeform-patterned surfaces on precision rollers”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 103(9-12), p.4423-p.4431.
  15. Meng, ZG; Xiao, F; Wei, ZX; Guo, XY; Zhu, Y; Liu, YR; Li, GJ; Yu, ZQ; Shao, MH; Wong, WY. (2019) “Direct synthesis of L1(0)-FePt nanoparticles from single-source bimetallic complex and their electrocatalytic applications in oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution reactions”, NANO RESEARCH, 12(12), p.2954-p.2959.
  16. Zhou, J; Li, LH; Ng, MC; Lee, WB. (2019) “Effect of molding machine's stiffness on the thickness of molded glass rings”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, 10(4), p.584-p.597.
  17. Zhao, Z; Dong, ZW; Wu, HB. (2019) “Effect of particle size on the ultraprecision polishing process of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 233(13), p.4490-p.4496.
  18. Pei, L; Wu, HB. (2019) “Effect of ultrasonic vibration on ultra-precision diamond turning of Ti6Al4V”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 103(1-4), p.433-p.440.
  19. Zhang, QL; Guo, N; Chen, Y; To, S. (2019) “Effects of binder concentration on the nanometric surface characteristics of WC-Co materials in ultra-precision grinding”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS, 85, 105048.
  20. Zhao, ZJ; To, S; Xiao, GB; Jelenkovic, EV. (2019) “Effects of cutting angles on deformation of single crystal silicon in plunge cutting along < 1 0 0 > direction”, MATERIALS LETTERS, 253, p.234-p.237.
  21. Zhao, ZJ; To, SE; Wang, JW. (2019) “Effects of grains and twins on deformation of commercial pure titanium in ultraprecision diamond turning”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 271, p.10-p.22.
  22. Yip, WS; To, S. (2019) “Effects of magnetic field on microstructures and mechanical properties of titanium alloys in ultra-precision diamond turning”, MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 6(5), 56553.
  23. Sun, ZW; To, SE; Yu, KM. (2019) “Feasibility investigation on ductile machining of single-crystal silicon for deep micro-structures by ultra-precision fly cutting”, JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, 45, p.176-p.187.
  24. Sun, ZW; To, S; Zhang, GQ; Zhang, SJ. (2019) “Flexible fabrication of micro-optics arrays with high-aspect-ratio by an offset-tool-servo diamond machining system”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 27(7), p.9631-p.9646.
  25. Liu, MY; Cheung, CF; Feng, X; Ho, LT; Yang, SM. (2019) “Gaussian process machine learning-based surface extrapolation method for improvement of the edge effect in surface filtering”, MEASUREMENT, 137, p.214-p.224.
  26. Lu, GX; Liu, H; Lin, CH; Zhang, Z; Shukla, P; Zhang, YK; Yao, JH. (2019) “Improving the fretting performance of aero-engine tenon joint materials using surface strengthening”, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 35(15), p.1781-p.1788.
  27. Yang, HP; Zhang, X; Chen, P; Fu, MW; Wang, GC; To, S. (2019) “Investigation on the enhanced maximum strain rate sensitivity (m) superplasticity of Mg-9Li-1Al alloy by a two-step deformation method”, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 764, 138219.
  28. Han, JD; Li, LH; Lee, W. (2019) “Machining of Lenticular Lens Silicon Molds with a Combination of Laser Ablation and Diamond Cutting”, MICROMACHINES, 10(4), 250.
  29. Zhao, ZJ; To, S; Sun, ZW; Ji, RJ; Yu, KM. (2019) “Microstructural effects of Ti6Al4V alloys modified by electropulsing treatment on ultraprecision diamond turning”, JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, 39, p.58-p.68.
  30. Zhang, SJ; Li, Z; Xiong, ZW; To, S. (2019) “Microwave formation mechanisms in surface generation of ultra-precision machining”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 104(1-4), p.1239-p.1244.
  31. Li, LH; Chan, MK; Lee, WB; Ng, MC; Chan, KL. (2019) “Modeling and experimental performance analysis of a novel heating system and its application to glass hot embossing technology”, OPTICS LETTERS, 44(14), p.3454-p.3457.
  32. Zhu, ZW; To, S; Tong, Z; Zhuang, ZX; Jiang, XQ. (2019) “Modulated diamond cutting for the generation of complicated micro/nanofluidic channels”, PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 56, p.136-p.142.
  33. Zhao, CY; Cheung, CF; Liu, MY. (2019) “Nanoscale measurement with pattern recognition of an ultra-precision diamond machined polar microstructure”, PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 56, p.156-p.163.
  34. Chen, S; Cheung, C.F;Zhang, F; Liu, M. (2019) “Optimization of Tool Path for Uniform Scallop-Height in Ultra-precision Grinding of Free-form Surfaces”, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2(4), p.215-p.224.
  35. Yang, XC; Shen, XM; Bai, PF; He, XH; Zhang, XN; Li, ZZ; Chen, L; Yin, Q. (2019) “Preparation and Characterization of Gradient Compressed Porous Metal for High-Efficiency and Thin-Thickness Acoustic Absorber”, MATERIALS, 12(9), 1413.
  36. Yip, WS; To, S. (2019) “Reduction of Minimum Cutting Thickness of Titanium Alloys in Micro Cutting by a Magnetic Field Assistance”, IEEE ACCESS, 7, p.152034-p.152041.
  37. Yip, WS; To, S. (2019) “Reduction of tool tip vibration in single-point diamond turning using an eddy current damping effect”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 103(5-8), p.1799-p.1809.
  38. Zhang, QL; Zhang, Z; Su, HH; Zhao, QL; To, S. (2019) “Role of Si in the Surface Damage Mechanism of RB-SiC/Si Under Mechanical Loading”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, 28(1), p.254-p.262.
  39. Zhao, ZJ; To, S; Zhuang, ZX. (2019) “Serrated Chips Formation in Micro Orthogonal Cutting of Ti6Al4V Alloys with Equiaxial and Martensitic Microstructures”, MICROMACHINES, 10(3), 197.
  40. Zhang, GQ; To, S; Wu, XY; Lou, Y. (2019) “Steady tool wear and its influence on tool geometry in ultra-precision fly cutting of CuZn30”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 101(9-12), p.2653-p.2662.
  41. Hu, KM; Lo, SL; Wu, HB; To, S. (2019) “Study on Influence of Ultrasonic Vibration on the Ultra-Precision Turning of Ti6Al4V Alloy Based on Simulation and Experiment”, IEEE ACCESS, 7, p.33640-p.33651.
  42. Chen, SS; Fai, CC; Zhang, FH; Ting, HL; Zhao, CY. (2019) “Theoretical and experimental investigation of a tool path control strategy for uniform surface generation in ultra-precision grinding”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 103(9-12), p.4307-p.4315.
  43. Yip, WS; To, S. (2019) “Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Tool Tip Vibration in Single Point Diamond Turning of Titanium Alloys”, MICROMACHINES, 10(4), 231.
  44. Zhang, GQ; Dai, YQ; To, S; Wu, XY; Lou, Y. (2019) “Tool interference at workpiece centre in single-point diamond turning”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES, 151, p.1-p.12.
  45. Fang, FZ; Zhang, N; Guo, DM; Ehmann, K; Cheung, B; Liu, K; Yamamura, K. (2019) “Towards atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXTREME MANUFACTURING, 1(1), 12001.
  46. Zhu, ZW; Tong, Z; To, S; Jiang, XQ. (2019) “Tuned diamond turning of micro-structured surfaces on brittle materials for the improvement of machining efficiency”, CIRP ANNALS-MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 68(1), p.559-p.562.


