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Student Ambassador: Mimi

Major: BBA (Hons) in Accountancy

Transferred from: Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Something about me:

Hello, I am Leung Siu Man, Mimi, a final year student majoring in Accountancy. I transferred from Hong Kong Community College. I really enjoyed my U-life. In University, I had many chances to talk with other students from different backgrounds. Sometimes, I was inspired by them and started thinking about my life.

One of my big decisions was to choose to live in hall. I like my hall life very much. I can cook with my roommate, I can use the gym room to do exercise, I can choose what I want to eat everyday. I also had good experience cooperating with my hallmates to hold activity. Everything is fresh and exciting to me.

Also, sometimes I felt lost when there was a lot of information provided to me. I am glad that I have joined activities held by SYA-project. The Student Ambassadors are very helpful to answer my questions about graduate requirements, credit transfer and exchange information. Their sharing also encouraged me to enjoy my U-life as much as I can.