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Student Ambassador: Carol

Major: BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy


Something about me:

Hi guys, I am Carol, a final year student majoring in occupational therapy.

I first learned about the Senior-Year Admitted “SYA” project when I met some ambassadors in voluntary activities. By interacting with the ambassadors, I realized that the project has provided a chance for newbies to transit into degree programs by providing peer support and information. I think it is meaningful as I have been through a time of loneliness and struggles when I first got admitted into the university. Luckily, I met some friends who help me get through those hard times, and I believe that peer support does matter, especially when people first start their university life. Therefore, I have decided to become one of the ambassadors, to help the newbies get through the transition and to have a fruitful and meaningful university life.

Don’t be shy. Just find us when you need support, we are always there for you. ?


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