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Website - Establishment of RISports

體育科技研究院正式成立 ​

為促進體育領域的跨學科合作,讓影響深遠的研究能得以推行, 香港理工大學(理大)於2022年6月1日成立體育科技研究院(RISports)。研究院為理大高等研究院(PAIR)轄下的研究單位,由生物醫學工程學系系主任兼講座教授張明擔任院長。 作為跨學科的研究平台,RISports旨在滙聚理大專家,並與世界各地的翹楚合作,為體育運動提供科學理據和嶄新的工程解決方案。 RISports 成立的主要目標是: 在體育科技主題領域中進行尖端研究; 與企業和機構合作,將科學和工程知識,以及其相關應用進行知識轉移,促進體育工業、體育機構及院校發展; 和 培育體育科學及科技的未來領袖。


Website - MHRC 20220527


精神健康研究中心副主任丶講座教授及康復治療科學系系主任曾永康教授於5月24日播映的港台電視節目,分享如何在疫情下維持健康生活。 曾教授先於節目「精靈一點」介紹由理大康復治療科學系副系主任符少娥教授領導的研究團隊設計的八段錦和「康復八式」等身心運動,或有助於舒緩「長新冠」症狀。他提醒大眾身心運動的關鍵是要配合動作、呼吸和意念,並持之以恆,每天練習10分鐘,每週維持四到五天,經過六到八週就能改善體質。 請按此重溫節目(只有中文,曾教授的訪問從09:04開始) 此外, 他於另一節目《防疫速遞》分享在家工作時如何達到工作與生活平衡。他指出,在家工作可能會出現不確定因素和焦慮。他鼓勵大眾可以透過伸展運動或閱讀,以及與上司和家人進行良好的協調,讓工作與生活更能平衡。 曾教授最後提到,由於大家已經習慣了在家工作,當回到辦公室工作時,或需要過度期適應。 請按此重溫節目(只有中文,曾教授的訪問從09:16開始)


Website - Academia Europaea

PAIR 研究人員獲選為歐洲人文和自然科學院外籍院士

三名PAIR科研人員獲選為歐洲人文和自然科學院外籍院士,以表揚他們在有關科研領域的傑出成就。電子計算學系曹建農教授與陳長汶教授榮膺信息學領域的歐洲人文和自然科學院外籍院士 ,土地測量及地理資訊學系翁齊浩教授則榮任地球及宇宙科學領域的歐洲人文和自然科學院外籍院士。 這項榮譽不單表彰了科研人員在電子計算學和地理資訊學的重大貢獻,還肯定了大學多年來致力透過科研與創新以貢獻社會的努力。


Website  - Recap PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series 220517 (1)

PAIR Successfully Hosts Its Second Distinguished Lecture Series by Professor David Cardwell of University of Cambridge (只有英文版本)

The PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series was successfully held on 17 May 2022. We were honoured to have renowned scholar, Prof. David Cardwell, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Strategy and Planning), University of Cambridge, UK, as the invited speaker.  The webinar was hosted by Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Chair Professor of Thermal and Environmental Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU).  It attracted over 430 participants from 30 countries and regions.  Honourable participants include: (In alphabetical order of their last names) Prof. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia Prof. Kent Anderson, Deputy Vice Chancellor Global of The University of Newcastle, Australia Prof. Sean Brawley, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Strategy & Planning) of University of Wollongong, Australia Prof. Chetwyn Chan, Vice President (Research and Development) of The Education University of Hong Kong Prof. Caroline Chan, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Global Partnerships of The University of Newcastle, Australia Prof. Haydn Chen, Chief Strategy Officer of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Prof. Tim Cheng, Vice-President for Research and Development of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Prof. Archie Clements, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Health Sciences of Curtin University, Australia Prof. Lianzhen He, Vice President of Zhejiang University, China Prof. Peter Høj AC, Vice-Chancellor and President of The University of Adelaide, Australia Prof. Ian Holliday, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) of The University of Hong Kong Prof. Elizabeth Johnson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic of Deakin University, Australia Dr Chao-Hsin Lin, International Advisory Committee Member of the PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research Prof. Yu-hon Lui, Vice President (Resources and Development) of Hong Kong Metropolitan University Prof. Charlie Xue, Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) of RMIT University STEM College, Australia Prof. Man-Sung Yim, Associate Vice President, International Office of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea Prof. Qingyan Chen, Director of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR), Chair Professor of Building Thermal Science of Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering of PolyU, briefed the audiences about the establishment of PAIR aiming to address societal challenges as outlined in the 2030 agenda for 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. In the introduction, Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, President of PolyU, expressed appreciation for Prof. Cardwell to be speaker of PAIR’s distinguished lecture, he said, “As the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Strategy and Planning at the University of Cambridge with a wealth of valuable experience, the vision of Prof. Cardwell is not only important for Cambridge and the United Kingdom, but also for the entire world.” Prof. Cardwell began with an overview of the challenges posed to modern day universities by the breadth and diversity of international further education curricular of pre-university students in which results in evolving of the university curriculum of moving towards problem-based learning. Subsequently, Prof. Cardwell presented his views in the implications for higher education within the context of both teaching and research.  He pointed out that the key to the future of global universities would be their response to education post Covid-19, the move towards on-line and hybrid teaching and reformation of established examination and assessment processes. Universities need to place increased focus on widening participation, transferable skills in teaching and learning, partnerships with industry, and on subject-based innovation as move to an environment-led economy.  Prof. Cardwell further explained that metrics such as gender balance, ethnicity, employability, and diversity of academic content would become increasingly indicative of good university performance, the reason is universities become more selective in the range of courses that they offer.  All of these would lead to wider collaborations between universities and industries to deliver sector specific training for graduate students. To conclude, Prof. Cardwell advised that the future of global universities would be on the basis of their ability of engagement, especially in the increasingly large, collaborative international projects and talent recruitment. Besides, the reduced need for physical travel underpinned by artificial intelligence, mental health and well-being pivotal of students and staff, the ability to demonstrate diversity and quality, as well as the imminence of addressing global warming are also the major factors. The lecture was followed by a 30 minutes fruitful discussion, which was moderated by Prof. Wong Kwok-yin, Vice President (Education) and Chair Professor of Chemical Technology of PolyU, and Prof. Andrew Cohen, Director of HKUST Jockey Club Institute of Advanced Study, Lam Woo Foundation Professor and Acting Dean of Science of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.  Please click here for online review.  


Prof Hector TsangFinal


香港理工大學康復治療科學系系主任及講座教授暨精神健康研究中心副主任曾永康教授獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金第二輪「新冠肺炎緊急援助基金」撥款50 萬港元,以開發數碼平台支援弱勢社群抗疫。此基金旨在提供迅速撥款,以支援非牟利組織為受疫情影響的市民提供快、準、新的服務,發揮互助關愛精神共同抵抗疫情。 鑑於新冠肺炎疫情第五波自本年初迅速蔓延,香港政府快速收緊社區距離措施並提升應變級別至緊急程度,此變化對經濟有困難的弱勢社群打擊尤其嚴重。是次獲資助研究項目名為「開發數碼平台(電子心理評估、資源及信息工具包;電子醫療登記信息和技術系統)以支援新冠肺炎疫情大流行下弱勢群體的精神健康」,項目以本地弱勢社群為主要服務對象,藉建立數碼平台提供緊急精神健康和心理支援,以減輕第五波疫情對他們的影響。 我們十分榮幸獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金支持,藉此項目攜手支援弱勢社群抗疫!祝願精神健康數碼平台開發成功,惠及社群!  


Website - PAIR helps striving towards Carbon Neutrality on campus and beyond


氣候變化和高碳排放量是世界正面對的迫切問題。為了達致校園碳中和並支持香港在 2050 年達成碳中和的目標,理大成立了「建立碳中和校園專案小組」。 專案小組主席由副校長(研究及創新)趙汝恒教授擔任,專家成員則來自理大各學院以及理大高等研究院(PAIR)轄下的研究院和研究中心。 請到閱讀全文。    


Website - Chairman Ning LI Visited PolyU for Cooperation (1)


(只有英文版本)Dr Ning LI, Chairman of Li-Ning Company Limited, visited PolyU on 5th May 2022 to seek further cooperation with PolyU. Li-Ning Company Limited is a famous Chinese sportswear and sports equipment company founded in 1989 by Ning LI, a former Chinese Olympic gymnast.   Professor Xiaoming TAO, Director of RI-IWEAR, Professor Jintu FAN, Professor Li LI, and Dr Tracy MOK, members of RI-IWEAR gave introductions on the research related to sportswear and health care for sportsmen, displayed the examples of the latest textile technology, and demonstrated the monitoring and rehabilitation technology for the sportsman, respectively.   Dr Ning LI detailed consulted on the relevant technical requirements and the possible development directions. The whole process of technology introduction and demonstration was broadcasted to the R & D team of Li-Ning Company Limited at the same time. This is communication for research and development knowledge transfer.


Dr Sonata Yau News Banner_Final

精神健康研究中心成員榮獲創新及科技基金資助計劃逾 170萬港元撥款

香港理工大學康復治療科學系副教授暨精神健康研究中心成員邱淑瑜博士榮獲由創新及科技基金設立的內地與香港聯合資助計劃撥款,資助金額超過 170萬港元。該資助計劃旨在支持及鼓勵香港和內地的大學、科研機構和科技企業加強科研合作。 獲資助研究項目名為「推進應用於中藥方劑中活性抗抑鬱成分:研究協同激活PACAP介導的快速持久抗抑鬱作用」。項目重點研究越鞠丸,它是一種早在800 年前已有記載的中草藥複方,主要用作治療與情緒病有關的各種症狀。該研究重點為促進越鞠丸的臨床應用,研究其提取物內的活性抗抑鬱成分的作用機制。 研究結果將為越鞠丸提取物內的活性成分如何在抗抑鬱治療上產生協同作用提供機理研究,並促進以越鞠丸為本的抗抑鬱配方的現代化,以及找出用於抑鬱症病人中的最合適劑量。  再次恭喜邱博士!  


website - PAIR

PAIR is featured in the latest issue of Excel x Impact Spring 2022

PAIR is featured in the latest issue of Excel x Impact published by PolyU! Let's read the full story:  


Website - Limin Endowed Young Scholar in Advanced Textiles Technologies


恭喜智能可穿戴系統研究院成員壽大華博士獲理大委任為利民先進紡織科技青年學者。壽博士獲獎無數,曾代表理大連續兩年奪得TechConnect全球創新獎,以及日內瓦發明獎等國際知名科創獎項。壽博士曾發表SCI論文超過六十篇,刊登於Science Advances、PNAS、Advanced Energy Materials、Advanced Functional Materials等著名國際期刊;目前擔任四本SCI期刊編委,以及多本SCI期刊的首席客座編輯。 利民先進紡織科技青年學者席由聯業製衣有限公司主席、RI-IWEAR 工業顧問委員會成員李乃熺博士捐贈。 點擊連結了解更多勵學青年學者冠名計劃的信息。


