
C0110 resized

We offer industries and associations that would like to become a sponsor or exhibitor the following packages:

Gold Sponsorship (HK$30,000)

  • 1 Booth (1mW x 1.5 mH display board with 1m2 product display surface and 1m3 storage area)
  • A5 promotion leaflet to be included in program book
  • Company logo on conference webpage
  • Acknowledgement in program book
  • 1 complimentary banquet ticket
  • 1 complimentary registration pass

Silver Sponsorship (HK$10,000)

  • A5 promotion leaflet to be included in program book
  • Company logo on conference webpage
  • Acknowledgement in program book


Please contact the secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for queries or more information.