Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

Sept 2025 Entry


3 years


37 (including 8 clinical/field credits)

  • This programme is offered within the Postgraduate Scheme in Applied Social Sciences.

  • This programme adopts multi-method approaches in teaching and learning such as online, classroom, skill laboratory, or blended learning.

  • This programme (from 2025 intake onwards) is currently under the Social Workers Registration Board's regular qualification recognition review.


Notes for Applicants

  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview in one of these two time periods: (i) 3, 6-8 January 2025, or (ii) 7-8 April 2025. Qualified candidates will be notified of their results via the eAdmission. Once all vacancies are filled, the remaining qualified applicants will be put on a waiting list. Early applications are strongly encouraged.

Application Deadline
Local - Part-time
Sept 2025 Entry - 01-Mar-2025
Non-local - Part-time
Sept 2025 Entry - 01-Mar-2025
About Programme
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Programme Aims

The overall aim of the MSW programme is to nurture students to become advanced generic social work practitioners, engaged in critical reflection of their work and with a strong commitment to pursuing scholarship in practice.



This programme is designed for Bachelor’s degree holders who would like to pursue a social work qualification on a part-time basis.


Students integrate theory and practice and generate new theoretical and practical insights to improve professional practice. The programme values the following principles:

  1. Contextual reflection: reflecting on the unique features of the social, cultural and political contexts of human service practice and their implications for both theory and practice.

  2. Relationship between theory and practice: testing and reflecting on theories and developing them into personalised “theories-in-use” in specific practice domains.

  3. The inter-connectedness of problems and issues: relating one’s knowledge and skills to the context of professional practice, the local community, the Chinese mainland and the international community as a whole, and appreciating the ethical and value considerations underlying professional practice.

  4. Personalised styles and frameworks of practice: continually reflecting on and integrating one’s professional self, personal values and life experiences, and hence transforming practice theories into new ideas and methods that are congruent with one’s personal style of practice and within the evolving practice context.


Special Features

  1. ​Interactive and innovative teaching and learning;

  2. Interdisciplinary exposure;

  3. Investigation of social problems from professional perspectives;

  4. Indigenisation of knowledge and skills in professional practice

Recognition & Prospects

Graduates are eligible to apply for registration as Registered Social Workers (RSW) in Hong Kong.


For registration as a RSW, please refer to the requirement and application procedure as stipulated by the Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB) by visiting the Board's official website.


Programme Structure

To be eligible for the award, students must complete 12 Required Subjects,  1 Elective Subject and 1 AIE Subject (for a total of 37 credits).


Core Areas of Study

Required Subjects

  • ​Advanced Human Behaviour & Social Environment
  • Advanced Social Work Theory & Practice I
  • Advanced Social Work Theory & Practice II
  • Critical Introduction to Social Work
  • Law & Social Work
  • Practice Research in Social Work
  • Principles & Methods of Social Service Administration
  • MSW Fieldwork I
  • MSW Fieldwork II
  • MSW Integrative Seminar in Social Work Studies
  • Social Problem, Policy Analysis & Accountability
  • Social Work Practice Workshop


Elective Subjects 

  • ​Advanced Macro Social Work Intervention
  • Advanced Practice Methods: Brief Therapy
  • Information & Communication Technology for Psychosocial Interventions
  • Integrating Health and Social Care
  • Mental Health Practice
  • Narrative Therapy



In addition to the above subjects, students are required to complete a 1-credit subject on Academic Integrity and Ethics (AIE) - HTI5T04 Academic Integrity and Ethics (Health and Social Sciences). No tuition fee is required for this subject.

Credit Required for Graduation

37 (including 8 clinical/field credits)

Programme Leader(s)

Dr LI Chi-mei, Jessica

Subject Area
Social Work
Entrance Requirements
  • A Bachelor's degree from a recognised university.


If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirement for admission purpose. Please refer to the "Admission Requirements" section for details.


For further information on admission matters, please contact:
Tel: (852) 2766 5714
Email: sspg@polyu.edu.hk

Initial Registration Credits

3 for local students
6 for non-local students

Tuition Fee

HK$364,800 per programme (Taught subject: HK$7,900 per credit; Fieldwork: HK$17,950 per credit) for local and non-local students
* No tuition fee is required for the 1-credit Academic Integrity and Ethics subject

Entry Scholarships are available. Please click here for details. 

PolyU reserves the right to change or withdraw the scholarship at any time. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU’s decision is final.

Student Message

One day I realised my limitations at work and I found myself dissatisfied with what I was doing. Determined to further equip myself, I started my unforgettable PolyU MSW journey.


The MSW programme emphasises professionalism while also keeping our feet on the ground. It allowed me to experience how a “job” can be full of warmth and humanity. For me, social work is more than just a job; it is my life, the integration of my personal and professional lives. The three years of part-time study developed in me a consuming passion for social work service. The values, theories and knowledge taught in the lectures expanded my understanding of the field, and the practicums made the concepts more vivid. In addition, the trust, sincerity and recognition of my fieldwork supervisors further solidified my career direction.


I am grateful that this MSW journey broadened my view of the profession, reminding me to pay attention to both micro intervention skills and service optimisation for users. Uniqueness, respect, acceptance and humility have become continuous learning assignments in my work. Every tiny change has contributed to my achievements.

CHU On Lei Anny (2015 Graduate)

It was my career goal to work in the mental health field, and taking the MSW course has enabled me to achieve this goal. This course not only provided me with theoretical knowledge but also equipped me with a host of skills and techniques that I can use in my current work as a social worker in an ICCMW. These experiences strengthened my commitment to social justice and advocacy and my desire to serve those in need. I am grateful for the opportunities that were presented to me throughout my academic journey in the three-year course, including the chance to participate in community outreach programmes, engage in meaningful research and collaborate with like-minded peers.


The MSW placement was the most memorable and meaningful experience of my studies. I chose to be placed in a supported hostel, where I worked with individuals suffering from chronic mental issues for the first time. I received encouragement and support from my placement supervisor, the hostel staff and the university. With their assistance, I was able to provide emotional support and tangible help to individuals in need. I not only developed professional skills but also gained self-confidence. These valuable experiences and recognition during the course motivate me to strive for excellence in my future work.

IP Ka Chi Antony (2023 Graduate)

Are you passionate about making a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and communities? Do you aspire to become a professional social work practitioner? The three-year MSW programme allowed me to kept reflecting on these questions. Today, as an MSW graduate, I devote myself to the social work profession, working with families and individuals in need applying the knowledge and skills I learnt in the programme.


In recent years, the pandemic not only changed the studying mode from face-to-face to online learning, but also added challenges to placement arrangements. The teaching staff, placement coordinators and supervisors were always supportive and gave me clear guidance so that things could work out eventually.


If you are ready to embark on a transformative journey, you will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and experienced professionals in the field. Although the world is full of uncertainty, studying in the MSW programme will certainly empower you to create a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable populations and contribute to the betterment of society.

Beryl YONG (2021 Graduate)

I have been a youth worker for five years. It was worthwhile to study the MSW course as it not only enriched my knowledge and skills but helped me understand myself better, both personally and professionally. The course was comprehensive, covering micro and macro aspects, as well as theory and practice in different subjects. I experienced how knowledge and skills can be transformed into my personalised style of practice through understanding, applying and reflecting.


The fieldwork placement and the integrative seminar were the most valuable experiences for me. The supervisors endeavoured to help me to reflect on how my personal experiences interacted with my professional experiences. Through this process, I learnt to accept myself more and apply the concept of “use of self” in the social work profession.


As a part-time student, I enjoyed applying what I have learnt in the course in my full-time job, as it provided another kind of practical application. Time flies, and three years have already passed! I encourage you to value every subject and gain as much as you can from the course.

Crystal NG (2023 Graduate)

I am “Made in PolyU”.


I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to be a student in the MSW programme at PolyU.


In light of COVID-19, we had to adapt to new mode of learning, namely online classes and placement arrangements. The “new normal”, however, has not changed the role that tutorials, lectures, and practical lessons play in education. They have equipped us with all we need to become a professional social worker.


The social work practice workshop further strengthened my understanding and helped me internalise the core values of being a professional social worker. It followed my broad social work training in Advanced Social Work Theory and Practice I and II, which provided me with the knowledge and humanistic skills necessary to work with various parties. We were guided to extend our horizons step-by-step through a series of well-planned programme elements.


After graduating from PolyU, I am committed to working with children and young people as a school social worker. The hands-on experience I gained through two fieldwork placements gave me invaluable opportunities to put what I had learnt into practice.


I’m grateful to have met inspiring professors and lecturers, a helpful supervisor and friends who encouraged me. We supported each other as we worked to develop a helping profession and create an environment that treats everyone with dignity and provides tranquillity.

Isaac LUK (2023 Graduate)

Becoming a social worker has been my dream and goal since I was a secondary school student. I have a strong desire to help those in need and assist them in overcoming obstacles. Throughout my course of study, I have learnt about various theories and approaches to social work, as well as practical skills that have taught me to view the world and cases from different perspectives, such as micro and macro levels. I have also had the opportunity to participate in a field placement, where I gained hands-on experience working with individuals and communities.


I am grateful to the UGC Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programme Fellowship Scheme for supporting my studies by providing a subsidy to cover part of my course fees. This support has allowed me to focus on my studies and pursue my goals without financial burden.


As I continue my journey in my social work study and my future career, I am excited to keep experiencing, learning, growing and using my knowledge and skills to empower individuals and communities. I am now one year away from graduating, and I will continue to learn and equip myself to become a skilled and empathetic social worker and to walk alongside those in need.

WONG Ching Shan (Year 3 Student)
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate

Copies of the graduation certificate and official academic transcript (for all post-secondary degrees, including sub-degree level and above) are required. Please also provide the academic transcript explanatory notes of the grading systems (課程績點與等級換算關係表).

Personal Statement

1-page Personal Statement in English is required.

Employer's Recommendation


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