Guidelines for Applications 申請指引
Date:9 and 10 July 2021
Application Schedule 報名流程:
22 March 2021 Call for applications
2021年3月22日 公開報名
30 April 2021 Application deadline
2021年4月30日 截止申請
May 2021 Result announcement
2021年5月 申請結果公佈
We invites submissions presenting community engagement initiatives or service-learning (SL) projects organized by or for secondary and tertiary students from all over the world:
- Community engagement or SL projects - All curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular projects completed in the past 5 years.
- Products for serving the community - Products which have been used or will be used to serve people in need or the community at large.
- Virtual community engagement or SL proposal - Proposals on innovative virtual community engagement or SL initiatives, especially for those aiming to address the problems caused by the Covid-19.
- For Type 1 and 2, project in progress and product under development at the time of application will not be considered.
- For Type 1 and 2, projects or products which are originally developed to fulfill certain kinds of requirement and/or awarded in any competitions will be considered. However, declaration must be made, and copyright release must be obtained from the copyright holder for publicizing in the event.
- 社區服務或服務學習項目 - 過去5年已完成的課程相關或課外項目
- 為造福社區研發的創新產品 - 包括已經用於或將用作服務社群或造福社區的產品
- 虛擬社區服務或服務學習計劃書 - 所有虛擬社區服務或服務學習的建議書,優先考慮對應疫情引發的社會問題的計劃項目
- 項目1及2:正在進行的服務項目或研發中的產品,將不獲考慮。
- 項目1及2:若所申報的服務項目或產品為其他活動的成果,或為符合某種要求而設,或曾於其他比賽中獲獎,亦可獲考慮。但申請者必須就此作出聲明,並須事先獲得版權擁有者正式授權允許在是次活動公開展覽。
Presentation Form:
- E-poster (text and/or graphics) and Video (narrated powerpoints or movie)
Selected applicants should submit their e-poster or video at least one month before the event. Details of the poster and video requirements (e.g., dimensions, required contents, formats) will be sent with the result announcement.
- Interactive Workshops or Demos
Live workshops or demos will be conducted in the timeslots assigned by PolyU. Duration is 30 minutes and must contain product or prototype demonstration or interactive learning activities. Rundown with details should be submitted at least 3 weeks before the event.
Each project can only be presented in one format. PolyU reserves the rights to select and decide the format for the project after the screening process.
- 電子海報(文字及/或圖像)和 視頻(附旁白的簡報或短片)
- 互動工作坊或演示
直播工作坊或演示將由理大分配時段實時進行。 每節時限30分鐘,須包括項目成果、作品示範,或互動學習活動。詳細活動流程需於博覽會開始前至少三星期提交。
English is the official language of the event. Applications in Chinese will be considered, if with an English abstract attached.
Selection Criteria:
Any application with an SL project/product/proposal meeting one or more of the followings will be selected:
- It demonstrates a tangible/sustainable impact or potential on improving people’s quality of life or making positive change to the community.
- It demonstrates a substantial impact/potential on developing SL learners’ citizenship.
- It is innovative in nature and can be transferred, adapted, replicated in other places.
- It provides some insights or good practices in executing quality SL projects.
- 對提升他人的生活素質有明顯或持續的影響,或為社區帶來正面改變
- 對服務學習參與者的公民責任感有顯著的成效
- 是創新的,其模式可轉移、改動或直接應用於其他地區
- 為服務學習項目的執行提供深刻的見解或良好的實踐範例
Certificate and Award:
- Each participating team will receive an electronic Certificate of Appreciation, and 15 quotas for attending the event.
- E-poster and video exhibition: People’s Choice Award will be given to the top 3 teams receiving the highest number of votes. A trophy, a gift valued HK$2,500 (US$320) and award certificate(s) for each winning team.
- Interactive workshop or demo: An appreciation gift valued HK$2,500 (US$320) for each team.
Post-event online display of projects for 6 months
- 每隊參賽隊伍將獲得一張電子證書,以及每隊最多15個線上博覽出席名額。
- 電子海報及視頻展覽:博覽期間獲參加者投票最多的三個團隊將獲得「最佳項目獎」─ 獎杯一座、價值港幣 HK$2,500 的禮物及獎狀。
- 互動工作坊或演示:每個團隊將獲贈價值港幣 HK$2,500 的禮物以示獎勵。
Application 報名:
Promotional Brochure 宣傳單張:

Enquiries 查詢:
- 服務學習及領導才能發展處 (SLLO) / (852) 2766 4376
- 賈女士 Ms. Jessie Kar / (852) 3400 3424
- 周女士 Ms. Jessica Chow / (852) 3400 3409