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Specialism: Actuarial and Investment Science (AIS)

A student studying for Master of Science (AIS) award must complete:
  • 6 compulsory subjects (18 credits) + 4 additional core subjects (12 credits), or
  • 6 compulsory subjects (18 credits) + 1 additional core subject (3 credits) + a dissertation (9 credits)
A student studying for Postgraduate Diploma (AIS) award must complete:
  • 6 compulsory subjects (18 credits) + 1 additional core subject (3 credits)

List of core subjects

Subject Code Subject Title
AMA505 Optimization Methods
AMA507 Mathematical Modeling for Science and Technology
AMA514A Applied Linear Models
AMA515A Forecasting and Applied Time Series Analysis
AMA518 Simulation
AMA523 Optimal Control with Management Science Applications
AMA528 Probability and Stochastic Models ##
AMA529 Statistical Inference ##
AMA530 Mathematics of Finance ^
AMA531 Loss Models and Risk Analysis ##
AMA532 Investment Science ## ^
AMA533 Life Contingencies ## ^
AMA534 Credibility Theory ##
AMA535 Mathematics of Derivative Pricing ^
AMA546 Statistical Data Mining
AMA567 Quantum Computing for Data Science
AMA568 Advanced Topics in Quantitative Finance
AMA570 Current Topics in Actuarial Science
AMA590 Dissertation
AF5312 Principles of Corporate Finance

## Compulsory subjects
^ The courses have been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund (CEF) purposes.
Year 1 Semester 1 *AMA528 Probability and Stochastic Models

*AMA532 Investment Science

One elective subject
Semester 2 *AMA529 Statistical Inference

*AMA533 Life Contingencies

AMA568 Advanced Topics in Quantitative Finance

AMA570 Current Topics in Actuarial Science
Year 2 Semester 1 *AMA531 Loss Models and Risk Analysis

*AMA534 Credibility Theory

AMA535 Mathematics of Derivative Pricing
* Compulsory subjects

Specialism: Decision Science (DS)

A student studying for Master of Science (DS) award should complete:
  • 4 core subjects (including the compulsory subject AMA507)
  • 3 other subjects (core or elective#) and
  • a dissertation or 3 additional core subjects
A student studying for Postgraduate Diploma (DS) award should complete:
  • 4 core subjects and
  • 3 other subjects (core or elective#)

List of core subjects

Subject Code Subject Title For Current Students
AMA502 Operations Research Methods+ Course Materials
AMA505 Optimization Methods Course Materials
AMA506 Graphs and Networks Course Materials
AMA507 Mathematical Modeling for Science and Technology * Course Materials
AMA514A Applied Linear Models Course Materials
AMA515A Forecasting and Applied Time Series Analysis Course Materials
AMA518 Simulation Course Materials
AMA523 Optimal Control with Management Science Applications Course Materials
AMA524 Scientific Computing Course Materials
AMA527 Decision Analysis Course Materials
AMA528 Probability and Stochastic Models Course Materials
AMA529 Statistical Inference Course Materials
AMA530 Mathematics of Finance+ Course Materials
AMA531 Loss Models and Risk Analysis Course Materials
AMA532 Investment Science+ Course Materials
AMA533 Life Contingencies+ Course Materials
AMA534 Credibility Theory Course Materials
AMA535 Mathematics of Derivative Pricing+ Course Materials
AMA542 Advanced Operations Research Methods Course Materials
AMA546 Statistical Data Mining Course Materials
AMA568 Advanced Topics in Quantitative Finance Course Materials
AMA590 Dissertation Work Flow
AF5312 Principles of Corporate Finance Course Materials
* AMA507 is a compulsory subject for Master of Science (DS)
+ The courses have been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund (CEF) purposes.
# Similar to the scheme-based arrangement, students are allowed to take elective subjects from other postgraduate schemes/programmes, as long as pre-requisite requirements are satisfied.
The list of Reimbursable Courses for the purpose of Continuing Education Fund is as follows. Note that (i) These courses have been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund (這些課程已加入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內) AND (ii) These courses / The mother course (The Master of Science in Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology. Specialisms: i. Actuarial and Investment Science and ii. Decision Science) of this module are recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level[6]) (這些課程 / 本單元所屬之主體課程(科技應用數學理學碩士學位. 專業:i. 精算與投資科學 ii. 決策科學)在資歷架構下獲得認可(資歷架構第[6]).

No. CEF Course Code. Course Title
1 42Z144770 Operations Research Methods
2 42Z144789
Mathematics of Finance
3 42Z144797
Investment Science
4 42Z144800
Life Contingencies
5 42Z144819
Mathematics of Derivative Pricing
6 42Z159859 Advanced Topics in Quantitative Finance
[Module from Master of Science in Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Actuarial and Investment Science)]
Students of these CEF-reimbursable courses may apply for subsidies from the government via

Subjects in AMA for Validation by Education Experience credit: Mathematical Statistics

Subject Code Subject Name Start Date End Date Acceptable Grades Documentation Required
 AMA529 Statistical Inference   1/15/2018 12/31/2025
 A+,A,A-,B+,B,B- Original Official Transcript 

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