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Vision & Mission


The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) was established on 27th December, 1994.

Our objectives
  • To enhance the relations and liaison amongst all nursing alumni by holding different recreational, academic and public welfare activities
  • To make contribution to the society by joining and holding public welfare activities
  • To enhance personal growth of the members by providing various academic activities
Rights of Members

Basic Membership

  1. Attend all member meetings and have the right to speak and vote
  2. Have voting rights in the referendum of the assocoation
  3. Have the right to participate in the election
  4. Have the right to nominate at the time of election
  5. Have priority to participate in activities organized by the association
  6. Have the right to access to facilities provided by the association
  7. Automatically to become a member of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alumni Association

Student Membership

  1. Have priority to participate in activities organized by the association
  2. Have the right to access to facilities provided by the association


Executive Committee Members

Executive Committee Members (2021-2023)


LO Wai Shun (Wilson)

Vice-President (External)

CHAN Sau Ha Susanna

Vice-President (Internal)

TANG Chi Chung (Ocean)

General Secretary

LAU Kar Yan (Cabi)

Assistant General Secretary

WONG Yuen Ting (Anna)

Financial Secretary

LEE Wing Hong (Paul)

Assistant Financial Secretary

CHENG Hung Nam (Samuel)

Communication Secretary

WONG Yuen Ting (Anna)

Assistant Communication Secretary

HUI Wing Kei Jullian

Academic Secretary

TANG Chi Chung (Ocean)

Assistant Academic Secretary

WU Chung Ming (Timothy)

Publication / Student Affair Secretary

CHAN Yu Hang (Vincent)

Assistant Publication / Student Affair Secretary

CHEUNG Ka Chun (Kartian)

Recreation Secretary

HO Sung Hon (Michael)

Assistant Recreation Secretary


Public Relation Secretary

So Ka Yan (Stella)

Assistant Public Relation Secretary


Department Alumni Liaison Officer

Evangeline LAM (Eva)


By online

  1. Select “New applicant? Create your account
  2. Login with your account to fill in the application form
  3. Upload a copy of certificate/ transcript of graduation and settle the membership fee (if applicable) by credit card or PPS (Merchant Code: 9965)

By hard copy

  1. Download and fill in the form
  2. Submit the completed form, a copy of certificate/ transcript of graduation and membership fee (if applicable) in cash (by hand)/ cheque (payable to “FHKPUAA”)/ PPS (Merchant Code: 9965)

For details, please visit




Forthcoming Events

Coming soon.

Yearly Plan (2022-2023)
  1. Membership Promotion
  2. Clinical Bridging Workshop
  3. Expressive Arts Therapy Workshop
  4. End-Of-Life Seminar
  5. Ventilator Course
  6. Advance Health Assessment Course
  7. Site Visit
  8. Overseas Exchange Programme
  9. Interviewing Outstanding Alumni

Past Activities


Date Events
16 Dec 2023


On December 16th, the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) successfully organized the 5th Clinical Bridging Workshop. This workshop served as a valuable platform for twenty final-year students from the BSc in Nursing and MSc in Nursing programs to actively participate as case nurses in various scenarios. Through their involvement, the participants had the opportunity to enhance their clinical skills, which included tasks such as blood product transfusion, medication reconstitution, and laboratory result interpretation.

12 Dec 2023


On December 12, 2023, the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies convened its annual general meeting. During this gathering, Mr. Wilson Lo was re-elected as the President of the association, while Ms. Susanna Chan and Mr. Ocean Tang were reelected as Vice-Presidents. Following the general meeting, the AANS organized an executive member meeting to deliberate on the goals and plans that will be implemented in the upcoming year.

Nov 2023


In November 2023, the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) hosted a Nursing Seminar Series called "Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation." Esteemed speakers Mr. Sampson Chan, Mr. Louis Chow, and Dr. H.Y. Ma were graciously invited to share their expertise at this enlightening event. Approximately thirty participants, comprising both alumni and current students, eagerly joined the seminar both in person and virtually. The session proved to be highly engaging, with insightful discussions on the nursing care of mechanical ventilation taking center stage.

10 Nov 2023


During the 29th Congregation Ceremony on November 10, 2023, the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) established a membership promotion booth. This booth aimed to attract fresh graduates from the School of Nursing (SN) to join the association. To facilitate the recruitment process, various souvenirs such as cue cards and pamphlets were thoughtfully designed and distributed to the new graduates. The recruitment efforts were supported by a dedicated team consisting of four AANS executive members, one representative from the Department Alumni Liaison Officer of the School of Nursing (DALO), and 18 student helpers. Their combined efforts and enthusiasm contributed to the successful recruitment of 73 new members who joined the association. The membership promotion booth at the Congregation Ceremony served as an opportunity for the AANS to engage with SN graduates, encourage their involvement in the association, and extend a warm welcome to the nursing community.

14 Oct 2023


The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) orchestrated a delightful team-building event on October 14, 2023, held at the scenic Pak Shek Barbecue site. Over 12 esteemed executive members, joined by their families and even their beloved pets, wholeheartedly embraced this enjoyable and purposeful gathering.

13 Sep 2023


The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) orchestrated a visit to the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Centre located at King's Park Rise on 13th September 2023. More than twenty students and alumni enthusiastically participated in this significant event. Among them, six students and alumni selflessly volunteered to donate blood, extending their support to the public.

27 Apr 2023


On 27 April, a Senior Student Nurse Leader Programme scholarship presentation ceremony was held by the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS). Five final-year undergraduate nursing students received monetary support of HK$1,000 each.

The AANS donated the scholarships to implement the Senior Student Nurse Leader Programme in the subject Fundamentals of Nursing Therapeutics I (SN2121). The programme aims to reinforce the practical skills of junior year students and develop the  leadership skills of senior students.

22 Mar 2023


Around 30 participants (including alumni and current students) attended the seminar organised by the AANS  titled “The role of nurses in End-of-Life care”. Prof. Helen Chan, the Nethersole School of Nursing of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who is a PolyU alumna (5th from left) was the invited speaker for this event. 

18 Feb 2023


The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) organised the 3rd Clinical Bridging Workshop on 18 February. Fourteen final-year students from the BSc in Nursing and MSc in Nursing programmes participated in the workshop as case nurses in the scenarios. The participants reinforced their clinical skills including blood product transfusion, medication reconstitution and laboratory result interpretation.


Date Events
12 Dec 2022


The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) held the annual general meeting and enjoyed a buffet dinner with the participated members.

30 Sept 2022 


The Federation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alumni Associations (FHKPUAA) Dinner Gathering with Alumni Associations was held. This gathering provided an excellent opportunity for alumni leaders and FHKPUAA to strengthen ties and celebrate PolyU’s 85th Anniversary. During the event the Distinguished Member Alumni Association Awards were presented to the alumni associations for their outstanding achievements.

17 Sept 2022


Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) jointly organised a health check booth for the PolyU 85th Anniversary Sportathon event. The health check included measuring BMI, SaO2, Blood pressure taking, colour blindness, etc. Twenty alumni and students’ volunteers participated with this event to delivery healthy living messages to the general public.  

10 June 2022

The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies and the PolyU Public Relations and Alumni Activities Sub-committee jointly organised a webinar titled “Post-COVID and Business Opportunities after the Pandemic” on 10 June. Around 200 participants join the webinar. Dr David Kin-ching Ng, Honorary Director of the Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association (1st from left) was the invited speaker for this event.

26 Mar 2022


On 26 March, Ms Jullian Hui of the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) delivered an online membership promotion talk and interview skills workshop to over 160 final-year undergraduate nursing students.




Date Events
15 Dec 2021


15 December 2021, Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) donated scholarships to support the student leader development in the mentorship practice workshop for the subject Fundamentals of Nursing Therapeutics I (SN2121). Five final-year students on the BSc in Nursing and BSc in Mental Health Nursing programmes were selected to receive the scholarship of HK$1,000 each.

25 Sep 2021

01-2021 25 Sep

AANS members visited the Chinese University Medical Centre.

4-25 Aug 2021

02-2021 4-25 Aug

Forty undergraduate students and alumni attended a four-day Basics of Mechanical Ventilation course organised by the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS).

7-8 Jul 2021

03-2021 7-8 Jul

AANS supported the Government’s outreach vaccination scheme and helped administer doses of COVID-19 vaccines to hundreds of students and staff on the PolyU campus. Members also helped administer vaccines at the Tung Chung Community Vaccination Centre.

3 Jul 2021

04-2021 3 Jul

AANS held a team building activity on Lamma Island.

28 Jun 2021

05-2021 28 Jun 06-2021 28 Jun

The Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) and the alumni reunion dinner was held.

27 Feb 2021

07- 2021 9 Mar

Ms Jullian Hui, Communications Secretary of the AANS, gave two sessions of online talks on interview skills and survival skills of clinical practice to our bachelor’s and master’s levels nursing students during the programme leader meetings.

18 Jan 2021
AANS donated a bursary with a total sum of HK$16,000. Two undergraduate nursing students, Ms Cheuk-ying Liu and Ms On-ying Noel LOUIE, were selected to be the recipients.
9 & 16 Jan 2021

08-2021 9 Jan

Clinical Bridging Workshops introducing current hospital practices were delivered by the executive committee members of the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS). The scenario-based clinical workshops prepared the final year nursing students to transit smoothly to take up the challenges of registered nurses. One hundred final year students attended the workshop.




Date Events
27 Nov 2020
AANS delivered clinical work experience talks for the final year students on the BSc in Nursing programme during the programme leader meetings.
3 Nov 2020

09-2020 3 Nov

The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) and the Young Alumni Sub-committee of the Federation of PolyU Alumni Association (FHKPUAA) organised a webinar entitled ‘Be a Smart Healthy Traveler’. Our invited speaker, Dr Michael Ho, Public Relationship Secretary of AANS, shared his experience and knowledge on how to handle discomfort and injury when travelling abroad.

Apr 2020
AANS delivered an online membership promotion talk to the final year students of BSc in Nursing programme on 6 April.
Mar 2020
Four executive committee members (Ms Susanna Chan, Mr Wilson Lo, Dr Michael Ho and Mr Samuel Cheng) of The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) joined the membership of the Sub-committee of PolyU’s Alumni Affairs and Development Office. 


Date Events
11 Dec 2019

10-2019 11 Dec

The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies held its annual general meeting on 11 December 2019. Mr Wilson Lo was re-elected as President and Ms Susanna Chan and Mr Samuel Cheng were reelected as Vice-Presidents of the association.

Jun 2019
11-2019 Jun 

Dr Sukki Ho, the Departmental Alumni Liaison Officer (DALO) of the School, attended a dinner gathering with the alumni leaders and DALOs to share experience in coordinating the alumni affairs and activities.

Jun 2019

12-2019 Jun

The AANS invited Dr David Chan as the speaker for the ECG Interpretation Course.

Jun 2019

13-2019 Jun

The executive members of the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) provided primary care services and health education to the elders in Tsim Sha Tsui Greens Park Elders Home.

11 Apr 2019


AANS members joined the Appreciation Reception for Scholarship and Bursary Donors 2018/19 held by PolyU at the Alumni Atrium on 11 April 2019.

16 & 23 Mar 2019
AANS members shared their working experience and promoted the life membership to our final year undergraduate students. Eighty-six undergraduates joined the life membership.
28 Feb 2019

14-2019 26 Feb

AANS attended the PolyU Graduating Class Ambassador 2019 Kick-off Ceremony and Reception to develop closer relationships with our young alumni and motivate them to stay connected with PolyU after graduation.

22 Feb 2019

15-2019 22 Feb IMG-20190222-WA0003 

Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) organised a day trip to the Government Flying Service. Eighteen Alumni members joined the trip.


Date Events



6 Dec 2018

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The 23 Annual General Meeting of AANS was held in Hyatt Regency Hotel.


Date Events

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AANS 開年飯 +新舊 executive committee member 聚會


Date Events
30 Nov - 4 Dec 2016

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The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies held a cultural visit to three Cheshire Homes (Hanshin Cheshire Home, Harima Cheshire Home and Shiso Cheshire Home) located at Hyogo Prefecture, Japan from 30 November to 4 December 2016. Seven alumni members joined the activity.

22 Oct 2016

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The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) held a team building activity, Hiking in the Dragon’s Back.

27 Aug 2016

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Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) held a talk on transition to a professional nurse (護士學生邁向專業護士講座) at PolyU on 27 August for new graduates and senior students. A total of 50 new graduates and senior students attended the talk.
7 Aug 2016

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The Federation of PolyU Alumni Associations organised a bowling competition on 7 August. Ten alumni of the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) joined the competition and enjoyed a fun day with their family members and friends.

16 Apr 2016

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Thirteen MNS alumni members joined the Cycling Fun Day organised by the Federation of PolyU Alumni Association on 16 April, at Hong Kong Science Park. Participants enjoyed a wide range of interesting programmes such as Treasure Hunt, Artistic Cycling, magic and clown shows. The MNS won the Best Costume Award at the event.

9 Apr 2016

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Collaborated with the Association of Hong Kong Health Care Professionals and St. Teresa's Hospital, the Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (MNS) held a talk on career prospectus and hospital interview skill on 9 April.



AANS Award in 2014-2015

AANS Award in 2014-2015

Most Successful Membership Recruitment Award for Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (2014-2015)


Contact Us


The Federation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alumni Associations (FHKPUAA)

Room M1504, 15/F, Li Ka Shing Tower
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
2766 5123
 Fax: 2764 0326
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday:
9:00 - 12:45 , 14:00 - 17:45
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays:
Federation card benefits:

Contact AANS at

Or Facebook at


