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20230207 website  BME RIAIoT and RISports successfully held first Distinguished Speaker Series 1

BME、RIAIoT 和 RISports舉辦傑出演講者系列講座

美國科學院院士、工程院院士、中國工程院外籍院士David WEITZ教授於 2023 年 1 月 11 日於理大發表題為“Droplet-templated materials with microfluidics”的傑出演講者系列講座。是次講座由生物醫學工程學系 (BME)、人工智能物聯網研究院 (RIAIoT) 和體育科技研究院 (RISports) 聯合舉辦,吸引了來自理大和內地院校及業界共約 200 名人士參加。


20230110 website - President Teng shares insights in the BJ News

滕校長新京報專訪: 香港具備成為大灣區科創引擎潛力

香港理工大學校長滕錦光教授接受新京報專訪,分享了他對香港和大灣區創科發展的見解,以及理大如何於這方面作出貢獻。 滕校長認為,香港享有內地發展帶來的眾多機遇,理大亦受惠於此,進一步推動大學的政策倡導工作和創科研究。 滕教授提到,香港理工大學高等研究院(PAIR)的成立及其11個研究所和5個研究中心,旨在通過交叉學科研究和知識轉移,以應對重大挑戰。他介紹了 PAIR 的一些研究項目,包括視覺科學研究中心成員推出的全新近視防控鏡片,以及深空探測研究中心為國家航天任務而設計的「落火狀態監視相機」丶「表取採樣執行裝置」和「行星遙感和測繪」。 作為大灣區最大的交叉學科研究平台,PAIR將繼續不懈努力,推動交叉學科研究和創新,造福大灣區及世界。 網上報導:


202301090website  PRI  Nano Research Top Papers Award 2000x1050px

光子技術研究院成員曾遠康博士榮獲2022年Nano Research最佳論文獎

光子技術研究院成員曾遠康博士憑「Highly sensitive solar-blind deep ultraviolet photodetector based on graphene/PtSe2/β-Ga2O32D/3D Schottky junction with ultrafast speed」一文獲Nano Research 2022最佳論文獎。  最佳論文獎於 2015 年由 Nano Research 編委會和清華大學出版社 (TUP) 共同設立。委員會(主編、副主編、TUP代表)根據最近一年的被引情況和論文貢獻情況,在全球眾多過去兩年於Nano Research發表過論文的科學家之中,選出獲獎者。  


20230106 DoRCDSE RTHK31


香港電台節目《我們的科學家》中第二及第三集的主題人物為深空探測研究中心主任容啟亮教授。第三集將於一月七日(星期六)播出,第二集亦可於以下網址重溫: 八集紀錄片《我們的科學家》將帶觀衆走進科學世界,了解科學家們在求知路上不斷追求、勇於探索的精神。節目將走訪多位成就卓越的科學家,從科學到生活,由科研到承傳,了解科研旅程的辛酸、喜悅和成功。


20230105 website  PRI  Dr Dongmei HUANG wins 2022 OGC 2000x1050px


光子技術研究院成員黃冬梅博士榮獲2022 年 OGC 青年科學家獎,以表揚其卓越學術成就。 第七屆全球光電大會於2022年12月6日至11日以網上方式舉行。會議由IEEE光子學會廣東分會主辦,以及南方科技大學承辦,旨在促進學界和業界各學科專業人士的國際互動與交流。


20230104 website  Ir Prof YUNG Kaileung Director of Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations feat


香港理工大學深空探測研究中心主任容啟亮教授工程師接受中國新聞網專訪,表示本港科研發展近年受港府愈趨重視以及國家的支持。 容教授曾多次帶領團隊參與國家重大深空探測任務,從「嫦娥三號」奔月到「天問一號」探火。他提及,香港要有所發展,就必須融入國家發展大局,依託內地資源,與內地優勢互補,才能走得更遠。他回憶道:「二十多年前,資助很少的。真的要成果上了天,才有多一點資助。」容教授觀察到,香港近年對科研的重視程度越來越高,受到的資助力度也越來越大,而國家首次在港澳地區選拔載荷專家,體現了國家對香港的信任和支持,以及對香港創科發展的認可。 網上報導: 文匯報 - (繁體版) 中國新聞網 - (簡體版)


20221228 Website - PAIR Public Seminar on 10 Jan 2023

PAIR Public Seminar: An Entrepreneur’s Perspective on Surgical Robotics and Telemedicine, and their Convergence (只有英文版本)

PAIR cordially invites you to our Public Seminar on 10 January 2023 (Tuesday) at 2:30-4:00pm (HKT) at PolyU campus and via Zoom. The hybrid seminar "An Entrepreneur’s Perspective on Surgical Robotics and Telemedicine, and their Convergence” will be delivered by Dr WANG Yulun, Fellow at Teladoc Health, and Co-founder and Chairman of Maxcess Health and World Telehealth Initiative.    Dr Wang has over 30 years working at the forefront of the surgical robotics and telemedicine industries. In this seminar, he will describe the evolution of these technologies and marketplaces and offer insights into how they will continue transforming healthcare delivery. Dr Wang earned his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1988. He is the author of 50+ technical publications and an inventor of over 200 patents. Among the honours, he received the 2017 IEEE Medal for Healthcare Innovation, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2011.   Dr Wang has been actively promoting various R&D initiatives and corporate social responsibility. He is co-founded of Maxcess Health, a company which maximises access to telesurgery, and the World Telehealth Initiative, a non-profit that engages volunteer clinicians and telemedicine to deliver healthcare expertise to impoverished areas in the world. Don’t miss the chance to learn about digital health from Dr Wang! Find out more and register at:


20221222 website - DoRISportss exclusive interview with Ta Kung Pao


香港理工大學體育科技研究院院長、生物醫學工程學系系主任及生物力學講座教授張明教授早前接受《大公報》專訪時透露,其團隊一直在研究個性化增材製造(3D打印)矯形鞋墊等多種體育裝備。增材製造是一種使用3D數據生產成品的技術,與傳統製造業相比,能大大地減少浪費材料、縮短製造週期,並省去大多數人手工序。此技術不但可用於運動裝備,提昇運動員的比賽表現,亦可用於生產個性化設計鞋墊和鞋等,幫助改善扁平足、足弓過高、足部嚴重外翻等足部問題。 研究項目的下一步計劃將繼續完善鞋墊設計及其表面材料,以提高用家舒適度、吸汗功能和緩震功能等。目前團隊正在與香港體育學院及其他相關機構溝通,希望3D鞋墊獲得更多投入應用的機會。 除了特殊鞋墊,張明教授亦與內地合作推出特製的籃球鞋,幫助打籃球人士保護足部。團隊開發一種鞋底內置三軸傳感器,以分析籃球切向運動中足底的垂直和剪切力的方向和大小分布。提升前掌舒適性的籃球鞋鞋底功能設計。 閱讀更多: (簡體中文)


20221220 website - RILS - 2022 RICS Awards Hong Kong


由土地及空間研究院成員、協理副校長(環球合作)、環球事務總監及建築管理講座教授沈歧平教授帶領的研究團隊,榮獲皇家特許測量師學會(香港)2022年度研究團隊優異獎。 研究團隊自2019年以來,與前海管理局緊密合作,提升深港兩地在建築領域的合作,並為針對兩地建築行業在大灣區跨境合作中遇到的問題提出解決方案。 團隊成功起草了兩套方案:《前海深港現代服務業合作區香港建築業機構註冊管理辦法》和《前海深港現代服務業合作區香港建造業人才註冊管理辦法》。這兩項措施均被前海管理局採納執行。 兩項措施的實施有助加強深港兩地建築界的資歷認可。截至2022年11月18日,前海合作區已有409名駐港專業人士和45家駐港機構完成註冊。該管理辦法亦2021年被國家發展和改革委員會列為47項創新舉措和做法之一,並將在全國推廣。 研究團隊在促進大灣區建築領域合作方面的貢獻得到了學會的高度認可。 這殊榮不但代表了團隊在建築環境方面的卓越成就,並且激勵團隊繼續為大灣區的基建發展作出貢獻。


20221220 Website  - Recap PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series 221206 (1)

President of Westlake University, Prof. SHI Yigong delivers the PAIR Distinguished Lecture (只有英文版本)

The PAIR Distinguished Lecture delivered by Prof. SHI Yigong, President of Westlake University, China, was successfully held on 6 December 2022. The webinar attracted over 420 participants from over 40 countries and regions, including Australia, Belgium, China, Canada, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Russian Federation, Singapore, Sweden, the United States, the United Kingdom, etc. The lecture was also broadcasted live on multiple social media platforms, including Bilibili, Baidu, Weibo and Weixin, and viewed by over 131,000 online audience in total.  The webinar was attended by senior administrators from local and overseas universities, who had a short exchange with President Shi before the lecture. They include: (in alphabetical order by last name) Prof. Kevin ASHFORD-ROWE, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Digital Learning) of Queensland University of Technology, Australia Prof. Patrick CHAU, Vice Provost for Research & Knowledge Exchange of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China Prof. Geoff CRISP, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) of the University of Canberra, Australia Prof. Simon EVANS, Interim Vice-Chancellor and CEO of the University of New England, Australia Prof. GAO Song, President of Sun Yat-Sen University, China Prof. Paul LAM, President of Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong Prof. LIU Bin, Senior Vice Provost (Faculty and Institutional Development) of National University of Singapore Prof. LUO Xishen, Vice President of the University of Science and Technology of China, China Mr Eric NG, Vice-President (Administration) and University Secretary of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Prof. Catherine SUN, Senior Vice President of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong The webinar was hosted by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR), Chair Professor of Building Thermal Science in the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering at PolyU. He briefed the audience about PAIR’s commitment to addressing societal challenges and responding to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.   In the welcome speech, Prof. TENG Jin-Guang, President of PolyU, thanked President Shi for giving a lecture for PolyU, which sheds light to the future of higher education. He stated that the role of universities is not confined to teaching and learning per se. “Universities are responsible for generating solutions through research and technology transfer to great societal problems we are facing … Westlake University aims to become a global leader in frontier scientific research and a reformer in higher education. Their objectives are to take on the greatest challenges facing humanity in the 21st century and vow to find scientific and technological solutions”, Prof. Teng added.   Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Chair Professor of Thermal and Environmental Engineering at PolyU, then introduced President Shi, giving the audience a brief background about Westlake University and President Shi’s academic and career accomplishments in the higher education sector.   President Shi began the lecture by providing a brief historical background about China’s education reform in the 1970s—millions of Chinese students enjoyed the new opportunities for overseas education brought by China’s reform and opening up, and students returned home with the knowledge that significantly impacted China’s development in education, science, and technology. President Shi also stressed that China always has a role in human civilisation—as indicated by the four inventions in ancient times. Thus, the Nation should contribute a large share of scientific and technological breakthroughs to the humanities and the world through exchange and collaboration.   President Shi further explained the distinctiveness of the Westlake University. The university pioneered a new model of a world-class university strongly supported by the government, philanthropies, and the private sector. The central government, the provincial government of Zhejiang, the municipal government of Hangzhou, as well as the local government of the West Lake district provided enormous support for the development of the university. The university also established the Westlake Education Foundation to raise funds from all sectors of society, integrating societal resources for promoting the establishment and development of the university.   After that, President Shi talked about the interdisciplinary culture of the Westlake University and gave illustrative examples in terms of the composition of its Board of Trustees and international advisors, global faculty recruitment, as well as student education.   To conclude the lecture, President Shi presented some recent cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements at Westlake University which benefit the world and humankind. These include the analysis of the structure of the receptor of the SARS-CoV-2; the development of an anti-COVID-19 oral drug WPV01; the deciphering of the structure of CatSper, the mammalian sperm cation channel complex; the discovery of the crucial role of bacteria in breast cancer metastasis for the first time; the revelation of the chemical catalytic process before oxygen formation in photosynthesis; as well as the design of a new strategy to improve the stability of perovskite solar cells.   A question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. Chen followed. The audiences were inspired to have a fruitful exchange with President Shi on the challenges of higher education reform, the positioning of Westlake University, the criteria for higher education success, global faculty recruitment, the importance of governmental support, and student recruitment.   Please click here for an online review.


