
C0110 resized

1) Preparing an Abstract

  • Abstract should adhere to the style and formatting requirements in the following template: download link
  • Abstract should not exceed one A4 page, including figure(s)/table(s) and references, with a maximum of 300 words for the main text.
  • Main text should be with single line spacing.
  • References should be in American Medical Association (AMA) style.

 2) Submitting an Abstract

  • Submit your abstract with this submission link
  • Select your preferred type of presentation (Keynote, Invited, Oral, Poster)

 3) Review and Acceptance Process

  • The abstracts will be reviewed based on contents and scientific merits.
  • Acceptance or Rejection of abstract will be sent to presenters by email.

  4) Conference Registration

  • Presenters of accepted abstracts must register for the conference (please see the Registration page for details).
  • Presenters not registered beyond the registration deadline will be seen as forfeiting their presentation.

Personal Information Protection 

Registered personal information will only be used for the conference and will be deleted at the conclusion of the conference. For more information, please view the Privacy Policy Statement of PolyU.