The Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is pleased to announce that two of our BSE students have been awarded in the HKIE-SSC Students Project Competition 2016, which is organized by Safety Specialist Committee (SSC) of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).
Dr. LIU Jing won the Runner-up (MTR Award) in the Doctorate Degree Group with her project titled “A Study on Fires & Associated Provisions in Open Kitchens in Small Residential Units of Tall Buildings”.
Mr. CHEUNG Ka-ming, MSc student, won the Champion (Towngas OSH Award) in the Master Degree Group with his project titled “A Study on the Evacuation Strategies for Deep Underground Subway Station”.
Both students were supervised by Professor W.K. CHOW.
Professor CHOW was invited to the Annual Dinner cum Award Presentation of the HKIE/SSC - Students Project Competition 2016 held on 13 January 2017 at YMCA, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong.
Prof. CHOW representing the winning students to receive awards
The aims of the Student Projects Competition are to promote safety and health in the field of engineering and science regime, and to provide an open and competitive platform for engineering students to demonstrate their engineering capabilities and share their learning process in the aspects of safety and health.
The HKIE Safety Specialist Committee Students Project Competition 2016