Frequently Asked Questions - Admission Selection
Admission Selection
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What is Departmental Scheme-based Admission?

PolyU adopts departmental scheme-based admission in order to provide a broader educational base and a more flexible progression pathway for students, as well as a more agile mechanism to meet changing societal manpower needs. These changes will provide greater flexibility for students in their choice of degree programmes and specialisations.

What is Secondary Major?

A Secondary Major features an expanded area of studies in addition to an existing major, i.e. the Block X, forming an additional award option of "A Major plus a Secondary Major", i.e. "X + Scheme". Two Secondary Majors available for students to choose are "Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA)" and "Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE)".

Please click here to learn more about it.

Which schemes allow students free selection of major at the later stage of study?

Schemes allow free selection of majors are:

  • JS3020 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Data Science (Data Science and Analytics / Investment Science and Finance Analytics)
  • JS3030 BSc (Hons) in Physics with a Secondary Major in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) / Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE)
  • JS3110 BEng (Hons) Scheme in Building Sciences and Engineering (Building Sciences and Engineering / Building Sciences and Engineering with the specialism of Building Services Engineering)
  • JS3140 BEng (Hons) Scheme in Aviation Engineering (Aviation Engineering / Air Transport Engineering)
  • JS3150 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Biomedical Engineering
  • JS3180 BEng (Hons)/BSc (Hons) Scheme in Information and Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Internet-of-Things / Artificial Intelligence / Information Security)
  • JS3240 BA (Hons) Scheme in English and Applied Linguistics
  • JS3290 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Optometry
  • JS3320 BA (Hons) Scheme in Chinese History and Culture
  • JS3337 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Nursing - BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing
  • JS3478 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography - BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science
  • JS3557 BEng (Hons) Scheme in Product and Industrial Engineering (Product Engineering with Marketing / Industrial and Systems Engineering)
  • JS3571 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Logistics and Enterprise Engineering (Logistics Engineering with Management / Enterprise Engineering with Management)
  • JS3612 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography - BSc (Hons) in Radiography
  • JS3624 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences - BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy
  • JS3636 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences - BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy
  • JS3648 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Nursing - BSc (Hons) in Nursing
  • JS3741 BEng (Hons) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Engineering / Product Analysis and Engineering Design)
  • JS3868 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing and AI (Computer Science / Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence / Enterprise Information Systems)
  • JS3910 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Food Safety and Technology
Which schemes will set screening criteria for students in choosing their major?

Schemes that will set screening criteria for choosing major are:

  • JS3011 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Biotechnology and Chemical Technology
  • JS3050 BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion (Fashion Design / Knitwear Design / Contour Fashion and Activewear / Fashion Business / Fashion Innovation and Technology)
  • JS3060 BBA (Hons) Scheme in Accounting and Finance (Accountancy / Accounting and Finance / Digital Finance and Investment)
  • JS3070 BBA (Hons) Scheme in Global Business and Logistics, Aviation, Maritime, and Supply Chain Management (Global Business and Logistics / Aviation Management and Finance / International Shipping and Transport Logistics / Supply Chain Management and Analytics)
  • JS3080 BBA (Hons) Scheme in Management and Marketing (Management / Marketing)
  • JS3100 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Building and Real Estate (Building Engineering and Management / Property Management / Surveying)
  • JS3120 BEng (Hons) Scheme in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development
  • JS3130 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Spatial Data Science and Smart Cities (Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics / Urban Informatics and Smart Cities)
  • JS3170 BEng (Hons) Scheme in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering / Transportation Systems Engineering)
  • JS3250 BA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences (Social Work / Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship)
  • JS3310 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Hotel and Tourism Management (Hotel Management / Smart Tourism and Hospitality / Event and Experience Management)
  • JS3330 BA (Hons)/BSc (Hons) Scheme in Language Sciences, Translation, and Speech Therapy (Linguistics and Translation / Language Sciences and Analytics / Speech Therapy)
  • JS3569 BA (Hons) Scheme in Design (Advertising Design / Environmental Design / Information Design / Interaction Design / Interior Design / Media Design / Product Design / Service Design / Social Design)
Would applicants’ other public examinations e.g. GCE, IB be considered?

For JUPAS applicants, only HKDSE subject attainments would be included in the admission score calculation. Attainments in other public examinations would be taken as reference only.

How would students’ Other Learning Experiences (OLE) be considered?

To support the all-round development of students, applicants with very outstanding performance in their other experiences and achievements (e.g. with awards / prizes attained in prominent competitions) will be favourably considered for admission if they have chosen PolyU scheme(s) / programme(s) as their Band A choice(s) and meet the general entrance requirements of the University. For other students, their Other Learning Experiences (OLE) information may be used by departments as one of the references for shortlisting applicants for admission or interview / aptitude test.

How would PolyU shortlist applicants for interview before the announcement of HKDSE result?

Departments would consider information available in the JUPAS application form such as information provided by school principals in the Reference Report, academic performance of applicants in school, applicants’ band choice, other experiences & achievements (OEA) and additional information provided by the applicants.

Would Student Learning Profile (SLP) be considered?

Submission of Student Learning Profile (SLP) is optional. Applicants may submit it to the JUPAS Office or present their Student Learning Profile (SLP) during interview.

Does PolyU have its own admission tests in addition to HKDSE?

Some schemes / programmes may conduct their own aptitude tests to ascertain applicants’ specific aptitudes / competencies for particular disciplines.

Would there be any penalty for applicants repeating HKDSE?

PolyU all along considers multiple attempts without penalty. Similar subjects will be considered once and the best grade will be taken into consideration during admission selection.

Would JUPAS applicants who are studying a programme or have attained qualifications at the same level as the schemes / programmes for which they are applying be considered?

The study places offered by PolyU through JUPAS are intended primarily for admission of local school leavers. Applicants who are studying a programme or have attained qualifications at the same or above level as the schemes / programmes for which they are applying will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

How would non-local applicants with HKDSE results be considered under JUPAS?

Please note that local and non-local applicants are considered under different admission routes with different intake quotas. Non-local applicants seeking admission on the basis of HKDSE results should submit their applications directly to PolyU. Please click here for details on the admission requirements for non-local applicants.

How would admission quotas be distributed between JUPAS and Non-JUPAS applicants?

There is no fixed distribution of admission quotas between JUPAS and Non-JUPAS applicants. The distribution depends on the quality of eligible applicants.