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Student Ambassador: Sandy Lo

Major: BBA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance

Transferred from: Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Something about me:

Hi, I am now a final year student majoring in Accounting and Finance. I articulated from HKCC.

Because of COVID-19, my campus life is full of challenges and interesting experience. I put effort in my studies and join many sorts of activities.

After a year studying at PolyU, I find out that you can go as far as you like if you are willing to try. Do not worry about GPA or internship hunting; we are here to help you and just believe you can handle it.

There was a time when I was struggling with meeting new friends and being adapted to u-life. However, the SYA project gave me a hand. During the orientation, I learned about graduation requirements, subject selection strategies, and campus infrastructure, etc. April showers bring May flowers -- I am now an SYA student ambassador, and I would like to share my own experience with new SYA students. And it is a pleasure for me to help whoever in need. 

I am looking forward to having you in our family. Let us know if you have any questions.


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