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RIRC receives RGC grant 2000 1050 TC update

香港理工大學高等研究院多個跨學科研究項目獲批資助及撥款共超過 3600 萬港元 (只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本) The Research Grant Committee (RGC) announced the funding results of the Research Impact Fund (RIF) 2021/22, Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) in 2021/22 and Second Round One-off CRF COVID-19 and Novel Infectious Diseases(NID) Research Exercise earlier this year.  Seven interdisciplinary research projects conducted by PAIR’s constituent research units received over HK$36 million grant in total.  Research project Project Coordinator Research Institute / Research Centre involved Amount awarded RGC CRF 2021/22 Research Equipment Grant High performance deep learning clusters for big data analytics Prof. Chen Xiaojun RIAIoT, SCRI and RCSV $3,099,659 Advanced Fourier-transform Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer for Molecular and Nano Functional Materials Research Prof. Raymond Wong Wai-yeung RISE and RI-IWEAR $7,964,914 RGC CRF 2021/22 Research Project Grant Study of Carbon Sequestration in Hong Kong’s Vegetation: from Present to Future Prediction under Climate Change Prof. Charles Wong Man-sing RILS and RISUD $4,949,639 RGC Research Impact Fund 2021/22     Deeper understanding of Color Matching Mechanism for Developing High-quality Lighting and Imaging Systems Dr Tommy Wei Minchen  PRI and RISUD   Total amount of $8,800,000 Reliable Multiagent Collaborative Global Navigation Satellite System Positioning for Intelligent Transportation Systems  Dr Hsu Li Ta RISUD and RIAIoT Second Round One-off CRF COVID-19 and NID Research Exercise in 2021/22 Is the usual social distance sufficient to avoid airborne infection of expiratory droplets in indoor environments? Prof. Guo Hai RILS and RISUD $4,703,090 Spatiotemporal prediction and real-time early warning of COVID-19 onset risk Prof. John Shi Wenzhong SCRI $6,964,000


DoPAIR research 20220121


跨國出版公司 Wiley在2022 年 1 月 20 日發布以下新聞稿,介紹陳教授團隊的近期工作。 團隊發表在 Indoor Air 期刊上的一項研究模擬 SARS-CoV-2(導致 COVID-19 的病毒)在從倫敦飛往河內的航班和從新加坡飛往杭州的另一架航班上的傳播。 研究人員在模擬感染者在機艙內咳嗽、說話和呼吸活動所產生的不同大小的飛沫擴散時發現,飛沫中所含的 SARS-CoV-2 病毒隨機艙空氣分佈而傳播,並被其他乘客吸入。 科學家們計算了每位乘客吸入的病毒拷貝數,以確定感染情況。他們的方法在第一例飛行中正確預測了 84% 的感染/未感染病例。該團隊還發現,佩戴口罩和減少乘客之間的交談頻率有助於降低第二例飛行的暴露風險。通訊作者、上海交通大學建築學院副教授兼副系主任賴達禕博士說:「很高興看到我們通過實驗數據驗證的模型,在預測 COVID-19 在客機客艙中的傳播方面,能夠達到如此高的準確度。此外,最重要的是,研究讓我們知道了戴口罩對減少傳播有重大影響。」 此研究已發表在 Indoor Air期刊,請按以下連結閱讀全文。 訪問已於多個平台刊登及上載,詳情請瀏覽以下網址: Science Daily Daily Mail EurekAlert Archyde The Jerusalem Post News Wise Eminetra Canarian Weekly News Medical Life Sciences Medical Xpress Opera News SC Online News



碳中和資源工程研究中心成立儀式 (只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本) The PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) was proud to celebrate the inauguration of the Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality (RCRE) on 14 January 2022 on the PolyU campus. Over 100 guests from the Hong Kong Government, PolyU, the industry and the Centre’s research partners attended physically or online and witnessed this new page. Under PAIR’s leadership, RCRE will become the effective platform aligning people of similar interests to work together in the very important interdisciplinary research field of how to make good use of resource engineering to achieve carbon neutrality. “Our campus is working hard on achieving the goal of carbon neutrality before 2050. RCRE fits very well into this arena and its research work will add great value to helping not only PolyU but the whole community to achieve this target that can benefit our society in a meaningful way,” said PolyU’s Vice President (Research and Innovation) Professor Christopher Chao at the inauguration ceremony. Speaking at the same occasion, Professor Jin-Guang Teng, President of PolyU, stated that PolyU now has the largest research team and facilities among all the universities in Hong Kong focusing on resources engineering towards carbon neutrality, and has established a strong track record and recognised reputation in the waste management research community. PolyU will advance further with the establishment of RCRE for the good of the society. Attending the ceremony online, Mr Wong Kam-sing, Secretary for the Environment, commended PolyU for its contribution and efforts to pool its interdisciplinary talents and facilities to advance the development of decarbonisation technologies and related policy study. The ceremony also featured a fruitful scientific exchange by different PolyU and overseas researchers who presented on a kaleidoscope of topics. Poster presentations on current projects conducted by PolyU researchers were also staged and attracted the attention of all the attending guests at the spot.


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潘樂陶慈善基金智慧城市研究院研究團隊,利用發病者及確診病例所在地點、時間、人口流動、疫苗完全接種率等大數據,預測本地Omicron疫情擴散情況。團隊預測大埔、屯門及北角區等發病風險最高。   相關報導 (中文) Now TV - RTHK - 東方日報 - 香港經濟日報 - 星島日報 - am730 - 晴報 - 文匯報 - 香港商報 - 香港01 -   Online coverage (English) SCMP - The Standard -


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視覺科學研究中心研究團隊研發治療方案減慢兒童和少年近視加深速度 (只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本) Myopia, or shortsightedness, has reached epidemic levels worldwide. Non-invasive optical interventions are more preferred to help slow down myopia progression. Amongst such treatments is the Defocus Incorporated Soft Contact (DISC) lens developed by researchers at the Research Centre for SHARP Vision (RCSV) , proven to slow myopia progression among children by 60%. Welcome to read more about this here:  


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理大樂見新資源推展不同研究項目 (只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本) Professor Christopher Chao, PolyU’s Vice President (Research and Innovation) told the media he was delighted to welcome the new funding sources from Mainland China and increased resources from the Hong Kong government to support research. Talents from Hong Kong could participate in various new innovation and technology projects.    Taking note of the growing importance of interdisciplinary research, he also commended the establishment of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) and the various new research institutes and centres.   Online coverage:   Sing Tao Daily -  Headline Daily -  



理大將投放4億元推動理大高等研究院轄下的研究院及研究中心,針對社會民生重要議題進行科研工作 (只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本) Prof. Wing-tak Wong, PolyU’s Deputy President and Provost, said in an interview that the University will invest HK$400 million in the next three years in 15 new research institutes and centres for areas like smart city, wearable smart devices and Chinese medicine. Prof. Wong said the research will focus on people’s key daily life issues like clothing and food, with an emphasis on addressing societal challenges. One of the institutes established lately is the Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood). Dr Wong Ka-hing, Director of RiFood and Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, told media that RiFood is currently conducting a research on the efficacies of traditional Chinese dietary supplements like bird's nest and sea cucumbers. Another research undergoing at RiFood is how to convert food waste into 3D printing materials with nanotechnology. The institute is also conducting projects about AI food authentication and food sustainability. (Hong Kong Economic Times A10, Sky Post P08)   Online coverage : Hong Kong Economic Times  Sky Post   


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理大深空探測研究中心參與研究,發現月表撞擊殘留物可能是目前月球的水源之一 (只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本) A study led by the National Space Science Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences and joined by Prof. Wu Bo, Associate Director of Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations and Associate Head of Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics of PolyU, has found carbonaceous chondrite remnants of an impactor in a young lunar crater formed within one million years, a first-time discovery of such fragments by in-situ investigation on the far side of the Moon. Scientists suggests that carbonaceous chondrite-like meteorites may provide 10 to 20% of the sources of water to the present Moon. Prof. Wu’s involvement in the research was to use innovative 3D mapping technology to create a detailed 3D topographic model of the 2-m size crater from the lunar surface images acquired by the Yutu-2 rover of Chang’e-4. The 3D morphological characteristic of the crater is critical to judge if the crater was resulted from a meteorite impact or not. The results were published in the scientific journal Nature Astronomy ( Please refer to the following links for the media interviews:  Ta Kung Pao - China News - 北京晚報 - The Cover - Sina - Sohu - Toutiao - 一點資訊 -  


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理大高等研究院學者獲列入全球排名首 2% 頂尖科學家名單 (只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本) Stanford University has recently released an update of the list that represents the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines. The report was prepared by a team of experts led by Prof. John Ioannidis, the eminent Professor at the Stanford University. PAIR is very proud to announce that the 95 PAIR members in various research institutes and centres are on the list. Please click here to check the list of PAIR members recognised as top two percent scientists worldwide in 2021. The list issued by Standford University can be downloaded from here: Congratulations to our top scientists!



理大可穿戴系統研究院影片於美國材料研究學會秋季會議中播出 (只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本) The video featuring the research highlights of Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable System is available online at the YouTube Channel WebsEdge Science. This five-minute video will be broadcast in the daily program called “Thought Leadership” during 2021 Material Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit. 2021 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit meeting is the preeminent annual event for those in the field of materials research, featuring over 50 symposia and attracting 6,000 researchers from every corner of the globe. The meeting will be held on 29 November – 2 December 2021 in Boston and 6-8 December 2021 in online platform. This video will be broadcast on screens in high visibility areas throughout the Centre in a compilation of the MRS TV films from 29 November to 2 December and also in the MRS TV program, alongside news and interviews during the conference on 30 November. Please click here to view more details about 2021 Material Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit.


