Faculty of Engineering

Sept 2025 Entry

Mixed Mode

1.5 years (Full-time)
2.5 years (Part-time)




This programme is offered subject to approval.

Application Deadline
Local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2025 Entry - Early Round Application Deadline: 2024-11-19; Main Round Application Deadline: 2025-04-30
Non-local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2025 Entry - Early Round Application Deadline: 2024-11-19; Main Round Application Deadline: 2025-04-30
About Programme
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Programme Aims

(a)    To provide advanced education and training for students who intend to upgrade their knowledge and seek a higher-level career in the area of low-altitude economy, airspace systems and management, U-space design, aviation safety, infrastructure design, engineering, operations for the next-generation low-altitude aerial vehicle, and management of the complex inter-/intra-city operational environments;


(b)    To enable students to develop their competence to increase their competitiveness in the job market and become leaders in the low-altitude economy industry;


(c)    To enable students to have a good understanding and master the most up-to-date advanced technologies and applications, in the area of the low-altitude economy, engineering, operations and management; and


(d)    To enable students to apply their learned knowledge and skills to solve problems encountered in practice.


(a) Interdisciplinary Integration: Combining knowledge from aviation, engineering, control, artificial intelligence, and transportation to cultivate students' interdisciplinary thinking. 

(b) Practice-Oriented: Collaborating with the industry to understand and engage in real projects, such as drones related to the low-altitude economy, transforming scientific and technological advancements into engineering applications. 

(c) Innovation Capability: As the low-altitude economy is in its early stages of development, with products and technologies evolving rapidly, this programme will enhance students' innovative abilities to adapt to fast-changing market demands and encourages them to explore emerging trends. 

(d) Policy Impact: Drones and low-altitude aircraft involve airspace management, safety regulations, and privacy issues, making policy formulation and compliance crucial to this field. This enables students to understand and adapt to relevant laws and regulations, driving industry development.


The mixed mode of study allows students to study either full-time or part-time. Local students can vary their study mode from semester to semester according to their personal preferences. This flexibility is not available to non-local students, who are constrained by visa requirements.

Recognition & Prospects


(a) Industry Demand
Many industries, particularly those focused on low-altitude transportation and logistics, have a strong demand for relevant information technology and specialised talent. In the logistics industry, drones enhance delivery efficiency and reduce transportation time. In terms of manned transportation, eVTOL and other low-altitude aircraft provide efficient short-distance and intercity travel, alleviating ground traffic congestion through aerial routes. Drones can also be utilised in precision agriculture for crop monitoring and spraying, thereby increasing yields. In the future, drones are expected to play an even more significant role across a broader range of industries, driving technological innovation in sectors such as infrastructure, construction, film, and commerce.


(b) Government Support

In recent years, the government has placed significant emphasis on the low-altitude economy and has provided substantial support in terms of policies, laws, and administration. In the future, as the low-altitude economy continues to develop, government departments will also need to focus on relevant talent and technology. This includes the formulation and implementation of policies and regulations related to drones; the opening and management of airspace will require a large number of skilled professionals. Additionally, various essential services, such as fire departments and police forces, will need drones for emergency rescue and public safety management.


(c) Academic Interest
The low-altitude economy is primarily reflected in academia through interdisciplinary integration and numerous research opportunities. By fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration and incorporating courses in aviation, engineering, computer science, and urban planning, it offers a comprehensive learning experience. Innovative curriculum design aims to cultivate students' skills in drone design, data analysis, and airspace management. Furthermore, the low-altitude economy will advance cutting-edge research in fields such as artificial intelligence, automatic control, and sensor technology. Collaborating with industry on practical projects will address real-world challenges and promote a close connection between academia and industry.


(a)    Career Opportunities

  • Multi-industry demand: The demand for professional talents in logistics, agriculture, emergency services and other fields has increased.

  • Emerging positions: New positions such as drone system design and operations, data analysis, and airspace management are constantly emerging.

(b)    Technological Advancements

  • Cutting-Edge Research: Advancing the development of technologies related to low-altitude aircraft, intelligent navigation, satellite navigation, automatic control, artificial intelligence, and traffic management.

  • Interdisciplinary Integration: Facilitating communication and mutual influence among different industries and disciplines, inspiring new technological developments, and driving innovation to address real-world challenges.

(c)    Economic Benefits

  • Industry Chain Development: Stimulating growth across a range of manufacturing, service, and software industries.

  • Enhanced Urban Efficiency: Improving logistics and communication efficiency, thereby accelerating the integration process of the Greater Bay Area.

(d)    Regulatory Impact

  • Participation in shaping policies and regulations.

  • Influence on standards for safety and efficiency in low-altitude operations.


(e)    Social Impact

  • Green Transportation: Promoting low-carbon transport methods and facilitating sustainable development.

  • Urban Planning: Supporting the construction of smart cities and enhancing the efficiency of urban management.


To be eligible for the award of a MSc in Low-altitude Economy, students must complete:

  • 7 taught subjects, including at least 6 AAE Core Subjects, and a Dissertation; OR

  • 10 taught subjects, including at least 6 AAE Core Subjects and 2 AAE Elective Subjects;

  • AND Academic Integrity and Ethics (AIE) Requirement#.


#Students are required to complete the compulsory 1-credit subject "EEE5T03 Engineering Ethics and Academic Integrity" to satisfy the Academic Integrity and Ethics (AIE) requirement for graduation. No credit fee will be charged for this subject.


Students may apply for and attend the MSc programme with a Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) subject to meeting the specified requirements.


There are 14 subjects in the MSc in Low-altitude Economy (subject to change).


Core Subject List

  • AAE5108 Future Air Mobility and Low-Altitude Airspace Management

  • AAE5301 Service Design and Fleet Management for Low-altitude Economy

  • AAE5302 U-space Design, Air Traffic Service and Urban Aircraft System Traffic Management

  • AAE5303 Robust Control Technology in Low-altitude Aerial Vehicle

  • AAE5304 Safety, Reliability and Airworthiness Requirement for Low Altitude Aerial Vehicle

  • AAE5305 Low-altitude Aerial Vehicle Mechanics and Control

  • AAE5306 Electronics Design and Informatics for Low-altitude Economy

  • LSGI545 Urban Informatics


Elective Subject List

  • AAE5103 Artificial Intelligence in the Aviation Industry

  • AAE5110 Air Transport Economics and Policy

  • AAE5111 Human Factors, Accident Prevention and Aviation Safety Risk Management

  • AAE5206 Artificial Intelligence in Aerospace Engineering

  • LSGI521 Principles of GIS

  • LSGI533 Satellite Positioning & Navigation

Credit Required for Graduation


Programme Leader(s)

Programme Leader
Dr Huang Hailong
BEng, Ph.D.

Deputy Programme Leader
Dr Wen Weisong
BEng (BISTU), MEng (CAU), Ph.D. (PolyU), Member IEEE, Member ION

Programme List Remarks

(This programme is offered subject to approval)

Subject Area
Low-altitude Economy
Entrance Requirements
  • A Bachelor’s degree with Honours in engineering, science or technology, or qualifications that satisfy the academic requirements for Corporate Membership of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), or the equivalent. 

Consideration will also be given to candidates without Honours degrees but with other relevant qualifications supplemented by appropriate work experience.


Applicants who are not native English speakers and whose Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification was awarded by institutions where English was not the medium of instruction are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirements for admission purpose. Please refer to the “Admission Requirements” section for details. 


Individual cases will be considered on their own merit by the departments concerned. Applicants may be required to attend interviews or tests to further demonstrate their language proficiency.


Suitable candidates may be invited to attend interviews. 


For general enquiries, please contact:
AAE General Office (tel: (852) 3400 2489; email: aae.info@polyu.edu.hk).

For further information on academic matters, please contact:
Dr Huang Hailong (tel: (852) 3400 2466; email: hailong.huang@polyu.edu.hk).

Other Information

Class Arrangement

  • Classes are normally held in the evenings.

  • Some subjects may be delivered in the daytime.

Scholarships and Financial Support

  • Students enrolled in the Master of Science in Low-altitude Economy taking dissertation may apply for the AAE MSc Dissertation Scholarship*, which aims to encourage aviation engineering and operation research.


*PolyU reserves the right to change or withdraw the scholarship at any time. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU's decision is final.

Initial Registration Credits

6 for local students
12 for non-local students

Tuition Fee

To be confirmed

Additional Documents Required
Employer's Recommendation


Personal Statement


Transcript / Certificate

Both transcripts and certificates are required

Curriculum Vitae


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