Other Fees and Expenses
International / Other Qualifications

Other Fees

A schedule of other fees that are chargeable to students is published in the Student Handbook. All students are advised to refer to the Student Handbook on web for details.


Caution Money

Caution money is chargeable to all students at first registration. This sum is refundable to students who withdraw from study properly if they have no outstanding fees / claims to be paid to the University and they have returned their student identity card. The sum will be converted to the graduation fee upon completion of a scheme / programme.


General Expenses

Non-local students should be aware of the high cost of living in Hong Kong. Apart from tuition fee and hall fees, academic expenses (excluding computer and related expenses) for full-time students are likely to be in the region of HK$7,000 – HK$10,000* for most disciplines and around HK$30,000 for design programmes. Basic meal charges at campus catering outlets are likely to be about HK$52,000* per annum (or about HK$37,725 if summer terms are excluded).


* This is only an estimate; specific disciplines may have higher academic expenses. Living expenses vary for individuals, students may wish to allow funds for personal items, entertainment, overseas travel, medical expenses, etc.


In general, the average spending per academic year would be around HK$261,395 (USD33,513).


Amount per academic year

Tuition fee HK$175,000 (USD: 22,436)

University-managed accommodation#

#Normally granted for the first year for 2025/26 intake cohort

HK$16,045 (USD: 2,057)+
Basic meal charges at campus catering outlets HK$52,000 (USD: 6,667)
Personal expenses HK$18,350 (USD: 2,353)
  HK$261,395 (USD: 33,513)

+ The rent of HK$16,045 (USD2,057) is charged in the 2024/25 academic year. The lodging fees for 2025/26 will be announced in due courses.


The above estimates are for reference only.  The actual amount required will vary depending on individuals' lifestyles and preferences.  Approximate exchange rate is USD1.00 = HK$7.80.