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Release of Assessment Results for Summer Term of 2023/24 (Taught Programmes)

8 Jul 2024

Assessment Results

In connection with the release of assessment results for Summer Term of the 2023/24 academic year, we would like to draw your attention to the following arrangements:


Schedule for Release of Subject and Overall Results

The assessment results for Summer Term of 2023/24 will be released via eStudent (My Results > Assessment Results) according to the following schedule:

  Date  Event 
From 31 July 2024, 10.00 am  Release of subject results *  
From 8 August 2024, 10.00 am  Release of overall results # 
The option of checking results for “All Semesters” will be suspended during the period:  30 July - 8 August 2024
*  Cases with subject results not yet available will not be shown.  Please contact your subject offering department for the release schedule. 
If the overall result is not yet available, the statement “Overall result for this semester is not yet finalised” will be shown.  Please contact your programme offering department for the release schedule.

Information that You Need to Know 

  1. Students on Academic Probation (Student Handbook > 6. Assessment > C. Academic Probation)
    Students on Academic Probation (i.e., students with GPA < 1.70) should complete the Form ‘Study Load for Students on Academic Probation’ (Form AR150) and meet with their Academic Advisors to finalise the subjects/credits to be taken in the following semester.
  2. Appeal Against Assessment Results
  3. Graduate Checklist (eStudent > My Profile > Study Information > Graduate Checklist)
    Graduates of Undergraduate programmes
    can refer to the "Graduate Checklist" for subjects taken to fulfil the graduation requirements upon release of graduation overall results.  If you have excess completed subjects and would like to change the subjects taken to fulfil the Free Elective requirement for a better Award GPA, you can approach your programme offering department within 2 weeks (counting from the release of graduation overall results) for appropriate follow-up actions.
  4. Transcript of Studies for Graduates (Complimentary copy & Electronic copy)
    Both complimentary and electronic copies will be available in around a month upon the release of your graduation overall results. The complimentary copy will be sent to the correspondence address of the graduate by the respective Faculty/School.


Area URL/Contact Party
Subject Results
Subject Teachers/Subject Offering Departments
Overall Result/Work-Integrated Education (WIE) Programme Offering Department
 Academic Advice
 Programme Leader/Academic Advisor
 Healthy Lifestyle (HLS)
 Office of Undergraduate Studies

Viewing of Assessment Results at eStudent


Academic Registry:



Hotline: 2333 0600

Information shown on Assessment Results Sheet FAQs 

Academic Registry

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