Sept 2025 Entry
1.5 years (Full-time)
3 years (Part-time)
- This programme is offered within the Postgraduate Scheme in Applied Social Sciences.
This programme adopts multi-method approaches in teaching and learning such as online, classroom, skill laboratory, or blended learning.
Applications are considered on a rolling basis. Shortlisted candidates may be invited to attend an interview. Qualified candidates will be notified of their results via the eAdmission. Once all vacancies are filled, the remaining qualified applicants will be put on a waiting list. Early applications are strongly encouraged.
What's New
Programme Aims
The Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling aims to train teachers, social workers, guidance and counselling practitioners, human resource management personnel and those who intend to offer counselling services to address the diverse needs of their clientele in Hong Kong.
The programme uniquely connects micro and macro perspectives in training guidance and counselling practitioners, who will then be able to design and implement a range of preventive, remedial and developmental programmes. Students can expect the opportunity to generate new theoretical and practical insights into improving current practices.
Upon completion of the programme, graduates can expect to have enhanced both their professional and personal growth and acquire advanced levels of counselling and guidance competencies.
We offer a flexible learning path. Students can choose their preferred subjects from a pool that is specially designed for guidance and counselling practitioners. They may complete this programme in 2 years, even on a part-time basis if they take additional subjects per semester. On completion of 22 credits (8 subjects), students can apply to graduate with a Postgraduate Diploma.
This programme has been fully accredited by the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (HKPCA). Graduates are eligible to apply for their membership.
Graduates having taken Practice Option will fulfil 62.5 supervised practice hours recognised by HKPCA as its partial requirement for Certified Counsellor.
Programme Structure
To be eligible for this award, students must complete 5 Required Core Subjects, 3 Elective Subjects, 1 AIE Subject, and pursue either the Practice Option or the Research Option.
Students who successfully complete 22 credits including 5 Required Core Subjects, 2 Elective Subjects and 1 AIE Subject can exit the programme with a Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling.
Core Areas of Study
Required Core Subjects (15 credits)
- Advanced Human Behaviour & Social Environment
- Counselling Assessment & Measurement
- Individual & Group Counselling Skills Workshop
- Social Context & Ethics
- Theories & Models of Counselling
and then EITHER
Practice Option (6 credits)
- Counselling Practicum
Research Option (6 credits)
- Practice Research
- Integrative Project
Elective Subjects (3 subjects - 9 credits)
- Advanced Practice Methods: Brief Therapy
- Advanced Practice Methods: Cognitive Behavioural Intervention
- Career Counselling: Theories & Practice@
- Delinquency & Family@
- Evolution in Family Therapy: Structural & Systemic Approaches@
- Expressive Psychotherapy
- Guidance & Counselling for Students with Special Needs@
- Information & Communication Technology for Psychosocial Interventions
- Mental Health Policy@
- Mindfulness-based Programme in Mental Health and Social Care
- Narrative Therapy
- Psychopathology: Holistic & Humanistic Orientations
- Practice Research@
- Social Policy Analysis & Social Accountability@
- Workplace Counselling@
- Violence in Intimate Relationships@
Note: Students who pursue Practicum Option should choose at least 1 Elective Subject from those with an "@".
- In addition to the above subjects, students are required to complete a 1-credit subject on Academic Integrity and Ethics (AIE). No tuition fee is required for this subject.
- All subjects carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.
- The subjects offered may be altered at the discretion of the Department.
- Please refer to the "Other Information" section for the details of the Practice/ Research Options.
Programme Leader
Dr Allen Dorcas
PhD, MPs, BSc
A recognised Bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
Preference will be given to applicants who are teachers, social workers, counsellors or human resources management personnel and who are involved in guidance work or related areas.
If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirement for admission purpose. Please refer to the "Admission Requirements" section for details.
For further information on admission matters, please contact:
Tel: (852) 2766 5761
Practice Option
The Practicum
Is housed in the Professional Practice and Assessment Centre (the Centre) in our University and cases are recruited through the Counseling Net affiliated with the Centre;
Provides intensive training on establishing professional helping relationship with clients through offering individual and case counseling;
Provides learning opportunities to apply appropriate and effective intervention methods in working with individuals or families;
Recruits a wide range of clientele including students and parents from primary and secondary schools, university students, couples and working adults;
Provides “on-site, real-time” supervision during the 25-week practicum from our full-time teaching staff, counseling psychologists, clinical psychologists and experienced counselors from different professional sectors.
Research Option
The Research Option requires students to take two subjects, Practice Research and Integrative Project, which provide them with the opportunity to undertake independent theoretical or empirical investigations on a self-selected topic related to guidance and counseling. This Option provides training in research methods, planning and implementing an investigation and academic writing. The research and literacy skills acquired strengthens the competence of students to pursue further research degrees.
Practice Research
This increases students’ competence in using appropriate research methods to analyse the processes and results of professional practice, to not only generate new knowledge for understanding the causes of human problems but also to improve professional practice.
Integrative Project
Integrative Project is the signpost learning activity in the MAGC programme. Students conduct independent research/reviews on the topics they select in guidance and counseling that suit their learning objectives and interests. They can then implement their projects under the guidance of their supervisors, thus developing their experience in integrating the knowledge and skills acquired from various subjects in the programme, so they can then advance their scholarship in counseling practice.
3 for local students
6 for non-local students
HK$217,500 per programme (HK$7,250 per credit) for local and non-local students
* No tuition fee is required for the 1-credit Academic Integrity and Ethics (AIE) subject
Entry Scholarships are available. Please click here for details.
PolyU reserves the right to change or withdraw the scholarship at any time. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU's decision is final.
Copies of the graduation certificate and official academic transcript are required. Please also provide the academic transcript explanatory notes of the grading systems (課程績點與等級換算關係表).
Applicant is required to submit, along with his/her application:
A statement reflecting on his/her recent work experience; or
A short piece of writing on a problem or issue that is of interest to him/her and on how he/she deals with the issue.
The above statement/write-up should be in English of not more than 1,000 words.