Prof. Yeung Hung-to, Raymond
Professor of Practice (Biotechnology)
- TU506
- +852 3400 2684
- raymond-h.yeung@polyu.edu.hk
Research Overview
I am interested in understanding the factors and mechanisms that influence the productivity and efficiency of the drug research and development process.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D., University of South Australia, Division of Business, International Graduate School of Business, Australia (2017)
- MBA, California State University, Hayward, USA (2004)
- M.Sc. in Biomedical Science (Medical Microbiology), University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), UK (1998)
- B.Sc. (Economics), University of London, UK (1993)
- Graduate Diploma in Management Research, University of South Australia, Division of Business,
International Graduate School of Business, Australia (2009) - Graduate Certificate in International Arbitration, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (2018)
- Higher Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology, Hong Kong University (1979)
Professional Qualifications
- Fellowship of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, United Kingdom
- Advanced Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology (Medical Microbiology), Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists, Canada
- Certificate of Registration, College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario, Canada
Academic and Professional Experience
- Avalon Biomedical (Management) Ltd.
- Executive Vice President (2019 – 2021)
- Senior Vice President, Operations and R&D (2018 - 2019)
- Vice President, Operations and R&D (2015 – 2018)
- Emerging Viral Research Ltd.: President (2015 – 2021)
- Athenex Inc., USA: General Manager, Athenex Hong Kong (2017 – 2021) and Senior Director & Deputy Head, Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs, Asia-Pacific (2016 – 2021)
- Fortune Pharmacal, Hong Kong: General Manager (2012 – 2015)
- Albany Molecular Research Inc. (AMRI), Singapore Research Center (now Curia Global Inc.): Managing Director (2007 – 2011)
- MDS Inc. and MDS Pharma Services, Canada & Singapore: Director, Asia Pacific, MDS Pharma Services, Singapore (2002 – 2006)
Research Interests
- Prevalence and Mechanisms of Macrolide Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Group A Streptococci from Ontario, Canada. J. C. S. De Azavedo, R. H. Yeung, D. J. Bast, C. L. Duncan, S. B. Borgia, and D. E. Low Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 1999 43: 2144-2147.
- Prevalence and Mechanisms of Macrolide Resistance in Clinical Isolates of S. pneumoniae, Streptococci of the Viridans Group and Group A Streptococci (GAS).J C S de Azavedo, N J Johnston, P Chang, R Yeung, S Tyler, M Coulthart, W Johnson and D E Low. Streptococcal Meeting, France, Jan. 1998.
- Comparison of the Seasonal Incidence of Cyclospora cayatenensis and Cryptosporidium parum in Routine Faecal Examinations over 3 years. General Meeting; American Society for Microbiology; 1997 May 4-9; Miami Beach (FL). Report No.:C-223. J Palmer, R Bleicher, B Gandhi, and R. Yeung.
- Reproducibility and accuracy of different testing methods for determining the susceptibility of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Canadian Association of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (CACMID) Poster, Nov 1995, B Gandhi, R Yeung, G Small, P Lo, M Skulnick, D Low, S Matsumura
- Efficacy of Multiple Specimens for the Recovery of Parasites in a Community-based Laboratory. ASM Poster, 1995. S Finn, P Foltas, S Murdock, S E Farhat, R Yeung, E Molina-Bravo, D Gopaul, D Diena, B B Diena.
- Use of a Single Combined Direct and Washed Smear for the Detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts. ASM Poster, 1994. S Finn, S Murdock, P Foltas, R Yeung, B Diena and D Diena.
- Use of a Combined Direct and Washed Smear in the Detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts. Letter to the Editors. Finn S, R Yeung, P Foltas, S Murdock. Clin Microbiol Newsletter 1992;14:191-192.
- Isolation and identification of halophilic vibrios. (Letter) Ng E Y L, Yeung H T, Simon M T P. Med Lab Sci 1985;42:104-105
- An improved medium for the isolation and rapid identification of group B streptococci in female genital tract specimens. Ng E Y L, Yeung H T. Aust J Med Lab Sci 1983;3:11-14.
- Devices and Methods for Enhancing Immunogenicity to Intradermal Vaccination, United States Provisional Application No. 62/419,895 filed on November 9, 2016, R Yeung, C Lau, JYL Lau, I Hung, KY Yuen.
- Methods and Compositions for Enhancing Immunogenicity of Vaccine, United States Provisional Application No. 63/015483 filed on April 25, 2020, Kang Zhang, Manson Fok, Raymond Yeung, Johnson Yiu-Nam Lau, Kwok-Yung Yuen.